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  1. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    Because it's not that simple. You see, if it weren't for the effort of Armenian diasporans worldwide, the genocide would have been forgotten long ago. But that is not the case. In the United States for example, Turkey must spend millions every year to hire politicians to deny the genocide...
  2. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    No, Armenia is not planning for this to happen. However, it is a logical unfolding events that can only help Armenia. Something can't just "not happen to you." It happened, and eventually Turkey will take responsibility whether you like it or not.
  3. Kajutyun

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    Who is "we"? A forum poster won't be giving anything to anybody.
  4. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    You are really stupid if you think that you will debate someone on whether the AG happened or not. It's like debating whether there was a terrorist attack on 9/11: it's demeaning and pointless. There is nothing to argue about. If you would like to talk about the problems impeding Turkey from...
  5. Kajutyun

    British intelligence warns Iran will have nuclear weapons by 2014 as US tig

    lol yes and the world will end in 6 months....
  6. Kajutyun

    Assad's Tanks Destroyed by Mujaheeds near the Syria-Turkey Border

    Hmm, I wish Erdogan kept this in mind when he made the decision to start making trouble in Syria....
  7. Kajutyun

    Assad's Tanks Destroyed by Mujaheeds near the Syria-Turkey Border

    No, religion is just about the only issue here. Religion is the reason that Sunni terrorists are flocking from Iraq and other countries to join the rebellion (Iraqi officials even confirm this). Religion is what allows Turkey to stir up trouble and instigate its fellow Sunnis to fight Assad...
  8. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    LOL it's funny I was in Armenia last month going south from the capital. It was a five hour drive, and the whole way Iranian trucks were completely backed up on the roads. It was terrible.:hitwall: Iran and Armenia are planning to build a railroad track to facilitate trade. It is already...
  9. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    Glad that we acknowledge Azerbaijani economy demise. As for Armenia, I can't say that the forecasts are good nor bad. It will maintain a 3-4% growth in economy every year, which can be disappointing. At the very least, it is diversified enough to be sustainable. Hopefully, we can shut down...
  10. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    ROFL why are you telling me???? Tell Sultan Aliyev. This argument is not about what Azerbaijan should do, it is about why they won't have an economy in 20 years. I take it back, this post was stupider than your previous one.
  11. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    What an ignorant, baseless statement. If there is ever a time to make investments, it is now when they still have oil. Who is going to invest in Azerbaijan when it goes broke and there is literally no economic activity? There is absolutely no indication that Sultan Aliyev is prepared to...
  12. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    "Azeri economy will be way stronger"...explain to me how this will happen if the oil runs out. Or are you another Azeri that subscribes to the "Azerbaijan has infinite amounts of oil" theory:rofl: Nah, Turk in disguise.
  13. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    Yes of course, because Armenian history only extend back to 11th century when Turks came..... Excellent job quoting Wikipedia. Weren't you the one complaining about the lack reliability on Wiki? Regardless, Armenian economy is growing by 3-4% per year. This is not like Azeri 25% growth, but it...
  14. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    lol OK Turkey=American colony
  15. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    "Quite a number of people"????? India has more impoverished people than sub-Saharan Africa. Have you every been to Armenia? The only time the residents even concern themselves with anything Turkish is on April 24th. Nobody hates the general ethnicity, and certainly not Turkish culture. There...
  16. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    Because battle readiness comes from experience, or at least being taught by thouse who were victorious. Not all Armenian weaponry is secret, only the kind in which secrecy would end up being an advantage. I have a friend meeting with the defense minister and will ask him how they decide what...
  17. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    More freedom than in Baku, that's for sure..... I see. You must be one of the more fortunate Indians that actually lives on more than $1 per day. Congratulations. What you just described about Armenia was utter BS. Try to work out your own country's predicament before trying to diagnose mine...
  18. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    "Superior humans"....when have I said that?!?!?!?!?! Before I explain why Armenians are stronger militarily, please explain why you keep implying that my comments have racist overtures. You keep doing this, and I don't understand why.
  19. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    You are honestly the least informed person on this forum. Do you have any idea about what kind of a county Azerbaijan is. Its freedom of media is only a couple of notches above North Korea's, and its human rights record is somewhere around there too. Which means that if you are anything close to...
  20. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    The UN has no choice in the matter, but ieven if that were the case it would not matter. There will never be sanctions placed on Armenia, there will simply be "endless talks" by the OSCE. Nobody has ever even brought up sanctions, so what the hell are you talking about? Armenia will have no...
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