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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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True, now for the third angle:
Attack has some indirect link to US CIA, utilising their assets (moles) in Pakistani ISI, to keep the tensions between India-Pak to prevent Peace in the region and keep supplying both sides with military hardware. This is much more plausible than false flag or any other bs theory. Do recall that US is the top defense exporter in the world...and Pak-india are in the top 5 defense importers.
Peace process must go on, hope Modi isn't stupid enough to call off talks.
Not only USA, Russia also can be behind this along with Israel trying to create war like situation in fact war to neutralize Pakistani nuclear asset, it is confirmed after war both nation will come to ruins only. Anything possible.
I am trying to understand the area of ops here. If what below is true then

A senior military officer said the terrorists entered the airbase around 3 am from a point that adjoins a village. That area of the airbase has housing for personnel, administrative offices, an officers’ mess and the Defence Services Corps Mess. The building they entered first was the DSC Mess. -

Since the base has a river /water body flowing the only village i see near is "Nai Basti"

See here page 1
View attachment 284788

if i zoom into to see what exactly is there in that area, i see this
View attachment 284789
View attachment 284790
Its houses, quarters, mostly residential stuff, for AF ppl..
This will mean evacuation of all ppl from there is a very big challenge..
Even without any hostage drama, we are seeing a approach of trying to have limited collateral damage and nil civilian casualties

This is just my hunch..

ppl can comment who are from Punjab and knows Pathankot

PS google has these pics.. so nothing confidential..
They make such huge bases with large perimeters and security personnel are minimal....only around the entry gates will security be present. So terrorists can just climb over some wall and wreak havoc...look at the satellite image of Hindon base, i think it is the largest af base in asia.
4. P!gs who are being hunted in on-going ops Zarb-e-Azab can also use the opportunity to divert focus from them.

Probability of third party was very high, and both parties already acknowledged it and committed that none would be allowed to derail the talks (which imo is pipe dream), but Indian politicians and media as usual acted like dhakans and started bashing Agency, PM and COAS of Pakistan withing in seconds of attack. Just like there is example of Kargil to justify narrative of Indians, there are also false flag like Samjhoota Express and Killing of Sikhs and Pandits in Kashmir on Clinton's visit to justify narrative of Pakistanis'. So, holier than thou arguments will never stop.
Sir, You have a opinion but as i said point 1 and 2 does not logically makes me understand the real motives.. The third angle may have Taliban or forces whom PA has taken action or even as @Ragnarok connection said perhaps a third country which even you have mentioned may be responsible..

About the stand you can bash Indian media i dont think ppl anyway mind them for their mindless trp mongering but GOI has not named any country till now.. About both sides accusing each other i can say emotion and lack of trust may be making nobody look sanely enough to understand whats the benefit both our nations would derive for such a heinous act.. Agree with you arguments may not stop but at least ppl have to think lot more logically than emotionally..

Update on Afghan ops
ANI ‏@ANI_news 6m6 minutes ago
WATCH: Dramatic visuals of fierce gunfight with terrorists near Indian consulate in Mazar i Sharif(Afghanistan) https://amp.twimg.com/v/332c371e-210c-4a11-9863-567112aad41f…

ANI ‏@ANI_news 3m3 minutes ago
Mazar-i-Sharif Op still on in building where terrorists are there. Consulate staff & ITBP commandos are safe:


ANI ‏@ANI_news 4m4 minutes ago
The gunfight is underway near Almas Wedding Hall in Mazar i Sharif(Afghanistan). Visuals are delayed by over 2 hours

ANI ‏@ANI_news 3m3 minutes ago
Mazar-i-Sharif anti-terror operation near Indian consulate.



Sir, You have a opinion but as i said point 1 and 2 does not logically makes me understand the real motives.. The third angle may have Taliban or forces whom PA has taken action or even as @Ragnarok connection said perhaps a third country which even you have mentioned may be responsible..

About the stand you can bash Indian media i dont think ppl anyway mind them for their mindless trp mongering but GOI has not named any country till now.. About both sides accusing each other i can say emotion and lack of trust may be making nobody look sanely enough to understand whats the benefit both our nations would derive for such a heinous act.. Agree with you arguments may not stop but at least ppl have to think lot more logically than emotionally..

Update on Afghan ops
ANI ‏@ANI_news 6m6 minutes ago
WATCH: Dramatic visuals of fierce gunfight with terrorists near Indian consulate in Mazar i Sharif(Afghanistan) https://amp.twimg.com/v/332c371e-210c-4a11-9863-567112aad41f…
Indian media is showcasing their normal paid narrative...the same third party responsible indirectly for the attack is creating this Pakistan ISI bs story with PA army involved...bla bla bla. Apears to be Propaganda by third party; mind you buying anything in this country is possible with the right price.
For people of both sides, can some one logically explain to me what benefit one derives from

1. Assuming ISI really did this going against GoP and PA (both Nawaz Sharif and Raheel Sharif) especially when India Pakistan talks is about everything (including terror and Kashmir)?

2. False flag ops? Why the hell Doval would like to screw his career with a false flag ops killing our own soldiers? what benefit it dervies

3. Why not any third angle besides the above two only?

Would like meaningful responses to understand...

For other who are either making fun of the dead or about the terror attacks or about the usual India vs Pakistan, pls refrain as this tragedy is too big for such small trolling and potshots.. Would like to hear all of your view on this..


RIP to the martyr soldiers..

No updates on casualties.. still trying to find some info about hospitalized ones and if any new ones for today..

1. Assuming ISI really did this going against GoP and PA (both Nawaz Sharif and Raheel Sharif) especially when India Pakistan talks is about everything (including terror and Kashmir)?

Gen. Raheel and the ISI General are neck deep in clearing the internal mess. The ISI general is ex-DG Rangers Sindh and one of the reason for his promotion to ISI was primarily to prevent Karachi from becoming another 92'. His recent knowledge of Karachi and the gang wars is being used extensively to plan the Ops in urban areas elsewhere in the country as well. Gen. Raheel is also not the flame headed general as were a few in the past. He knows his plate is way too full to mess around. He might think of starting the pay back once he has some load taken off his shoulders as PA and the ISI has strong evidence of Indian involvement in creation of unrest within Pakistani borders. In addition the CPEC does promise a prosperous future and hence Pakistan can not afford to bring mess to the borders to destroy the chances of reaping any fruits that CPEC may bring. Hence even the pay back might not be in good interest of Pakistan at all.

2. False flag ops? Why the hell Doval would like to screw his career with a false flag ops killing our own soldiers? what benefit it dervies

The anti Pakistan wave has been on the rise in India lately and the GoI has not been effective in calming that storm. It very much could be the outcome of that wave reaching the crest. It generally doesn't make sense to kill your own men but then again agencies have killed their own men to achieve a higher aim. The aim in the case could be sidelining Pakistan politically and stamping GoI's claim of declaring Pakistan a rogue nation. India's irritation at the CPEC cannot outrightly be discarded in the context. All this summed up with the actual internal issues within Pakistan can make for quite a punch and hence giving Doval or someone a strong motive. And it doesn't effect Doval's career since he is not the spy master but the planner who is tasked with over all geo-strategic planning and establishing India as a regional power that it is striving for since long

3. Why not any third angle besides the above two only?

Militarily : It could be the international handlers of the terror groups within Pakistan. Since Pakistan has done quite well against them in 2015. So, to weaken the thrust and the will of the GoP in fighting their local assets they might want to create military problems for Pakistan externally
Economy : Any CPEC hater could be involved
Politically: As discussed above, anyone with the interest of declaring Pakistan a rogue nation could be involved in it

The intention of the above points is not at all flame baiting but is a genuine commentary based on my own opinions and some of the general perceptions in Pakistan. Pakistan & India's enmity is an open secret. With Pakistan not in the position to afford unrest at any external borders, it leaves any anti Pakistan element with a stronger motive to have affected the said operation
Official in Indian Government ended up admitting it was an Inside job and all under the oath before Indian court. No wonder India never accepted joint investigation on the issue.

Living in Dark Age at the Best.

Sir, You have a opinion but as i said point 1 and 2 does not logically makes me understand the real motives.. The third angle may have Taliban or forces whom PA has taken action or even as @Ragnarok connection said perhaps a third country which even you have mentioned may be responsible..

About the stand you can bash Indian media i dont think ppl anyway mind them for their mindless trp mongering but GOI has not named any country till now.. About both sides accusing each other i can say emotion and lack of trust may be making nobody look sanely enough to understand whats the benefit both our nations would derive for such a heinous act.. Agree with you arguments may not stop but at least ppl have to think lot more logically than emotionally..

Update on Afghan ops
ANI ‏@ANI_news 6m6 minutes ago
WATCH: Dramatic visuals of fierce gunfight with terrorists near Indian consulate in Mazar i Sharif(Afghanistan) https://amp.twimg.com/v/332c371e-210c-4a11-9863-567112aad41f…

Not only the Media, but some of the politicians, and even some of the security chief.

Just check how this drama of specullations runs. BSF head who is responsible for securing the outer parameter give statement in media, that there are 5 terrorists, and 4 have been killed. Then another news flashes from some other sources, that there are few more left.

In reality, there is no confussion on the ground i.e the forces who are really fighting the terrorists inside the base at that time. So I think to critisize the media, during such crises, the Militarty (army) commander should be made the head to lead the whole operations, and there should be only one army spokes person who should communicate with the media depending on the situations, and rest should keep their mouth shut. The politians who are running from here and there to know the real updates should only contact the PRO public relation officer of the army, for the update, and only DM defence minister and PM should communicate the army cammander or chief, and should not do so too often, because the tactical commander should be freed from such extra buisness of giving upto date updates.
1. Assuming ISI really did this going against GoP and PA (both Nawaz Sharif and Raheel Sharif) especially when India Pakistan talks is about everything (including terror and Kashmir)?

Gen. Raheel and the ISI General are neck deep in clearing the internal mess. The ISI general is ex-DG Rangers Sindh and one of the reason for his promotion to ISI was primarily to prevent Karachi from becoming another 92'. His recent knowledge of Karachi and the gang wars is being used extensively to plan the Ops in urban areas elsewhere in the country as well. Gen. Raheel is also not the flame headed general as were a few in the past. He knows his plate is way too full to mess around. He might think of starting the pay back once he has some load taken off his shoulders as PA and the ISI has strong evidence of Indian involvement in creation of unrest within Pakistani borders. In addition the CPEC does promise a prosperous future and hence Pakistan can not afford to bring mess to the borders to destroy the chances of reaping any fruits that CPEC may bring. Hence even the pay back might not be in good interest of Pakistan at all.

2. False flag ops? Why the hell Doval would like to screw his career with a false flag ops killing our own soldiers? what benefit it dervies

The anti Pakistan wave has been on the rise in India lately and the GoI has not been effective in calming that storm. It very much could be the outcome of that wave reaching the crest. It generally doesn't make sense to kill your own men but then again agencies have killed their own men to achieve a higher aim. The aim in the case could be sidelining Pakistan politically and stamping GoI's claim of declaring Pakistan a rogue nation. India's irritation at the CPEC cannot outrightly be discarded in the context. All this summed up with the actual internal issues within Pakistan can make for quite a punch and hence giving Doval or someone a strong motive. And it doesn't effect Doval's career since he is not the spy master but the planner who is tasked with over all geo-strategic planning and establishing India as a regional power that it is striving for since long

3. Why not any third angle besides the above two only?

Militarily : It could be the international handlers of the terror groups within Pakistan. Since Pakistan has done quite well against them in 2015. So, to weaken the thrust and the will of the GoP in fighting their local assets they might want to create military problems for Pakistan externally
Economy : Any CPEC hater could be involved
Politically: As discussed above, anyone with the interest of declaring Pakistan a rogue nation could be involved in it

The intention of the above points is not at all flame baiting but is a genuine commentary based on my own opinions and some of the general perceptions in Pakistan. Pakistan & India's enmity is an open secret. With Pakistan not in the position to afford unrest at any external borders, it leaves any anti Pakistan element with a stronger motive to have affected the said operation

CPEC part wont cut ice sir, too much being make out as an irritation to India but actually as of now, much work is getting done via India China dialogue addressing those concerns

See here
See here: India important cooperative partner in Silk Road project: China - The Economic Times

An important excerpt:
In a fresh bid to rope in India into its multi-billion dollar Silk Road project, China today said it regarded India as an important cooperative partner in the mega project and would like to listen its opinion and suggestions to address the concerns.

Asked about unanimous opinion expressed by top Indian ruling and opposition political parties on the country's concerns and reservations over the "One Belt, One Road" initiative, which included the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor that passes through Azad Kashmir, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying said the projects were aimed at furthering regional economic cooperation.

"The Chinese side takes India as an important cooperative partner in the building of the 'One Belt, One Road' projects and would like to listen to India's opinions and suggestions on the Belt and Road and explore practical cooperation," Hua told PTI in response to India's concerns over the projects.

Thus you see small engagements over time and leaders visiting has helped at least some movement for a more cooperative role on this issue.
People under estimate the power and clout of the US CIA and NSA, forget news channels...they can buy off people in high government positions or maybe even ministers.
I only hope that this time Modi and Sharif achieve something inspite of all these covert actions going on in the background to derail the peace process.

Ps: The anti-Pakistan feelings by defense personnel is genuine, they hate PA to their bone ;)

Not only USA, Russia also can be behind this along with Israel trying to create war like situation in fact war to neutralize Pakistani nuclear asset, it is confirmed after war both nation will come to ruins only. Anything possible.
Russian secret services is nothing compared to CIA and MOssad.
At least one terrorist, most likely more, are still believed to be hiding in the administrative block of the base. The bodies of four terrorists have been recovered so far. A fifth terrorist has been killed, but the body not yet recovered, said officials.

Manish Mehta, an Indian army spokesman, said the military was working at a "very fast pace" to defuse live hand grenades and gather the remains of the attackers,
NSG Briefs Media On Attack
1) Operations for this airbase are going on smoothly.

2) All strategic assets at the air base are safe

3) Given the magnitude, operation to eliminate terrorists being done jointly by NSG and Garud.

4) Eliminated 4 terrorists, operations to eliminate 2 more possible terrorists are in the final stages

5) Area of airbase being very large, combing ops are going on simultaneously

Many families stay here. Our priority to save them as well as physical assets like schools, shops etc: AOC J S Dhamoon

Operation on to eliminate possibly 2 more terrorist: NSG IG Major Gen Dushyant Singh
Every one know who are the possible source of this terrorist attack, so why keep silence on such matter.

One thing is clear, the public is very angry at this moment, and is expecting some sort of reactive measures, not defensive measures. As far as I am concerned I don't support
1. Any cricket match between two countries
2. Any friendly relationship due to same language and culture. Its better to stay away with each other, if cannot live peacefully.
3. Any cross border trade as india already have lot of options and for trade whole world is there.
4. Any friendly official talks

What I want with the pakistan to leave the India, and mind their own buisness.
Indians should till now should realize, that how much you do favour for friendship, pakistan is not going to stop the people like lakvi, hafiz sayeed, dawood ibrahim, maulana azhar to freely move in pakistan, make public rally, keep on running jihadi factory, and keep on planning to hurt and strike India.
Waoo sounds like you find the confirmed proof that Pakistan is behind this attack..
You are a detective along with lawyer and the judge
You find the proof, file the case and being a judge announced the verdict..
Bravooo.. hats off
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