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  1. J

    UAVs capable of launching weapons soon: DRDO chief

    Lmao was that why Sikhs were attacking a Pakistani restaurants earlier this year in Leicester? Pakistanis are known in the UK as pedophiles. Ha! I never forget 84 but it was Congress government that done it, not normal Indians. Many people hid Sikhs and we got our revenge in the end. Who the...
  2. J

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    Please show me an incident where they were not able to practice their religion? It was the muslim residents who chased out the Kashmiri Pandits and Sikhs. Infact they call it a Hindu genocide. They where the aggressors and that's why they are in their current predicament.
  3. J

    UAVs capable of launching weapons soon: DRDO chief

    Soo? That doesn't mean you know everything about Pakistanis in the UK. I'm Sikh aswell and go ahead and believe them, doesn't affect me just don't get involved in Sikh bussiness.
  4. J

    India & A Blonde Tourist: An alternate account

    We seek them, but we still get them. Show me statistics to back this up and not news stories.
  5. J

    UAVs capable of launching weapons soon: DRDO chief

    He's an idiot bhai, just ignore him. He has no understanding on sikhi and the waheguru yet talks about us like we can't defend ourselves.
  6. J

    UAVs capable of launching weapons soon: DRDO chief

    It's seriously not the biggest joke of the century lmao I'm born and raised in UK unlike you who has probably been here for less then a few years ha. I live in the area with the most Sikhs in the country so I think I'm in a better position than those pretend Sikhs who are your "friends".
  7. J

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    Because the demographics indicate that 40% of Kashmir was Hindu and 10% Sikh until they were forced and even regular massacres. They have as much right on the issue as you have.
  8. J

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    Well the majority of Sikhs are against that anyway but you do put in a good point I have too admit. It all depends on how they try to achieve this goal. If they try through violent means than they should be stopped.
  9. J

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    Because it's simply not practical, it encourages militancy. Just like in the case of Baluchistan, they were living happily for a period and then all of a sudden they are causing all sorts of trouble.
  10. J

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    Well the Kashmir insurgency only started in 1989, prior to that there wasn't much trouble although I may be wrong. They had a long time to decide and only up until 1989 did any real demand come so you can't pick and choose when you want to secede.
  11. J

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    Well it might sound a little harsh but if they are desperate for a Islamic state then they can go too Pakistan. Either way I obviously don't have all the answers.
  12. J

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    That leaves the question that everyone who is unhappy can have a separate country? If that was the case there would be 500+ countries in the world.
  13. J

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    It all depends on the people. But then again another part of me is saying that Kashmir has always been a integral part of India and if SOME of the people don't like it than they can leave.
  14. J

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    Umm..I agree with you on that aspect but I'm only an outsider on the issue who has never been too Kashmir so I think we should let the people and both governments find a solution one day god willing. :)
  15. J

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    Exactly my point. At one point Kashmiri pandits made up 40% of the region so they and there descendants have just as much right to speak on the issue and I doubt they want to leave India.
  16. J

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    You put forward a strong and well thought out argument however too try and sell Kashmir as a peaceful and prosperous part of India would be impossible until the flow of militants into the area is stopped. They are fuelling anti India sentiments and creating hate in the various communities. I...
  17. J

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    I understand that but this isn't like a election where the majority decide for everyone. This isnt deciding who the MP of chief minister is but what country you belong too which is a big deal for a lot of people. For example Palestine is 99% Muslim and they ALL want a free Palestine which is the...
  18. J

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    There are significant minorities of Sikhs, Hindus and Buddhists in Kashmir so why should only Muslims decide the fate of Kashmir. I highly doubt that the minorities in Kashmir want to join Pakistan or have an independant country. I think the logic of most Kashmir secessionist...
  19. J

    Woman Refuses to Lift Face Veil to Be Identified by UK Court

    More than likely she is a Mirpuri Pakistani. Those people are complete scum.
  20. J

    UAVs capable of launching weapons soon: DRDO chief

    Sat Shri akal bheia My parents are also from Hoshiapur :)
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