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Iran unveils new, high-tech air defense equipment for use in Persian Gulf

Dont speak on behalf of the people of Pakistan- you might like iran- but not all Pakistanis stand with them-
Likewise there are more iranians on this forum that will prefer india over Pakistan any day-
Keep Pakistan and its interest first and let the religious affiliations comes second just like the way iranians prefer-

My advise to u do not open your mouth it,s not nice to hear what comes out of it. From my point of Iran is much better place than where u r sitting. R u slaves to the Saudis they treat u like an animal but u think u one of them?.
Most Pakistanis do. Pakistan is the only country in the world that likes Iran.


A Global

Thats a big lead...
Well done Iran. I'm also skeptical about the product being high tech (no offence meant) but at least they're gaining the experience . They've been under sanctions for years so it's a good achievement. We all have to start somewhere.

Btw, why do all Turkish / Iranian defence industry threads turn into flames wars? People need to grow up
Well done Iran. I'm also skeptical about the product being high tech (no offence meant)

Btw, why do all Turkish / Iranian defence industry threads turn into flames wars? People need to grow up

The Iran ones because it seems that there is a thread about the release of Irans "new" missile system every month and every month its he Hawk system thats been around since the 1960's. Boast about your new system when the yanks deployed it for the cuban missile crisis and people get a little cynical.

The Turkish ones no idea you seem to be doing well but then i may be a little biased i love the Milgem.
Thats a big lead...

I can't believe the favorability rating for Iran is 76 in Pakistan. Had it been Pakistan's favorability rating in Iran the figure would be much lower. Pakistan needs to educate its public more on foreign policy and regional relations.
The Iran ones because it seems that there is a thread about the release of Irans "new" missile system every month and every month its he Hawk system thats been around since the 1960's. Boast about your new system when the yanks deployed it for the cuban missile crisis and people get a little cynical.

The Turkish ones no idea you seem to be doing well but then i may be a little biased i love the Milgem.

The milgem is a beast :).

I know what you mean about the Iranian missile systems but I think the boasts about 'high tech' systems is done on purpose. Misinformation is a part of Psy-warfare and if I was being threatened almost daily by the US and Isreal I'd be telling everyone how state of the art our military equipment was.
I can't believe the favorability rating for Iran is 76 in Pakistan. Had it been Pakistan's favorability rating in Iran the figure would be much lower. Pakistan needs to educate its public more on foreign policy and regional relations.

Why is that?
How do you know what Iranians think of Pakistan?Are you a statistical expert now?I know my compatriots better than you.
Even if few Iranians see Pakistan negatively,it's simply because of Jundallah and its bad memory for Iranians,not that Pakistanis are responsible for it.It has nothing to do with people of Pakistan.

The one thing I like about Pakistanis is that they are not obsessed with sects and religions,their Sunnis do not hate Iranian Shias,unlike most Arab countries.Even those who oppose Iran,it's because of it's government,not its religion,and I respect that.(However there are 2 or 3 Pakistanis who are obsesses with sects in this forum,I won't name them,but I think everyone know them)
Are there any surveys or polls done about Iranian view of Pakistan and other countries whether favorable or unfavorable? Would be interesting to see.
Are there any surveys or polls done about Iranian view of Pakistan and other countries whether favorable or unfavorable? Would be interesting to see.

I don't think there is any,but from people whom I met,most of them are either positive or neutral toward Pakistan.
All of them hate Taliban from bottom of their hearts though.
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