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Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

what if sikhs want a separate sikh state ... tell me why is it wrong.. btw i am not supporting separatism... just want your view...
i am against any breakaway from current india..

Well the majority of Sikhs are against that anyway but you do put in a good point I have too admit. It all depends on how they try to achieve this goal. If they try through violent means than they should be stopped.
what if sikhs want a separate sikh state ... tell me why is it wrong.. btw i am not supporting separatism... just want your view...
i am against any breakaway from current india..

Majority of Kashmiris want either to join Pakistan or be an independent country, so whats wrong that you indians are still denying their freedom?
Well the majority of Sikhs are against that anyway but you do put in a good point I have too admit. It all depends on how they try to achieve this goal. If they try through violent means than they should be stopped.

i think there is a consensus that violent method (or at least intimidating civilians using violence) is wrong.
The views of the Kashmiri Pandits also must be taken into account who are refugees in their own country and Panun Kashmir must be created for them also.
Majority of Kashmiris want either to join Pakistan or be an independent country, so whats wrong that you indians are still denying their freedom?

Because the demographics indicate that 40% of Kashmir was Hindu and 10% Sikh until they were forced and even regular massacres. They have as much right on the issue as you have.
Because it's simply not practical, it encourages militancy. Just like in the case of Baluchistan, they were living happily for a period and then all of a sudden they are causing all sorts of trouble.

Why is it not practical ?

When we - Indians & Pakistanis - were making a stake for our separate countries weren't the same aspersions cast on our practicality ?

Some of them might even be true to this date !

At any rate who are 'We' to decide on the Practicality of 'their' decision ? If its not practical - Let them sort it out...if it is - good for them !
Majority of Kashmiris want either to join Pakistan or be an independent country, so whats wrong that you indians are still denying their freedom?

The reason for delay or denial is beacuse of the Indian babus, lackluster bureaucracy, red tapism etc you can throw in few fancy words of your choice in the mix. Ah I almost forgot some real hefty bribes.
As soon as anti-Hindu Article 370 is scrapped I shall be investing in land and property in the holy land Kashmir and settling there
Majority of Kashmiris want either to join Pakistan or be an independent country, so whats wrong that you indians are still denying their freedom?

the problem with Indian like me is self preservation... (think I mentioned before too) ... India is a loose federation and its difficult to keep together bunch of people who throw fits and threaten to separate without knowing pros and cons.

Another one is resources, giving kashmir to pakistan will severly diminish our resources and pakistan is not a country that can be trusted to share resource with.
Making them separate country will create an israel at our border, big countries will play politics there.

So a guy like me who looks the scenario sliding into civil war, would prefer an united India, at least for foreseeable future. Otherwise my extended family will have to seek refuse somewhere.
the problem with Indian like me is self preservation... (think I mentioned before too) ... India is a loose federation and its difficult to keep together bunch of people who throw fits and threaten to separate without knowing pros and cons.

Another one is resources, giving kashmir to pakistan will severly diminish our resources and pakistan is not a country that can be trusted to share resource with.
Making them separate country will create an israel at our border, big countries will play politics there.

So a guy like me who looks the scenario sliding into civil war, would prefer an united India, at least for now. Otherwise my extended family will have to seek refuse somewhere.

Nobody can give Kashmir to Pakistan it is not a decision the Indian govt can make unless they want all out war, the land is holy land mentioned in our holy books and the abode of Lord Shiva it is impossible for any Indian govt to give 1 inch of that land to anyone.

The same article reads as thus : Dr Bradnock said that in the Kashmir valley - the mainly Muslim area at the centre of the insurgency - support for independence is between 74% and 95%.

If that is true & the following population figures are true : Introduction

In absolute terms the 43% average figure quoted would get inflated quite a bit because the Kashmir Valley has a larger Population than Jammu & Ladakh combined !
Plebiscite was offered to people at the time of 48 and if it happened that time we would have won. Abdullha was the tallest leader of Kashmir at that time and he endorsed India, even a resolution was passed in 1953.Pakistan did not followed the UN resolution from day 1 because it wanted to keep whatever it got from war. What Pakistan did was worked hard to create hatred of Kashmiri's against India. It managed to lure some Kashmiri's to wage war against India and in response of terrorism India had to call Army. We made our set of mistakes and alienated some people. Now is it fair to have plebiscite at the time when enemy has used unfair means to woo the voters, absolutely not. The time of plebiscite is over, people has to admit that LOC = Border and adjust accordingly. When militancy ends troops will be fully out and life will be back to normal. Kashmir's also has to help in restoring normalcy. They should start this by doing the following.
1) Stop full support for terrorism.
2) Try not to blow every minor incidence into fight.

If they do not do this, they are themselves to be blamed of their problems.
Kashmir is either Pakistan or Independent, india cannot and will never be able to beat the idea of Freedom, sooner or letter, its bound to happen !
The same article reads as thus : Dr Bradnock said that in the Kashmir valley - the mainly Muslim area at the centre of the insurgency - support for independence is between 74% and 95%.

If that is true & the following population figures are true : Introduction

In absolute terms the 43% average figure quoted would get inflated quite a bit because the Kashmir Valley has a larger Population than Jammu & Ladakh combined !

Perhaps yes in the valley, but given the right investment in jobs and education I feel their mindset may change in the future, the real problem facing Kashmiris now is lack of jobs but it is good that big IT firms like Infosys are setting up shop there in Kashmir.

BTW I will be the first to admit that the Indian army have committed atrocities in Kashmir most of which went on in the 1990's but how many Pakistanis will admit the militants have done the same?

Only last month a Kashmiri Dr was shot dead by a militant and several Kashmiri panchayat's also been killed by militants in recent months.

Some people fail to understand that Kashmir is vital for India for water also without water there is no life, letting go of fresh water in Kashmir is like putting a gun to one's head and pulling the trigger.

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