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Woman Refuses to Lift Face Veil to Be Identified by UK Court

The woman is right.

I personally don't even understand why someone has to show up to court to render a plea when their lawyer can do it on their behalf? They can just as easily be remanded to house arrest or police custody if they're considered a serious flight risk.

The reason why face coverings aren't allowed in Western justice systems is because the law requires the accused be permitted to face their accuser (includes witnesses). However, in this case she's defending herself so why would they need to have her uncover? Furthermore, cases have not only permitted testimony broadcasted via webcam but witnesses, including MI5 operatives, have been allowed to testify behind screens in the UK so why is it acceptable for other adults, particularly those working for the government, to be afforded special privileges in court that other citizens aren't when everyone is supposed to be equal in the eyes of the law?

This is hypocrisy at it's best and as stupid as forcing people to swear on a bible in the past both in court and parliament when you weren't even a Christian until the law was revised to allow affirmations.

UK should deport such people to the hellhole they came from. Their law their land follow the fuk!ing rules a$$hole.

What's with all this "their law, their land" bullshit?

How do you know she isn't a citizen of the UK and could have been very likely born there?
That women in Haj dont wear nikab..
...you MUST follow their customs...
...Their law their land ...

Muslims have deviated from "Islam". We won't even need to tell them "their land, their law" if we just rectify the corruption & fabricated stuff that many muslims have concocted.


<<Original post copied below>>

Actual word Quran uses in 24:31 is "Joyoob" which is pleural of "Jayb"=Pocket\Neck-cut in shirt.
We use this word in urdu too for pocket. Here refers to female-pocket=cleavage or cut-in-shirt that if not buttoned can reveal female-pocket... In Pakistan some Ladies keep money in there or a small purse.

Some Translators of Quran & Hadees have preconceived idea in their mind that whole chest has to be covered with an extra outer-covering besides the shirt so they mis-translate & insert the word "chest" from their own, similarly insert word "Face" from their own...

Like following Hadees does NOT have the word "face" in it but translators falsely inserted it. In Hadees Aisha refereed to verse regarding covering "Joyoob" & said hence we covered ourselves with pieces that we torn from our "Izar"=Dhoote=Loin-cloth... Translated mis-translate this Hadees as "hence we covered our faces..."

See following picture...



Listen this from minutes 3:10+ (Dr. Ingrid Mattson: Women of Islam (4 of 4) ):
Dr. Ingrid Mattson: Women of Islam (4 of 4) - YouTube
& listen this from minutes 1:49:30+ "cover Pockets" (Gary Miller)
The Amazing Quran - dialogues of Gary Miller - YouTube
As to verse the other verse 33:59, it is also mis-translated to insert word "Faces" which is NOT there, what it really says is "over themselves""&#1593;&#1614;&#1604;&#1614;&#1610;&#1761;&#1729;&#1616;&#1606;&#1617;&#1614; "...

Quran:33:59: O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women that they should draw down their outer-coverings over them. That will be better, that they may be recognised and not annoyed\molested\teased\affronted\passed comments at. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Part in red above is also a mis-translation; word used is "&#1584;&#1614;&#1650;&#1604;&#1616;&#1603;&#1614; &#1571;&#1614;&#1583;&#1761;&#1606;&#1614;&#1609;&#1648;&#1619;" meaning "this is less-good" while almost ALL translators translate wrongly as "it is better\convenient"

It refers to covering of heads in a way what is commonly called "GhoonGhat Nikaalnaa" so that face is covered from sides(not front) so ladies don't feel uncomfortable from glances\stares (does NOT say that every single hair has to be covered). Quran gives a condition as to WHY cover head, & that is>>>... In my understanding, You feel uncomfortable if someone stares at you, only if you realize you are being stared-at.... If you don't realize somebody is staring at you, feeling of un-ease doesn't arise... By pulling head-cover to reduce peripheral-vision, ladies can avoid that feeling of un-ease when guys on road-side stare at them...

Quran :33:59: " &#1610;&#1615;&#1572;&#1761;&#1584;&#1614;&#1610;&#1761;&#1606;&#1614;&#1751; " "so that they will not be affronted\passed comments at\teased" ...

So, Quran gives a condition. It is more applicable to so-called muslim countries where guys stand on roads & stare at ladies, stalk them & pass comments as they pass... This was a problem at time of Prophet too as evident by following hadees..
Sahih Muslim:26:5376:(Also Sahih Muslim:26:5375)
Abu Sa'id Khudri reported Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: Avoid sitting on the paths. They (the Companions) said: Allah's Messenger, we cannot help but holding our meetings (in these paths) and discuss matters (there). Thereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: If you insist on holding meetings, then give the path its due right. They said: What are its due rights? Upon this he said: Lowering the gaze, refraining from doing harm, exchanging of greetings, commanding of good and forbidding from evil.


Here, women sitting with Prophet without head-coverings,,,
Does it sound like what Mullahs will preach today...!!!
Narated By Sad bin Abi Waqqas : Umar bin Al-Khattab asked the permission of Allah's Apostle to see him while some Quraishi women were sitting with him, talking to him and asking him for more expenses, raising their voices above the voice of Allah's Apostle.

When 'Umar asked for the permission to enter, the women quickly put on their veils. Allah'&#8250; Apostle allowed him to enter and 'Umar came in while Allah's Apostle was smiling, 'Umar said "O Allah's Apostle! May Allah always keep you smiling." The Prophet said, "These women who have been here, roused my wonder, for as soon as they heard your voice, they quickly put on their veils. "'Umar said, "O Allah's Apostle! You have more right to be feared by them than I." Then 'Umar addressed the women saying, "O enemies of yourselves! You fear me more than you do Allah's Apostle ?" They said, "Yes, for you are harsher and sterner than Allah's Apostle." Then Allah's Apostle said, "O Ibn Al-Khattab! By Him in Whose Hands my life is! Never does Satan find you going on a way, but he takes another way other than yours."


In the holiest of the islamic rituals where men & women are intermingled shoulder to shoulder , in the "Hajj" ... covering face is forbidden ,,, Read a Hadees in the very first link in this post ... what else can I say ...
(Reference in this LINK<<<Read Hadees at bottom of picture)


<<Original post copied below>>

The right way to cover according to Quran & Hadees is the way Dupatta\Chadar is used in Pakistan...

Cover "JayB"=(female-)pocket=cleavage,,,, & take part of outer coverings and throw it over yourselves...










Arab style tight-face wrap is NOT to be found in Qurah\Hadees...

Tight-face-wrap actually goes AGAINST Quran as it makes face stand-out even more ... makes it even more prominent... & has become more of a symbol just like cross for Christians, rather than a purposeful item. Quran tells us a purpose behing head-cover "so that you are not annoyed\teased\passed comments at\affronted(=come face to face)"...


The woman is right.

I personally don't even understand why someone has to show up to court to render a plea when their lawyer can do it on their behalf? They can just as easily be remanded to house arrest or police custody if they're considered a serious flight risk.

The reason why face coverings aren't allowed in Western justice systems is because the law requires the accused be permitted to face their accuser (includes witnesses). However, in this case she's defending herself so why would they need to have her uncover? Furthermore, cases have not only permitted testimony broadcasted via webcam but witnesses, including MI5 operatives, have been allowed to testify behind screens in the UK so why is it acceptable for other adults, particularly those working for the government, to be afforded special privileges in court that other citizens aren't when everyone is supposed to be equal in the eyes of the law?

This is hypocrisy at it's best and as stupid as forcing people to swear on a bible in the past both in court and parliament when you weren't even a Christian until the law was revised to allow affirmations.

What's with all this "their law, their land" bullshit?

How do you know she isn't a citizen of the UK and could have been very likely born there?

Even if she is a citizen, it is " their" laws that she swore to uphold when she decided to be a citizen.

your inability to understand their process of law , equal for all- is not reason enough for them to throw them out . just to accommodate your religious beliefs

I still can't figure why you guys go living among majority Judea- christian countries? to then complain about how they are not accommodating your religious laws.
These things shouldn't be allowed. The woman must follow the law. No one, be men or women should be allowed to play with that. I wonder if these women use their face covered photo in DL. Lol!!
HA! acting like a hero while taking advantage of liberal values of UK. Should be deported indeed.
People like that needs to be kicked out & other Muslim extremists in united kingdom. No place for them in this free society, they dont deserve this at all.

Most of them are dropouts/failures & comparable with the CHAVS. Dont even get me started on these burqaa women.

Ahh reminds me of school & college days!:cheesy:
So why Muslims ask for halal meat, even in UK/Norway/Sweden/US prisons?
You cannot perform Hajj while covering your face so to answer your question no its not religious.

I saw a uk born pakistani muslim(the one who kicked british a&& in a debate) claiming that there is no shariah law or any book.

it's the example from hadith,caliphs and some mullahs giving fatwa on things.
Stupid *****.

No where does it say in Islam that a face has to be covered. Only the head.

What idiots.
An individual cannot be allowed to make up their own personal religious "beliefs" as a shield against being accountable to the laws of the land. This woman cannot prove that covering her face is a true belief of Muslims. It is merely a self-made up personal rule.
You know if you go to another country, you MUST follow their customs. It's like a guest comes into your house, they take their shoes off, regardless of what they do in their own house.

You don't like it leave.

I could not have said it better
They must follow the RULES of the UNITED KINGDOM if not leave the damn country
UK should deport these idiots back to their country

OH I am a EDL thug now

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