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given the balance of power in the SE Sea I think the best thing to keep Chinese surface fleet in check is for Vietnam to continue increasing unterwater combat capacity.

Vietnam needs more subs. perhaps nuclear subs.

I think VN need an new order for submarines in 2020 (maybe 6 subs next), But I do not know what type they should be?
(excluding nuclear subs.)
According to Vietnamese defence forum, we're in possession of Israel's ACCULAR and EXTRA rockets; hope to see pics soon

I think VN need an new order for submarines in 2020 (maybe 6 subs next), But I do not know what type they should be?
(excluding nuclear subs.)
have you checked how many subs, destroyers and frigates the Chinese possess? you will be shocked by the sheer number!
no, not 2020, but we need asap more warships: 6 diesel subs, 4 destroyers, 4 frigates and 2 nuclear subs.

why nuclear subs? if China sends warships into the SC Sea, we should be able to send ours to the East China Sea and Indian Ocean to threaten their lifeline. only nuclear subs can raise the stakes, while surface warships can´t, so they are forced to think twice before doing stupid things.
This company exports wind turbine tower to the U.S. They can roll steel plate with a diameter up to 6 meters. (largest in Vietnam as far as I know) Somebody must let the ministry of defense know so the company might participate in future defense projects like submarine building or rocket eh

Hệ thống máy móc và thiết bị
technical trials completed: 2 new Vietnamese-built Molniya corvettes - HQ-377 and HQ-378, equipped with uran missiles.

interesting news from Russia:

Vietnam plans to produce 10 more Molnija class corvettes (bringing the number to 16) and double the number of Gepard frigates (bringing the number to 12). Unclear whether we will buy the frigates or produce them in Vietnam using Russian license, like the Molnija class corvettes.

Molnija corvette

Gepard frigate

the article says further Russia will deliver all toys whatever Vietnam wants. Voice of Russia is the mouth piece of the government of Russia.

so can we order nuclear subs too?

Warum Vietnam mehr russische Waffen braucht - Nachrichten - Gesellschaft - Stimme Russlands
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we need new tanks, for example T-90. the existing ones we possess T-55 are too old.



I think the T 55 is quite all right, you still could use it for a swarm attack. At least Vietnam has the most number of tanks in SE Asia which could perform such attack.
I think the T 55 is quite all right, you still could use it for a swarm attack. At least Vietnam has the most number of tanks in SE Asia which could perform such attack.

My self don't think it will be a nice idea, any Armed forces equipped with light ATGM or RPG 7 will be enough to stop those relics tank in urban combat. Vietnam still need to upgrade their armor inventory, T-90 or Oplot will be a nice addition for the to spear heading any movement/maneuver.
My self don't think it will be a nice idea, any Armed forces equipped with light ATGM or RPG 7 will be enough to stop those relics tank in urban combat. Vietnam still need to upgrade their armor inventory, T-90 or Oplot will be a nice addition for the to spear heading any movement/maneuver.

Swarm attack does not work on urban combat, I mean swarm attack for border breaching. Enemy infantries with RPG or ATGM will pee in their pants for seeing 400 tanks coming at them at once.
Swarm attack does not work on urban combat, I mean swarm attack for border breaching. Enemy infantries with RPG or ATGM will pee in their pants for seeing 400 tanks coming at them at once.

Yes it will be a repeat of Battle of Longewala (1971 India-Pakistani War), considering the terrain of all Vietnamese border. Without proper armor still they are vulnerable against a determined defender.
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