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  1. BJP*

    Indian Wipro is going to buy an american company

    Wipro to remain in focus on acquisition December 9, 2012: The stock of Wipro will react to its acquisition plans of Singapore-based FMCG company L.D. Waxsons Group for Rs 785 crore. This is the first acquisition after Wipro last month restructured its business divisions to hive off non-IT...
  2. BJP*

    China omits India, Pak from 72-hour visa free travel

    It is because of pakistanies, the name of brown people have become bad. Indians have suffered a lot in west because of some pakistanies who were involved in "peaceful" activities. Its is the time pakistanis should give up such activities and take the responsibility of past deeds
  3. BJP*

    Any questions Regarding India

    Indians do it unintentionally, there are no hard feelings. This man know about his mistake, yet he is reluctant to correct it. He just want to show insensitivity towards fellow members on PDF and Indians in general. I might be typing typing China as "china", but there is no message I want to...
  4. BJP*

    Any questions Regarding India

    Then you must get go and learn that, we will not answer further until you are going to ask in civil and respectable manner.
  5. BJP*

    Any questions Regarding India

    1) Here is the official govt link for your first question Census of India : Houselisting and Housing Census Data Highlights - 2011 90.6% Indians still dont have Computer/Laptop!!! (this is a forum link, may be untrue or false) Indian PC market to register 11.15 mn units sale in...
  6. BJP*

    Pak, India more eager to settle issues

    Khurshid is trolling pakistan nothing more nothing less. How can we be at peace with nation who did 26/11? or have annexed 1/3 of our kashmiri territory? We both are bound to be enemy of each other. peace will only prevail with total disintegration of pakistan and when word "pakistan" will...
  7. BJP*

    India will protects its interests in disputed South China Sea: Navy Chief

    Oh come on... do you believe we really care for any "respect" from you?? Defending our assets in International water meant comedy to you? Are you giving introduction of your intelligence??
  8. BJP*

    Indian Navy will intervene in South China sea, if required

    There is nothing wrong in IN presence in china sea. They are also present in Indian ocean. This is neither negative nor positive news. Indian forces can show their presence in any international water. That is the fundamental right of every nation.
  9. BJP*

    Lalu Prasad says he is more popular than Nitish Kumar in Pakistan

    Yes pakistanis love Lalu and very fond of him. I think Lalu should do a concert in pakistan, he can earn a lot.
  10. BJP*

    Is India-China Relations Getting Warmer in here or m smoking weed ?

    and yes that gives them heavenly supreme pleasure :P :P
  11. BJP*

    Archaeologists confirm Indian civilization is 2000 years older than previou

    Na... civilization belongs to people who are practicing that civilization.
  12. BJP*

    Is India-China Relations Getting Warmer in here or m smoking weed ?

    actually Chinese do not mess with us now a days, their task is taken up by Chinese cheerleaders who claims they are in south asia. You can do practical of above statement and confirm yourself. Just open any thread where there is little comparison between India and china. The first post will be...
  13. BJP*

    Archaeologists confirm Indian civilization is 2000 years older than previou

    Every Pakistani who thinks IVC do not exist any more must read above post. We use Swastika in almost every ritual of our day to day life. We and yes including my family practices some of those ancient practices which were practiced 6000 years ago. I claim I have roots back to ancient IVC and...
  14. BJP*

    Archaeologists confirm Indian civilization is 2000 years older than previou

    world doesn't seem to agree with you on bold part. IVC is considered Indian civilization because it still flourishes in Indo-gangtic plains of India
  15. BJP*

    Border issue 'headache and trouble' for bilateral ties: China

    So what stoping China. Give us Aksai chin back and leave the claim for Arunachal pradesh, all will be fine. peace
  16. BJP*

    India to erect floating fence along Sir Creek border with Pakistan

    Its good that pakistan do not take up the issue ni bilateral meetings, virtually meant they accepted sir creek to be part of India. Hope they follow this policy in kashmir too. good move to Indo pak friendship :cheers:
  17. BJP*

    India to erect floating fence along Sir Creek border with Pakistan

    India to erect floating fence along Sir Creek border with Pakistan NEW DELHI: India will soon erect a 'floating fence', anchored by submerged metallic meshes, along the disputed Sir Creek border area with Pakistan. The 96-km strip in the Rann of Kutch marshes is notorious for illegal...
  18. BJP*

    prophet muhammad emergence in hindu scriptures

    Yes he was.... the problem is you say we are kafirs :lol:
  19. BJP*

    Hitler’s Strange Afterlife in India

    :blah::blah::blah: you sounds funny :lol:
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