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  1. T

    Sophistication of Indian tech is now sufficient to build a Rafale

    you are forgetting in the ancilliaries are alredy setup they already have many things in place and many workers in place sor requirement of 108 units they are not going to hire new workers so there are no thousands of Jobs eg when HAL will close down Su30 line to convert it to PAKFA...
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    Sophistication of Indian tech is now sufficient to build a Rafale

    the dealdoes not include spares neither weapons dont blufff
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    Sophistication of Indian tech is now sufficient to build a Rafale

    which tech / weapons not available with MKI furthur as regards to weapons we are going to indegenise the weapons Astra LGB Bombs etc etc
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    Sophistication of Indian tech is now sufficient to build a Rafale

    you are saying we will have access for futuretech that will be developed for rafale in future ? will it be free- i.e. included in this 22billions or we will have to seperate;y negotiate and pay for it in future ? in aerospace industry there are no thousands of job for 126 planes
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    Sophistication of Indian tech is now sufficient to build a Rafale

    LCA & Rafale are not comparable - you are right IAF needs midclass fighters having twin engines - you are wrong the MMRCA requirements and tenders looked for single engine plane only - IAF wanted Mirage 2000 in 2001 - the rafale is redundant - it can be replaced by combinaiton of Su 30 + LCA...
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    MMRCA: Self Goal by IAF?

    IAF and govt release says 3 hrs time between 2 sorties - which is considered quiet good enough not even rafale boasts such times
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    US calls off trade hunt against India

    US calls off trade hunt against India Yashwant Raj, Hindustan Times Washington, November 01, 2014 First Published: 23:55 IST(1/11/2014) | Last Updated: 08:26 IST(2/11/2014) The powerful US chamber of commerce that had cross-haired India for its trade and patent practices seems to have called...
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    Multiple Terrorist groups claim Wagah Border attack, 55 people killed.

    why dont you talk about the other side community who showed true colours on threads of pakistani rangers violating ceasefire before LOC threads was their behaviour and comments exemplary ?
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    Multiple Terrorist groups claim Wagah Border attack, 55 people killed.

    also put it out on tweeter if you have tweeter account
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    Multiple Terrorist groups claim Wagah Border attack, 55 people killed.

    so now that there is an pure islamic caliphate why dont you move there with the ISIS cant get more pure and more islamic than that can we ?
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    Multiple Terrorist groups claim Wagah Border attack, 55 people killed.

    ;) why should we interfere when you are on self destruct mode
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    Multiple Terrorist groups claim Wagah Border attack, 55 people killed.

    32 dead , 40+ injured - suicide bomber - reports
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    BD rail minister gets married.

    Thaeki saaala
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    China's Grand Water Plan

    see the if you look ar the taklakaman desert and the snow there then you have to agree that the snow and the cold atmosphere there is due to 2 things 1. Height / Altitutde 2. Cold winds sweeping in from the north if you lower the height by digging up the the whole desert / palins /...
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    China's Grand Water Plan

    indo china border consists of Ladakh - which itself is a plains at very high altitude, here neither can you lower any mountains / platau no effect HImachal / Uttarakhand - this itself is an mountain zone even the mountains on our side act as channeling factor so you can only lower the...
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    The ‘Russification’ of Oil Exploration

    ok so they need something around 20billion$ who can provide that china Indian Pvt sector - RIL active in E&P - TATA active in E&P Indian Public Sector OVL OIL GAIL IOC COAL INDIA LTD
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    National Electricity Grid Failure: Complete chaos now !

    Yeh Lo inki hi kami thi beganey ki shaadi mein abdullah diwana
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    5 Russian imports that have enriched India

    russian admiral gorshkov helped and taught indian Navy to trnasform into a force to be reckoned with
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    What If India Attacks Pakistan?

    IF and IF ever india attacks pakistan then we all indians will kick the *** of the fool who does so because Pakistan is already on a self destruction mode / self disintegration mode by attacking it first why distract them from that process
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