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  1. T

    Baitullah Mehsud bites the dust, confirmed! :)

    Are you talking about this part... On May 12, 1996, Madeleine Albright (U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations at the time) appeared on a 60 Minutes segment that she later criticized, claiming: Little effort was made to explain Saddam's culpability, his misuse of Iraqi resources, or the...
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    Russian Military vs USA Military 39 Billion vs 1000 Billiion Dollars

    I have noticed that but in todays world of Islamic radicalism they are haveing a hard time staying that way.
  3. T

    Baitullah Mehsud bites the dust, confirmed! :)

    People involved in drugs know the riski and deserve what they get,,,,the 3000 americans murdered in cold blood didnt.....and Pakistan is not going to solve it problems by blameing every thing on India.
  4. T

    Baitullah Mehsud bites the dust, confirmed! :)

    And I suppose that Saddam building palace after palace and buying military supplies with the money for food and medicine had nothing to do with it. There were no limitations on how much Iraq could spend on food and medicine..
  5. T

    Russian Military vs USA Military 39 Billion vs 1000 Billiion Dollars

    Economic liberty and Islam By Originally published 09:40 p.m., March 4, 2007, updated 12:00 a.m., March 5, 2007 Is there something inherent in Islam that has resulted in most Muslims living in poor countries, with the exception of the relatively few who live in the oil rich states...
  6. T

    Why the F-22 is needed - Su-30MK Beats F-15C Every Time

    Isnt the F15 about 20 years older then the SU 30?
  7. T

    Russian Military vs USA Military 39 Billion vs 1000 Billiion Dollars

    What is terrible is that According to most researchers we are today in an era where knowledge volume doubles every 1 1/2 to 2 years. Comparing our time to the preceding 10,000 years, where the curve is mostly flat, we are right to strap ourselves in — because that curve is approaching a...
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    Russian Military vs USA Military 39 Billion vs 1000 Billiion Dollars

    X-47B scheduled to launch at sea in 2011 By Gidget Fuentes - Staff writer Posted : Tuesday Jul 14, 2009 8:46:30 EDT SAN DIEGO — It will be a much-watched but close-hold event in the Mojave Desert north of Los Angeles in November, when the unmanned bomber drone takes to the air for its...
  9. T

    Pakistani Taliban chief's wife killed in missile strike

    I can agree with that,,,,I figure USA will have fleets of unmanned bombers X47,, Reapers,, Predators and Terminators,, that will be doing the same thing the Predators are doing in Pakistan..selecting and excuteing individuals that are involved in attacks on USA interests.. I expect you are...
  10. T

    Russian Military vs USA Military 39 Billion vs 1000 Billiion Dollars

    True, but there is more,,,, Thomas Jefferson once said The Country with the most people the most free will always be the most powerful....Islamic countries are not free, most of them are run by dictators or religious theocrats...and the people are not free,, especially the women,,,,minorities...
  11. T

    Russian Military vs USA Military 39 Billion vs 1000 Billiion Dollars

    Well lets look at the facts,,,The economy of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) combines the economies of 57 member states. Those 57 countries have a combined GDP (at Purchasing power parity; PPP) of USD 7,740 billion. Thats just a little more then half the GDP of the USA...
  12. T

    Russian Military vs USA Military 39 Billion vs 1000 Billiion Dollars

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Russian Military Budget People seem to forget the Russian Military is not the USSR and is no where comparable to the USA Military. On September 16, 2008, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced that in 2009, Russian defense budget will be...
  13. T

    Pakistani Taliban chief's wife killed in missile strike

    If the USA has imperialist ambitions why is it now pulling out of Iraq.? What imperialist ambitions would the USA for being in Afgan,, prob the *** hole of the world...what would the USA have to gain.
  14. T

    Homes of Christians burnt

    Do you think Muslim minorities in other countries should be dealt with the same way or removed or does this just apply to non Muslims in Muslims countries.
  15. T

    Pakistani Taliban chief's wife killed in missile strike

    In any operations,, drones , police or conventional warfare there will be innocent people killed,, its inevitable,,,prob the drone attacks have caused far less civlian casulities then any other way that was possible...the only way not to kill civilians is to do nothing.
  16. T

    when first muslim and pakistani will lay it foot on moon

    I bet people like you said Columbus sailing west to try to find a new way to China was a waste of money,,,
  17. T

    when first muslim and pakistani will lay it foot on moon

    There is no greater lifting of man kind then new knowledge and takeing them to the stars,,,,but its your choice, you can stay in your petty little world that burns people alive because of a religion or buries women alive because of honor.
  18. T

    Pakistani Taliban chief's wife killed in missile strike

    I hear the Taliban are going crazy,, for 8 years USA and its Allies have been hireing pakistanis and afgans to report on the Taliban,,,,but you add that to all the prepaid cell phones now and lot of people report on the taliban because they dont have to do it in person....every time the Taliban...
  19. T

    Homes of Christians burnt

    How would you feel if every country where muslims were a minority forced them to leave....do you really think I want to go back to Pakistan.
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    when first muslim and pakistani will lay it foot on moon

    It is often said its not the destination but the journey that is important, the by products of the research to accomplish goals like going into space or to the moon contributes to knowledge and ability that can greatly benefit a country,,,, but then their is no need to reinvent the...
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