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  1. G

    India ends search for survivors in Mumbai rubble

    Coming from those who have found nationalism through religion and believe anyone who disbelieves in Ram is to be slaughtered or oppressed like the Christians, Muslims, Shaivites and Sikhs. If Anna Hazare cared for corruption that does not result in people losing their lives, then surely, he...
  2. G

    Forget Gwadar, China has Karachi

    He hasn't been able to answer for why the Indians abandoned the Tamilians, unashamedly or why they have done this to the Sikhs: http://www.defence.pk/forums/central-south-asia/244175-ban-controversial-punjabi-movie-new-low-sikh-india-relations.html They trolled that thread shut (leaving it...
  3. G

    Forget Gwadar, China has Karachi

    Quoting your own newspaper to prove your own point is like saying I wrote a book and gave myself a literary award :omghaha: What a joke of a thread. Indian express? What will you share with us next? RSS weekly? :omghaha: Oops, wait, all Indian newspapers are equivalent of RSS weekly (given...
  4. G

    India ends search for survivors in Mumbai rubble

    We sympathize with the Indians and also would like to send out our condolences to the families of the victims. Our only question or query would be, why, in a higher than first world country like India, which has been unanimously given the title of the sole "out of the world" country, for its...
  5. G

    India ends search for survivors in Mumbai rubble

    Rescuers in India have ended their search for survivors in the rubble of a Mumbai high-rise which collapsed killing 72 people, 26 of them children. The seven-storey block in Thane, an unauthorised building which was already inhabited despite being still under construction, collapsed on...
  6. G

    BREAKING NEWS: Narendra Modi's HM, Amit Shah took bribe of Rs 2.50 crores

    @nuclearpak @Oscar Should this not be considered trolling and result in a ban or at least infarctions, as per the Forum rules? A similar treatment was given to me and I respect your neutrality in not treating Pakistanis any more favourably than you would the Indians, but with them doing...
  7. G

    Ban on controversial Punjabi movie. A new low in Sikh-India relations?

    Brother I also added the following to the post you quoted me in: "Similarly, the Sikhs have realized that India is not "united" or a true representation of pluralism because they aren't even allowed to marry under Sikh law as they have to do so under the Hindu law (indirectly being labelled as a...
  8. G

    Ban on controversial Punjabi movie. A new low in Sikh-India relations?

    I believe that Muslims of India are not of Arab-origin because by doing so, I am using the logic of Hitler who believed the Jews were foreign and his lands had to be cleansed as per the Aryan tradition, which was observed in India where they cleansed the North from the Dravidians. Similarly...
  9. G

    Ban on controversial Punjabi movie. A new low in Sikh-India relations?

    Thank you for the share but brother, as you may already be aware of my way of thinking, I only believe in the Mandela and MLK Jr. style civil rights movement and don't think this is something I can condone or appreciate. BTW, I didn't add Gandhi to the list because he was only a spokesperson...
  10. G

    Ban on controversial Punjabi movie. A new low in Sikh-India relations?

    Anyone who does not believe in waving the "saffron" flag whilst marching to kill unarmed and innocent Christians in Madhya Pradesh and Muslims in Gujarat, in their homes, is not to be taken seriously. You've told me this before, and I've understood your perspective. Why keep repeating it...
  11. G

    Ban on controversial Punjabi movie. A new low in Sikh-India relations?

    Are you saying Deoband (Devbandiya) and Barelvi (Raebareilly) are "wannabe" Arabs or are you using it as a euphemism to refer to the general Muslim populace just like you label all Christians as "wannabe" Europeans or the entire Tamil issue on the "church". Please try to veil your xenophobic...
  12. G

    BREAKING NEWS: Narendra Modi's HM, Amit Shah took bribe of Rs 2.50 crores

    Confusing yourself with Karzai again? BTW, the Pakistanis have made overtures to the Hazaras, Tajiks and Uzbeks. They have accepted and reciprocated the positive step. Pakistan regrets supporting only one community and will now be supportive of a more inclusive Afghanistan, which will be...
  13. G

    Ban on controversial Punjabi movie. A new low in Sikh-India relations?

    The most famous Sikh singer, Jazzy B, endorses the movie and performs the title-track for the trailer. https://twitter.com/jazzyb Baghi | Jazzy B | Full Official Music Video | Sadda Haq - YouTube Sadda Haq (2013 Film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://www.facebook.com/saadahaqmovie...
  14. G

    BREAKING NEWS: Narendra Modi's HM, Amit Shah took bribe of Rs 2.50 crores

    Please stop begging the Americans to not take their jobs back and to not issue travel advisories to their citizens (the main source of tourism in your country). Also, 4,000 armed forces personnel were killed by the same people who you're asking me to weep for. I heard anthropologists and...
  15. G

    Congress links Modi to death again, calls him Yamraj now

    After Americans and Europeans decided to take back their jobs and protect their tourists from having been sent off to the rape capital of the world, the Indians make overtures to deceive another great power for a decade. :hitwall: :welcome: the Chinese to a truly "lost decade" of friendship...
  16. G

    Congress links Modi to death again, calls him Yamraj now

    Not only is his apology enough, I think all non-Vaishnavites and women, should elect him and vote for him in hordes to send him off to the center of the universe, Delhi. As a parting gift, a few Dalits, Muslims, Christians and women (raped first) should be shipped off to the temple of Kali, the...
  17. G

    BREAKING NEWS: Narendra Modi's HM, Amit Shah took bribe of Rs 2.50 crores

    Speaking for human rights has now been equated with trolling and losing your balance. :hitwall: Bharat truly is very "mahaan" :whistle:
  18. G

    BREAKING NEWS: Narendra Modi's HM, Amit Shah took bribe of Rs 2.50 crores

    Hello, brown shirts of Modi :omghaha: Wonder when will there be Nuremberg-like trials of the BJP leadership? You folks have any clue? I mean, you should, given that the international community will arrest and jail you even after you're found to be 90 years hiding somewhere in the jungles of...
  19. G

    Google gone green - Pakistani men vs Indian men

    Sorry, Ms. I need Fair and Lovely because I have an inferiority complex (and colonial hangup), The Pakistani actresses and specifically, the drama ones and models like Mahnoor Baloch are absolutely the most beautiful women I have ever met or seen. You can tell the difference when you see...
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