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  1. dronedevta

    Huge win for NDA predicted if polls held now l Modi suitable for PM's post

    the reason cong won last time was urban middle class, bjp didn't did bad in rural area in 2009 elections .
  2. dronedevta

    Huge win for NDA predicted if polls held now l Modi suitable for PM's post

    New Delhi: If general elections were to be held now, the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) will leave behind the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) by miles, finds ABP News-Nielsen survey conducted this month in 28 cities across the country. Watch: Huge win for NDA predicted...
  3. dronedevta

    Taliban vow to attack “BJP-backed terror camps in Kashmir”

    @ NOP ...... media guys are as human as us and they favor the one in GOV . let BJP come back and they will starting claiming BJP as sooopa dooopa good :lol: (a) To secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein...
  4. dronedevta

    Taliban vow to attack “BJP-backed terror camps in Kashmir”

    @Albatross Even if you say OFFICIAL figure of gujrat riots were X3 less than the original one, EVEN then its 3000 , Which is DEFINITELY less than 1969 GR or EVEN DELHI Massacre. Regarding communal views and stance : these are all political dramas , congress fought 1984 elections on SIKH...
  5. dronedevta

    Taliban vow to attack “BJP-backed terror camps in Kashmir”

    @Albatross I'am not saying BJP is some apostle of so called god , BOTH BJP and congress used communal sentiments of people to gain votes, the only difference is that congress did it earlier so no media scrutiny , BJP did it later so huge media negative hype .
  6. dronedevta

    Taliban vow to attack “BJP-backed terror camps in Kashmir”

    @Albatross BOGUS , congress lost to china and even let tibbet go away .congress went onto dictatorship and finished democracy in 1975 emergency . congress after 1969 congress breakup is just a NEHRU GANDHI CO PVT LTD. 1969 GUJRAT RIOTS - goverment congress , killed 5000+ 1985 Gujrat riots-...
  7. dronedevta

    Taliban vow to attack “BJP-backed terror camps in Kashmir”

    LIKE ? What made him say this in a function of his political party??why not in a official press note or advisory ? Why didn't he ban the BJP or dissolve its state governments which are ruling in 33 % of india ? why did he BACKTRACKED that he was just saying that from some newspaper report...
  8. dronedevta

    Saffron terror: Why then has Shinde not banned the BJP?

    Facts don't need any camps :lol: Am I looking like those who claim that there children is taken or treated badly because of was a specific religion ?:cheesy: It was clear since 1925 and 7th century what things represent :cheers:
  9. dronedevta

    Saffron terror: Why then has Shinde not banned the BJP?

    Correct , Same way peaceful muslims(non practitioners) don't represent all muslims as they are in minority . On the side note , does RSS say it represent all hindus ? or even hinduism ? sikhism ? jainism ? buddhism? i think you know that hindutva is not equal to the term hindu?
  10. dronedevta

    Muslim cop goes to Supreme Court to save beard

    I beg your pardon BUT there is NO islam W/o hadith .:cheers: On the Topic : I think Uniform civil law should be drawn towards everyone Irrespective of who he is and what he beliefs though political parties crying for vote bank would not allow this to happen.
  11. dronedevta

    Indian officials warn Kashmiris of possible nuclear attack: Report

    FROM OFFICIAL AP WEBSITE India warns Kashmiris of possible nuclear attack
  12. dronedevta

    Pakistan: The Lost Generation

    very bad situation BUT they are themselves responsible for it . I can only HOPE that one day pakistan could be a very literate society and can help world economy rather begging other countries for aid .
  13. dronedevta

    Taliban Commanders Say They Were Tortured by Pakistani Intelligence

    That's bad . Amnesty international and HRW should ask pakistan about wrong handling of these pious mujadeens
  14. dronedevta

    Indian officials warn Kashmiris of possible nuclear attack: Report

    RINAGAR: Officials in Indian Kashmir warned residents of a possible nuclear attack, advising them to build bomb-proof basements and collect two weeks’ worth of food and water, said a report by Associated Press (AP) on Tuesday. According to the report, Kashmir police published the advisory on...
  15. dronedevta

    [TimesOfIndia] Now, BJP to oppose Pak writers at Jaipur Literature Festival

    mostly indians don't work in pak so its a issue for pakistanis who are working in india. Call your pakistan government to call back all nachodas and nachanias .
  16. dronedevta

    [TimesOfIndia] Now, BJP to oppose Pak writers at Jaipur Literature Festival

    aman ka tamasha was started by toi group and jungg BOTH hardliners(on each others issues) who just wanna make money .
  17. dronedevta

    [TimesOfIndia] Now, BJP to oppose Pak writers at Jaipur Literature Festival

    When muslim extremists opposes Jaipur festival - OK OK , deen ke bande aen When BJP does - oh you extremist kuffrrrr :X Anyways elections are near and political parties playing their cards :D
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