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  1. Kajutyun

    The cancellation of the purchase of the air defence system for the TSK.

    Turkey is not a "big player" in the Caucasus. It's only role is to act as an intermediary for Azeri oil/gas travelling to Europe. You overestimate relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey. They just happen to have close economic ties, that's hit. All this talk about "two states, one nation" is...
  2. Kajutyun

    The cancellation of the purchase of the air defence system for the TSK.

    Azerbaijan has a TERRIBLE economy. It's mere existence is contingent upon the fact that it just HAPPENS to sit on oil reserves. TBH, I can see how Armenia could be jealous of Turkish economy, but definitely not Azerbaijani. When the oil drys, they are gone. And no, with Russian aid, Armenia is...
  3. Kajutyun

    Happy Ramadan

    :D:D:D:D Happy Ramadan to all Iranian bros. Good luck with fasting!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D
  4. Kajutyun

    Syria blames Turkey for suicide bombing

    Another thing that is being overlooked is the fact that the Defense Minister was the highest-ranking Christian in the government. Coincidence? Of course not. These sectarian-driven terrorists should be eradicated, along with their Christian-phobic Turkish and Arab sponsors. RIP Dawoud Rajiha.
  5. Kajutyun

    The cancellation of the purchase of the air defence system for the TSK.

    Yeah yeah yeah "Armenia is Russia's slave, they are not independent nation." I hope all of those things make you feel better about the fact that Armenia is strongest nation in the Caucasus.
  6. Kajutyun

    The cancellation of the purchase of the air defence system for the TSK.

    Still trying to teach me about Armenia? The current S300 is the PMU2 Favorite, the exact same kind that Azerbaijan has. The S300PS system that you are referring to was scraped in 2007. However, once Russia, Kazakhstan, and Armenia combine air defense system in the coming year, S400 will be...
  7. Kajutyun

    The cancellation of the purchase of the air defence system for the TSK.

    What does this have to do with Armenia? You are the one posting off topic. I mentioned Iran because Abdi-Karim did. But if you must know, Armenia has S300s. It's funny, because currently Turkey is considering Russia for contract on its missile system, and Russia is offering S300. That means...
  8. Kajutyun

    The cancellation of the purchase of the air defence system for the TSK.

    Please name a Turkish missile that is more effective than the Sajjael or Ashoura.
  9. Kajutyun

    Potential ethnic conflict in Greece

    I will not label the PKK a terrorist organization just because tell me to, especially considering that you deny the Armenian Genocide. No, I will make a rational judgement for myself. Neither am I saying that PKK has my unconditional support in everything they do. Same way as I do not support...
  10. Kajutyun

    Potential ethnic conflict in Greece

    Don't be a defeatist. How does TurAr know anything about the opinions of Kurds? Has there been a vote? A referendum? A census? No.
  11. Kajutyun

    Potential ethnic conflict in Greece

    The results of Turkish bombing of "terrorists" in foreign countries: POLITICS - Iraq warns Turkey against violating airspace
  12. Kajutyun

    Potential ethnic conflict in Greece

    There are a lot of countries that (tacitly) support the PKK. Why are you so surprised?
  13. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan to carry out terrorist acts?

    The issue will be resolved within the coming years, when Russian influence is not only unquestioned but also still growing.
  14. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan to carry out terrorist acts?

    Unfortunately, you are right. Looks like we have reached a common understanding.:D
  15. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan to carry out terrorist acts?

    "Turkey is legally the invader"....this is an oxymoron. Every country in the world recognizes territorial integrity of Greek Cyprus, and see Turkey as the illegal occupier. If Turkey wants to legitimize its position, it should recognize territories like Abkazia and Artsakh, because TRNC is in...
  16. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan to carry out terrorist acts?

    Last digression from topic: Also, @Mods, sorry for the language. What makes you think that such agreements are even legal. How is it legal to give Armenian dominated land to an Armenophobic country just because? Armenia does not recognize such agreements. If Turkey is the guaranter of...
  17. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan to carry out terrorist acts?

    Ir.Tab I'm surprised at you. We had a similar conversation a number of weeks ago, and at the time you were more able to see through Azerbaijani BS. Artsakh was NEVER part of an independent Azerbaijani state. Ever. During Soviet times, there were some backdoor deals and Stalin lumped NK with...
  18. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan to carry out terrorist acts?

    Well, Artsakh residents are people too, regardless of the political situation. You cannot deprive them of basic transport necessities such as an airport. Have you seen the roads in rural Armenia? Let me put it this way: the only way to make roads less driveable is if you distribute iron nails...
  19. Kajutyun

    Mossad hiring Syrian refugees in Turkey

    FARS is semi-official, meaning it also acts as a government mouthpiece. Therefore, this story should be taken more for the Iranian government's current inclination and less for face value.
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