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  1. lilaspr

    Former Army chief Gen VK Singh calls for immediate dissolution of Parliamen

    In a mature democracy like India, personally, i don't think its a good idea for a former Army chief to join politics. Anyway he was the most controversial Army chief ever in Indian military establishment. Indian should discourage such initiative taken by former army chief even if its required...
  2. lilaspr

    Heavy weight MKI carries 8t while Medium weight Rafale carries 9t, why? ECO

    That is the whole point why IAF decided to buy Rafale. or else they would have easily bought 100 - 200 more MKI. and i don't believe Russia would have any problem with TOT to MKI. It nutshell MKI has more range with higher service ceiling. Rafale is relatively new platform, so i am sure it is...
  3. lilaspr

    New Modified Brahmos with 500 KM Range

    i doubt that, RIA Novosti is one of the most trust-able news source.
  4. lilaspr

    Tata Defence - 21 Light Armoured Troop Carriers (LATC) to Gujarat Police

    Why does Police need such a sophisticated machine - Armoured Troop Carriers?
  5. lilaspr

    Eurofighter was a good offer for India's MMRCA: Germany

    With no doubt, Rafale is best suited for India Air-fore requirements, but again i would say Euro-fighter (my favorite in MRCA) was not a bad choice either. Sarkozy was a shrewd politician that's why he managed to bag the order, i am not sure about hollande francois ?
  6. lilaspr

    India set to buy 40 Super Sukhoi jets for $3.5 bn

    What is Super Sukhoi? As i understood its nothing but upgraded MKI may be with AESA and some new missiles. I never understood, if u want to replace Mig 27 .... whyn't do it with Mig 35?
  7. lilaspr

    Su-30MKI Production line.

    This also depends on demand... (for example US manufactured 4,500+ F-16). If India has such a demand, its wont be difficult to get infrastructure like that. This is one of the reason why European military hardware is expensive... we try to maintain similar or may be superior (in same case) -...
  8. lilaspr

    In a first, Indian tank brigades to defend China border

    That's good. Merkava IV from Israel looks good too. Only problem i see its too heavy 65 tonnes where as T90 is 45 tonnes.
  9. lilaspr

    "Admiral Gorshkov" Aircraft carrier delayed again for Power paralyzed

    According to Forbes. RU Передача авианосца «Адмирал Горшков» Индии сдвигается на полгода из-за паровых котлов | Forbes.ru It was to be handed over to Indian Navy 4 December 2012... seems like it will take another 6...
  10. lilaspr

    India, Maldives intensify defence, counter-terror cooperation

    I saw Maldives pictures on Google images... its looks very beautiful. I wish to go there one day. Bo disrespect or anything. Do you think, i need Visa to go there as German? or its visa free for us? I couldn't find embassy website online. And when is the best time to go?
  11. lilaspr

    In a first, Indian tank brigades to defend China border

    I was just wondering, can India upgrade existing T-90 to T-90MS? or T-90MS is completely new platform.
  12. lilaspr

    kamov Ka-226 v/s Eurocopter Fennec

    No doubt Ka-226T is a winner here. LCH with few modification is comparable to Eurocopter Fennec... no scenes buying it.
  13. lilaspr

    Will Indians backstab china if China is militarily conflicting with Japan?

    Any attack on Japan, china will face serious consequences from American side. I don't think India will or have too get involved in this foolish act. Plus this will not happen in near future. I am really happy with china growth and military expansion. But annoyed on other hand everyone taking...
  14. lilaspr

    Boeing considers India, Singapore and S. Korea potential markets for Arrow

    USA requested possible sale of its Patriot SAM system to India so many times. Its India who dint show its interest... as they are making developing their own system. And if i am not wrong they are using Russian S300 also. If they are using S-300 then wise choice will be: 1) S-500 and Indian...
  15. lilaspr

    India, Russia sign pact for Smerch rockets

    Is it about Smerch rockets production only (9M55K, 9M55K1, 9M55K4, 9M55K5, 9M55F, 9M55C, 9M528) only or entire system production and development... Will it include 9A52-4 Tornado (Russians are replacing BM-30 Smerch with 9A52-4 Tornado), so whyn't push for this?
  16. lilaspr

    Will China become Isreals new host or Medium for its survival?

    With time... Chinese and Israeli diplomatic ties might grow but when it comes to strategic alliance. Its unlikely to have very strong strategic partnership between two nation - U.S.A factor. But to my understanding, U.S.A factor doesn't play big role when it comes to India and Israel...
  17. lilaspr

    India, US set to ink $1.4bn deal for 22 Apache helicopters

    I think India should have minimum 50/60 Apache. 20/25 for Indian Air Force and 30/35 for Indian Army. If you look at Indian military purchase habits... they always buys in small orders and follow on is bigger. I wish Indian Army should also get hand on Apache.
  18. lilaspr

    French shipbuilder DCNS eyes more contracts from Indian Navy

    I don't believe India will go for any made by U.S.A. As i remember there was a big noise by opposition party over USS Trenton purchase. US offered India USS Nashville and India rejected. Spanish ship Juan Carlos seems chap and a good offer to go for as they have 25% unemployment and country...
  19. lilaspr

    Russians Discuss Future Aircraft Carrier Plans, Eyeing India

    its a great news if its nuclear powered, India should seriously think about it.
  20. lilaspr

    Anti Maoist Squadron are being trained by Israeli now

    Correct me if i am wrong... where it says Police trained for Maoists. Training is done to fight terrorism after Mumbai attack. And its not first there are many such training is done under different level. It has nothing to do with Moist.
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