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  1. lilaspr

    US naval move in Australia may help India take on China

    Is it only me or any other members here think, if US naval base in Australia is a threat to China. Can any one explain why its not a threat to India? Any foreign military base weather its friendly or now friendly country next to your door is not a good news. I believe, India should have...
  2. lilaspr

    Gillard's push for uranium sales to India

    This Is Rude!!!
  3. lilaspr

    Gillard's push for uranium sales to India

    Why everyone is making big waves about Australia uranium sale to India. Very recently i realized Australia even exist on world map. :)
  4. lilaspr

    India to test fire sub-sonic cruise missile Nirbhay next year

    Sorry if its off topic, while searching Nirbhay in wiki, i read BrahMos II will a hypersonic cruise missile i had no idea about BrahMos II. Anyway it will be fastest in world and almost impossible for any radar to catch. I think Israel should buy few dozens, its will be very handy for...
  5. lilaspr

    Raytheon keen to supply missiles to IAF

    ADM-160B is better then ADM-160A but if indian plans to go the it should go for MALD-J (ADM-160C) as it has jamming system aswell. It seems they are offering MALD-J to India which is latest. Best part is its low-cost and very light in weight, India can buy few for C-130 aswell
  6. lilaspr

    US apologises to APJ Abdul Kalam for frisking incident

    Agree with @President Camacho statement. Insane statement by @indocarib as i know former president Bush one of the very few president of America who really cared and gave India deserving attention. So frisking him or people from his lobby at US senate, is stupid. Plus don't forget millions...
  7. lilaspr

    “Omnirole” Rafale Steals Lead Over Eurofighter Typhoon in Libyan Operations

    If India goes for Rafale then it should seriously think about adding Brimstone missile to Rafale. Even French air-force is planning to use thins on their Rafale. France zeroes in on lightweight weapon for Rafale
  8. lilaspr

    Apache AH-64D Block III vs Mi-28NE: What is good for India?

    Mi-28NE is good but ..... Apache AH-64D will be the best choice.
  9. lilaspr

    Beg, borrow or steal: IAF chief's advice to defence scientists

    I thought Kaveri engine project was scraped, if i am not wrong there was big discussion here. Then why is he talking about it? I hope with MRCA 126 fighter program India will get engine and aesa radar technologies.
  10. lilaspr

    The whole new BMP-2 : Up-gradation tender issued

    Poland might want to bag this order
  11. lilaspr

    US National Security Advisor to visit India

    As strategic signaling goes, this one is fairly direct and uncomplicated. President Obama is sending his National Security Advisor Tom Donilon to China and India on a two-nation visit this week, indicating that his administration has moved past the G-2 idea involving only the United States and...
  12. lilaspr

    France Foreign Minister visits India, Is Rafale won the MMRCA Bid?

    New Delhi, Oct 17 (PTI) British Vice-Chief of Defence Staff General Sir Nicholas Houghton today began a three-day visit here today. During his visit, Gen Houghton met Minister of State for Defence M M Pallam Raju and Defence Secretary Shashikant Sharma and discussed issues of mutual cooperation...
  13. lilaspr

    Pak wants 50 Indian engines, Rlys says no

    i got it. Thank you guys
  14. lilaspr

    Pak wants 50 Indian engines, Rlys says no

    Its not related to Defence but just wanted opinion from members. Why India has hesitation in it? Pak wants 50 Indian engines, Rlys says no Rail diplomacy between India and Pakistan seems to be going offtrack. The Indian Railways remains cool to Pakistan’s proposal to take 50 train engines...
  15. lilaspr

    India backs palestinian bid for UN membership

    Insane and crazy decision made by India government. India should not stand with Palestinian. There is Yiddish sayings saying "Capable solider standing in wrong camp"
  16. lilaspr

    India Not Developing Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile

    To become Global power i believe India should have ICBM. As i think India has tech for it and it seems money is not a problem for Indian Military establishments these days. What's missing is political will. Same in-case of Palestine support. It raises many questions on one hand India is one of...
  17. lilaspr

    India To Begin Production of Nuke Missile

    Congratulations on such an achievement. On another note. Why would India want to attack Tibet, India always supported it. If i am not wrong, India support to Tibet and Dalai Lama was the main reason of India China war. At-least this is what we know in west. Did India changed it foreign...
  18. lilaspr

    India and UK to work on UAV, advanced explosives, NBC countermeasures etc

    i thought UK buys everything from USA. Their defense tech are not mature enough. If its there then i am sure all of them are JV with USA. Why wasting time, focus and energy. Russian, Israel and french are willing to give u all the best tech they have. Why go for someone who was leading member...
  19. lilaspr

    India to sign 126 combat jets deal by December Confirmed

    India should go for Typhoon this is one of the best right now. Bit expensive but worth buying i would say.
  20. lilaspr

    India - Just One More To Go fifth of six C-130J Super Hercules

    No doubt C-130J Super Hercules is one of the best plane in its segment right now...
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