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  1. S

    B'desh permits India limited transhipment via its port

    First will be Population than Territory. Sending Rohingyas and Illegal Bangladeshis back to Bangladesh is the First Step. Then would be Joint BSF-Burmese Army Invasion of CHT. R&AW Supported CHT Freedom Fighters killed 27,000 Bangladeshi Soldiers. When Marathi Nationalism (Shiv Sena) was...
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    Navy detain 20 Myanmarese

    Bangladesh records Rohingyas as Myanmarese but they do not see the same. You should check the Burmese News Media for that. Why does Bangladesh - A Muslim Majority Nation with 97% Muslims refuse to accept Rohingyas - Muslims? That is an act of Munafiq by Bangladesh. Who is Bombay Dude...
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    Turkey to build first domestic aircraft carrier

    The only bad factor in Turkey is that it does not face the Ocean directly. Juan Carlos would be Ok for $1.5 Billion Budget.
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    Navy detain 20 Myanmarese

    Rohinghyas and Bangladeshis arrested by Bangladesh Navy, not Myanmarese.
  5. S

    Turkey to build first domestic aircraft carrier

    Why Forget it? If we count the Proposal and planning stage as part of the project, Pakistani SLV Program has been running since 1961 and there is only a Card Board Made SLV (Downloaded from Google Images) shown every year at the Center Stall of the SUPARCO every year and it is not expected...
  6. S

    Turkey to build first domestic aircraft carrier

    Nuclear Reactors are not necessary for an AC. Only Nimitz and Charles De Gualle have Nuclear Propulsion. Work Started in 1999. Went Critical in 2003 and the Test completed in 2006. So Basically Seven Years.
  7. S

    Legalize cattle smuggling on Bangladesh border: BSF chief

    Bangladesh has Lower HDI than India. Bangladesh has Lowest HDI in the Islamic World. A country with selling 20,000 Second Hand Cars running Euro I Standards. The Main Highway is a Two-Lane Kuccha Road from Capital and Port. :lol: Majority of Bangladeshi Economy is run on: (Thanks...
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    Taliban Indian Muslim?

    9937 is like 9821, 9820.
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    Taliban Indian Muslim?

    Official Website of Taliban: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Contact us Page: Dr Tariq Dr Tariq alemarah1@gmail.com 0093773567977 9377 - Gujarat Reliance Mobile Number Locator (India), missed call finder, mobile number directory, who is calling Indian Muslims are helping Taliban?
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    Pakistan's Shia genocide

    Al-Jazeera - The Best Muslim Source.
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    28 illegal Bangladeshi immigrants arrested in Mumbai raid

    Aren't most Bangladeshis Slaves of Mumbai Culture already?
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    1971 War - Official Pakistani Version

    Does it matter what you do? What you feel is Irrelevant.
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    Archaeologists confirm Indian civilization is 2000 years older than previou

    The True Muslims (Whom you call Extremist Muslims) will make you bring back to True Fold of Islam! You cannot worship Naked, neither Rocks, Only Allah. Focus on Allah, not Rocks nor Nakedness! "Everything comes around" are the words of the same Abrahamics!
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    1971 War - Official Pakistani Version

    Ok. That is between Indians and Europeans. What is has to do with Non-Indians and Non-Europeans?
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    1971 War - Official Pakistani Version

    You claimed this. Your Source provides no proof of your claim.
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    1971 War - Official Pakistani Version

    Can we have any Proof of that? Or you accept it from the same West (Abrahamics) who told you Allah is the only True God and accepted it?
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    Hitler’s Strange Afterlife in India

    Muslims were in Bed with Christians (Nazis) in Killing the Jews. WW2 was a Religious War. Holy War+Crusades = Holocaust. Abrahamic Concept of Hell and Heaven are Irrelevant to Hindus. His Karma was Good and He will come back in the same Form. :lol: What would be the Good Animal Adjective for...
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    1971 War - Official Pakistani Version

    Anything outside of Indic Civilization is Foreign. We don't give a F*ck of Foreigners unless and unless their stupidity affects us. Remember that. Dharmic Religions, Syrian Christians, Indian Jews, Parsis, Ahmadiyya Muslims i.e. all Religions anad Sects of Outside Religions Born in India are...
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    China's J-15 Carrier-Based Fighter is Inferior to Russian Su-33 fighter: Russia

    China has rejected reports that its new aircraft carrier-borne fighter jet J-15 was copied from US technology. Defence ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng said China had stuck to independent innovation and had the capacity to build and develop its own aircraft carrier. "The assertion that...
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    4 Frigates on Line for Turkish Navy

    You will hardly have a 4000 Tonne Frigate like Type 054A, Talwar Class or Gorkshov Class in 2020 with $1 Billion each.
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