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  1. ViXuyen

    China, Rome, and the United States

    No wonder why people are keep laughing at you Chinese. Do you believe that you're the only one in the world who value education and value the hard work? LOL What a bunch of frogs who sit at the well. I guess Chinese are naturally lazy and have no value for education that's why you need to be...
  2. ViXuyen

    China's Ancient Machines : Song Industrialization

    The Mongols could not conquer Vietnam because the Mongols did not have a huge concentration of calvary in a single campaign. The Mongols only sent about 10,000 calvary and 100,000 foot soldiers to attack Vietnam. That kind of force won't do it because we were able to mobilize an army of...
  3. ViXuyen

    China's Ancient Machines : Song Industrialization

    What do you expect? By the time the Mongols started their campaign against the Southern Song, their Empire had divided into 4 Khanates. Kubilai Khan Khanate only had about 60,000 Calvalry. China at that time had high city walls one after another. Mongols calvary had to dismount and scale...
  4. ViXuyen

    Does India need 8,000 Km Range missile?

    Yes, you do if you can. Being complacent is dangerous. India was invaded by countries more than 8000 km away; you don't want to have such a tragedy to repeat. Why do you think America wants to have the ability to hit every country on Earth?
  5. ViXuyen

    Japan's stealth jet prototype 'to fly this year'

    If the Japanese succeed then it's good for us. We would have an extra option to buy stealthy jets from other than the Russian.
  6. ViXuyen

    China, Rome, and the United States

    rubbish, Korea and Japan become industrialized because they receive tech transfer from the European and American, not becaue they adopt Chinese culture. Chinese culture is backward, that's why Vietnam is the way it is now.....according to your logic
  7. ViXuyen

    Should The U.N. Be Disbanded?

    So you're just an economic refugee/deserter; not because of democrappy You just admit that democrappy fails; it fails over 3 billions people:omghaha:
  8. ViXuyen

    China, Rome, and the United States

    And you can't accept of the facts that I mentioned. We flourished before we even know of something called "Chinese" LOL . I feel sorry for you guys if you guys think that we need you to civilize us for a simple fact that we became sedentary farmers in the Red river delta while you were still...
  9. ViXuyen

    Why is Japan building up its Navy?

    Nuclear powered submarine is louder than diesel electric due to the noice generated from its reactor so there goes your advantage of stealth.
  10. ViXuyen

    Ukraine officials pleading with US to provide military aid, lawmaker says

    NATO will not let Ukraine join them. Ukraine can go to war with Russia at anytime. Most of NATO are wealthy states, they won't die for a poor guy like Ukraine. Dying for a poor guy like Ukraine is everything to lose but nothing to gain. Georgia wants to join NATO too, will NATO let them in?
  11. ViXuyen

    Should The U.N. Be Disbanded?

    Are you on crack? Most of the world's demorappy are poor such as Latin America, Mexico, Carribean, Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Iraq, Afganistan. Over 3 billions of democraps there, private. Will you let those democrappy join you or are you going to discriminate...
  12. ViXuyen

    China, Rome, and the United States

    Learn some facts first. When Vietnamese were doing farming, Chinese were still naked carnivores running around fighting with vultures for left-over food. When our Dong Son Bronze culture was flourishing, the Chinese were still running around hacking each others for sport. Keep your...
  13. ViXuyen

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    We're waiting to worship you guys here, why so long?
  14. ViXuyen

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    Claim? That's the number the U.S admitted losing, kid. Read "Air War in Vietnam by Phil Chinnery" for your further education We claim over 4200 shot down so I guess the real figure is somewhere in the middle..like 4000 eh. Talking about carpet bombing every Vietnamese city, you Chinese do...
  15. ViXuyen

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Song Thu shipyard
  16. ViXuyen

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    If Chinese want to work as slaves with low wages then that's your choice, we can't be like you Our productivity can't be high if they pay us low. Yes, we complain, lazy, arrive late at work, go on strike a lot but FDI enterprises are keep coming to Vietnam and you know WHY? You get what you...
  17. ViXuyen

    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    You just have to use onboard helicopter to detect opposing ships as shipborn radar detection range is severely restricted by the earth curvature.
  18. ViXuyen

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    According to Vietnamese defence forum, we're in possession of Israel's ACCULAR and EXTRA rockets; hope to see pics soon
  19. ViXuyen

    China, Rome, and the United States

    Hong Kong obviously wants to be independent from China. They would rather be a British colony than being a part of China. If given referendum, they will join the U.K for sure 100%. Hong Kong sobbed about being handed back to China. Taiwan does not want to be a part of China so does the...
  20. ViXuyen

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    If they try to nuke us, all the radiation falls back to them and take them down along with us; any of their surviving population will turn into another "special" speci:wave:
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