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  1. Ozturk10

    Four NATO Patriot batteries are now operational in Turkey

    I'm pretty sure each PAC-3 system has four canisters. Each canister holding 4 missiles. So 16 missiles per system.
  2. Ozturk10

    Saudi Typhoons latest news.

    Mean Aircraft. @Mosamania Do your typhoons carry any ECM pods?
  3. Ozturk10

    Territorial Changes in the World Map?

    The scots aren't stupid enough to break away IMO. The kurds might gain full independence from Iraq [in the North] but Turkey and Iran will never allow the Kurds to take an inch of land from either territory. Syria's a melting pot at the moment so who knows what might happen.
  4. Ozturk10

    Turkey supports Pakistan's stance on Kashmir issue: Abdullah Gul

    Sarcasm in bolded part? Yes i know we have a couple of Turkish members that post disgusting comments aginast Indians but most of us don't. As you said, diplomacy on both sides.
  5. Ozturk10

    Turkey supports Pakistan's stance on Kashmir issue: Abdullah Gul

    Post reported for derogatory comments against Turkish people. If you've got a problem with our prsident that fine, but don't label all Turks as 'Turds'. Idiot
  6. Ozturk10

    Top 10 strongest Air Forces of the world (TopYaps)

    'Top Ten' threads = Rampant fanboyism on all sides. i.e. Pointless discussion.
  7. Ozturk10

    Turkey's First AIR-DEFENSE Frigates On The Way

    100% tech transfer! That would be amazing. Cant wait until IDEF now thanks Bordo. @Killuminati Only a handful of countries can develop high altitude SAMs at present and we have no where near the amount of expertise to join this club. We have started on the low/medium altitude SAM development...
  8. Ozturk10

    Turkey's First AIR-DEFENSE Frigates On The Way

    +1 Killumanati join us in the 21st century dude. Whats all this talk about crusaders? I'd rather pay money to buy systems that keep my country safe instead of thinking "Look how great we are, we said no to the 'crusaders' and their evil western technology" and then having bombs rain down on us.
  9. Ozturk10

    Turkey's First AIR-DEFENSE Frigates On The Way

    I would perfer to go for the Aster 15/30 combination rather then SM-2 / 3. Weren't the Europeans offering tech transfer as part of the deal? Would be sweet to integrate the Asters with GENESIS / ADVENT. And has ayone got any news on Aselsan CAFRAD?
  10. Ozturk10

    Iran unveils new, high-tech air defense equipment for use in Persian Gulf

    The milgem is a beast :). I know what you mean about the Iranian missile systems but I think the boasts about 'high tech' systems is done on purpose. Misinformation is a part of Psy-warfare and if I was being threatened almost daily by the US and Isreal I'd be telling everyone how state of the...
  11. Ozturk10

    Iran unveils new, high-tech air defense equipment for use in Persian Gulf

    Well done Iran. I'm also skeptical about the product being high tech (no offence meant) but at least they're gaining the experience . They've been under sanctions for years so it's a good achievement. We all have to start somewhere. Btw, why do all Turkish / Iranian defence industry threads...
  12. Ozturk10

    Helicopter crashes in Iranian province

    R.I.P to the fallen. The Turkish people also feel your pain. We also lost soldiers to a helicopter crash recently.
  13. Ozturk10

    Turkish PM's short stay, formal visit to Pakistan on Nov 21

    Can i have some of what your smoking? Pakistan will never be an extension of any country. :pakistan:
  14. Ozturk10


    Club: Arsenal Country: Turkey Any other Gooners floating around the forum?
  15. Ozturk10

    PKK moves to terror camp in Iran to attack Turkish targets

    Yes,that was a good reasoning. I think what Turkey is doing today in Syria is the exact opposite of Iran's interests and even Turkey's interests.You may not agree with me on this,but even if Assad falls,Turkey wouldn't gain very much,while it has helped to strengthen a Kurdish entity in...
  16. Ozturk10

    PKK moves to terror camp in Iran to attack Turkish targets

    Iran supporting the PKK does seem far fetched seeing as you have also suffered losses from the PJAK, thats why i'm taking this news report with a pinch of salt. You also do make valid points that some turkish members should read before jumping on the war path. This is all idle speculation but...
  17. Ozturk10

    PKK moves to terror camp in Iran to attack Turkish targets

    Era_923. I was not blaming Iran for anything in that post. I am actually trying to view the situation from the Iranian point of view. If you read my post carefully I also pointed out that we also look out for our own interests. Please refrain from seeing all posts by Turkish members as an...
  18. Ozturk10

    PKK moves to terror camp in Iran to attack Turkish targets

    Even though I strongly disgree with Iran for doing this (if it is true) i'm not surpised in the slightest. Iran is only looking out for it's own interests in the region as we also doing. If the Iranian regime loses Syria to the FSA they will be surrounded by Sunni states hostile to Iran...
  19. Ozturk10

    Turkey marks 2nd anniversary of deadly Israeli attack on Mavi Marmara

    Well it looks like Ptex and Archdemon (who believe themselves to be the chosen people of God) have shown their true colours again. I've never had a problem with the people of Israel or either of you as you both have always seemed to be honourable and patriotic fellows but your statements have...
  20. Ozturk10

    We do not want to be enemies with Turkey

    This Malik Alashter character is funny. Maybe the news that Iraq is going to receive some f-16s has gone to his head. Listen my friend, we have nothing against the people of Iraq, only your head of state. If your country didn't host the terrorist scum called the PKK we would probably be pretty...
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