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  1. G

    Iran to send astronaut to space by 2018

    But what if I told you it does not matter nor do Iran or Iranians give a toss whether you read more or not? the problem is not Iran but you. Iran has the fastest scientific growth in the world, 11.5 times faster than any other country in the world so it's natural they will be making...
  2. G

    Iran to send astronaut to space by 2018

    By sending man to space they mean they will do it in the same way they did to the monkey. They will send it up and then down. I don't know when an person will be place in orbit. That depends when Iran will make the needed SLV. I wonder what the Qooqnoos SLV is that they are working on.
  3. G

    IMINT shows Iranian missile accuracy

    This is nothing. These test were before the new guidance systems was unvielled. The fourth gen of the fateh-110 is much more accurate than other previous missiles and the zelzal-3 will be upgraded with the new guidance system. The problem US will face is the number is missiles Iran will...
  4. G

    Iran to send astronaut to space by 2018

    This turar is a troll. check his comments regarding the qaher-313. The Turks and zionist should be viewed as same when it comes to Iran's enemies. Both are Iran's enemies and are bunch of lowlifes with nothing better to do than come on to forums and automatically call everything Iran makes...
  5. G

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    I heard from some sources that the real plane has 4 intakes, 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom. But the ones on the bottom can be opened automatically depending on the situation and also can be opened manually by the pilot. If you look carefully at the plane you can see what looks like two...
  6. G

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    really? so that article proves this is a fake plane? I mean how stupid are you? seriously? Iran has never lied about any of it's military achievements, only in the eyes of Wahhabi and Mongoloids is Iran lying. I can understand your pain, but jealousy will only give you a heart attack.
  7. G

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    There are many hints this is a mockup. 1- There is no engine unveiled yet which this will use. 2- you can see the electric cable attached to it, in order to to light up the cockpit. 3- No HUD display. 4- and others of course. they said they are working on a glass-cockpit for this plane...
  8. G

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    Top 10 F-313 most important features TEHRAN, Feb. 4 (MNA) – In the anniversary of Iran's 1979 Revolution, Iranian president unveils indigenous Qaher 313 (Conquer) fighter jet, developed by Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics. The top 10 technical characteristics of the F-313...
  9. G

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    Interesting! did you write all this yourself LOL. You made a lot of nonsense comment and none of them said why this design is fake. Of course since Monday you been also on drugs? First They already said the thing flying was RC whilst people were thinking it was a real-sized plane...
  10. G

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    Also, look This is the YF-23 intake; I just need to remind you that yf-23 is a double engine aircraft! And the qaher is a single engined!
  11. G

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    Did he now? first of all he said, " This plane was flown by a pilot whom had thousands of hours of flight with planes and he said it is a great plane". MOD EDIT ___________________________________________________________________ very nice wind tunnel picture just look at the engine outlet...
  12. G

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    I don't know if this was already posted, the project leader talks in this video. P.s ERA@ your image is not showing.
  13. G

    Turkey intends to participate in Iran-P5+1 talks

    Iran needs to show Turkey the finger. Turkey is trying to act like some sort of regional player, so far they only managed to send arms to terrorists in Syria and that's them trying to desperately cut Iran's ties to Syria and to try and increase their own influence. Turkey is anything but a...
  14. G

    Iran unveils new generation of Zolfaqar, Samsam tanks

    Iran is going to make another tank by 2014 they said.
  15. G

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    Thanks for the explanation. but we don't know anything about radars of the plane's radar and frankly and only time will tell if they actually change the size of the nose, if not, then they must had brought the radars bit further back somehow?. Then again, this plane is just a mock-up so I am...
  16. G

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    Before saying it is moronic then reply why it is moronic. Support your claim on why it is "moronic". I said I have experience not the people I talk to on other forums and even in person. It is cheap to say someone statement is moronic but I wait for your "explanation" to suggest why it is.
  17. G

    3 Year old Iranian genius

    Daily Mail reports that Sherwyn (or Shervin) Sarabi, a 3-year old from Barnsley, South Yorkshire, has now become one of the youngest members of Mensa. Sherwyn's IQ score of 136 puts him in the top one per cent of the world's population ranked in order of intelligence. Sherwyn, who has a...
  18. G

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    As I said many times already, the plane they shown in the pictures is clearly a mock-up and the real thing is somewhere undergoing tests. They stated they are working on the cockpit, engine is defo being worked on, Iran needs to make it's own engines and not rely on those crap Russian junks. The...
  19. G

    Iran's Salehi says U.S. is changing approach to Tehran

    I find it odd how on exatcly the same day Iran unveiled F-313 stealth fighter that jow biden made that comment.
  20. G

    US Senator John McCain calls Ahmedinijad a 'Monkey'

    He himself is not exactly a handsome fellow is he?
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