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Turkey's First AIR-DEFENSE Frigates On The Way


Jan 10, 2012
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November 29 2012 at 9:21 AM

Türkiye, füze tehdidine kar

Turkey will built four domestic production frigates for $ 4 billion .
But the first vessels expected to have advanced phase array radars from US.
Naval Forces Command request a ship about 6 thousand tons.

Naval Forces Command sent with information about any aspects of the radar characteristics and frigate in top-secret file to SSM(Undersecretariat for Defence Industries) . Feasibility studies were conducted. The project is to be submitted next month, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The first is aimed at lowering the ship into the sea before 2016.

Türkiyenin ilk kez yerli üretime geçecei proje kapsamnda 4 milyar dolara 4 adet firkateyn ina edilecek.
Fakat ilk gemilerdeki son teknoloji gelimi faz dizinli radarlarn ABDden tedarik edilmesi öngörülüyor.
Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlnn istei yaklak 6 bin tonluk bir gemi.

Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanl, istedii radarn özellikleri ve firkateynin boyutlaryla ilgili bilgilerin yer ald gizli dosyay Savunma Sanayi Müstearlna (SSM) gönderdi. Fizibilite çalmalar balatld. Proje, önümüzdeki ay Babakan Recep Tayyip Erdoann onayna sunulacak. lk geminin 2016dan önce denize indirilmesi hedefleniyor.
29 Kasým 2012 Perþembe
4 frigates on line for Turkish Navy
29.11.2012 Ümit Enginsoy ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News

Turkey has chosen an ambitious project to follow the building of eight corvettes: this time the production of four fair defense frigates worth around $4 billion dollars, the largest ships in the inventory of the countrys Navy.

A statement on the website of the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM) on Nov. 22 cited the need to procure air defense frigates for the Navy that would provide defense against the classical and modern munitions fired by aircraft and other platforms, command and control, early warning, reconnaissance, surface warfare, underwater warfare and electronic warfare and air defense warfare.

It said the feasibility studies of the frigates had been completed and a project model would now be devised for the frigates to be procured. The model is expected to be a manufacture model by a private naval shipyard, but the complexity of the frigate would probably need the contributions of a foreign company.

The TF2000 project, as the name implies, was designed before 2000, but was delayed due to financial limitations at the time. Procurement officials now say that especially after the completion of the Milgem project - the first naval project for the building of eight corvettes - the time is ripe for the design of the first Turkish frigate.

Corvettes are the smallest of warships, and Turkey, which does not have coasts on oceans, has plenty of corvettes and frigates, but no larger warships, like destroyers or cruisers.

When Turkeys top decision-making body on arms procurement meets later this year it should select between the companies RMK and Dearsan to build the third through the eighth of the countrys multibillion dollar program to build eight new corvettes, believed to cost $1.5 billion.

The Milgem has been very useful from the point of design, development and construction of a national ship, and we are going to build on this experience to obtain the capability to build bigger warships, one procurement official said.

The first and the second ships under Turkeys Milgem program have already been built by military shipyards and the rest of the ships will be constructed by a private shipyard. The TCG Heybeliada, the first of the Milgem ships, has entered service in the Navy and the TSC Buyukada, the second, has been put to sea.

We can produce 70 or 80 percent of all the needs of the Navy. The sole exceptions are submarines and engines, and we are moving with concrete steps on that, the procurement official said.

Turkey presently can also produce a New Type Patrol Boat, Coast Guard Research and Rescue Boat and Tank Landing Ships, the procurement official said.

Separately, a 2 billion-euro submarine deal between SSM and Germanys HDW shipyards for joint manufacture of six modern U-214 diesel platforms for the Turkish Navy formally took effect in July 2010. This will be the last submarine we will be building with someone else, the procurement official said.

In a less orthodox project, Ankara has plans to a buy a landing platform dock, or LPD, a vessel that looks like a helicopter carrier and can transport up to a battalion-sized unit (more than 1,000 troops) long distances. Turkey plans to use this ship for NATO-related missions to carry troops or refugees.

According to its size and capabilities, the Turkish LPD will cost between $1 billion and $1.5 billion. Presently, the Turkish Navy has nearly 49,000 personnel and 75 aircraft, 17 frigates, seven corvettes, 14 submarines and 27 fast missile boats.

ECONOMICS - 4 frigates on line for Turkish Navy

By the way isnt the OPH GENESIS Our first Air-defence frigate...?
Air defense frigates to be integrated with Patriots
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26 November 2012 / EMRE SONCAN, ANKARA
Four frigates will be built as part of a project to strengthen Turkey's air-defense system and then integrated with the Patriot missiles that Turkey recently formally asked NATO to deploy on its border with Syria.

The project had been suspended until lately due to financial difficulties; however, it has now been re-launched, with a plan to build four frigates costing $4 billion in total. The frigates, in which phased-array radars will also be installed, are to be integrated with the missile defense elements Turkey requested from NATO. Images radars obtain will be conveyed to the control centers of the missile defense system. In this way, missile attacks from neighboring countries will be detected at once.

The phased-array radars to be installed on the warships are to be purchased from the US.

The Naval Forces Command has sent a top secret document -- containing information about the features and sizes of the frigates the command requests -- to the Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM). Feasibility studies have already begun. The project will be presented to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan next month for his approval. The goal is to have the first warship launched by 2016.

The Naval Forces Command is requesting a warship of 6,000 tons as part of the project. A high-ranking official, speaking to Today's Zaman on the issue, has said that one of the frigates will be deployed in the Mediterranean Sea. “If a missile is fired from Iran, Syria, Iraq or Israel, the radar installed in the frigate will see that and notify the air defense system control center at once. The frigate that will be deployed in the Mediterranean Sea might carry Patriots or long-range missiles that Turkey purchases from the US, Russia, China or Europe. The aim here is to ensure safety in the sky. Being provided with such systems is of vital importance for Turkey if it wants to become a regional power.”

NATO member states have agreed to supply Turkey with an advanced Patriot missile system to defend against Syrian attacks, and talks on its deployment are in the final stage, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said on Nov. 20. Turkey has been talking to NATO allies about how to shore up security on its 900-kilometer (560-mile) frontier with Syria after mortar rounds landed inside its territory, increasing concerns about the civil war spilling into neighboring states.

There are currently German and American frigates in the Turkish navy. Some of these were purchased and some have been donated to the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK).
Air defense frigates to be integrated with Patriots

again, what? :what:

Either European Aster family of air defence missiles will be acquired or SM2s will be procured from USA.

Patriots aren't naval weapons :) How dumb Turkish media is
again, what? :what:

Either European Aster family of air defence missiles will be acquired or SM2s will be procured from USA.

Patriots aren't naval weapons :) How dumb Turkish media is

Hehehehe what would you expect! They called LPD an Aircraft carrier, Getting Turkish members hopes up just to be crushed :D
I would perfer to go for the Aster 15/30 combination rather then SM-2 / 3. Weren't the Europeans offering tech transfer as part of the deal? Would be sweet to integrate the Asters with GENESIS / ADVENT.

And has ayone got any news on Aselsan CAFRAD?
@Ozturk10 I would rather have proven systems on a billion-dollar ship

and another facepalm comes for killuminati... usual attention-*****
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^ I would rather have proven systems on a billion-dollar ship


Killumanati join us in the 21st century dude. Whats all this talk about crusaders?

I'd rather pay money to buy systems that keep my country safe instead of thinking "Look how great we are, we said no to the 'crusaders' and their evil western technology" and then having bombs rain down on us.
I would perfer to go for the Aster 15/30 combination rather then SM-2 / 3. Weren't the Europeans offering tech transfer as part of the deal? Would be sweet to integrate the Asters with GENESIS / ADVENT.

And has ayone got any news on Aselsan CAFRAD?

Exactly, Thats what i prefer to. MBDA offered FULL TECHNOLOGY transfer and this would greatly benefit our Medium and Short Range AA sytem projects. And since we would never receive SM-3 (Unless we integrate US Aegis system) I would go for the new Astor 30 rather then the SM-2 any day... Its a win-win situation.

And well according to most Turkish Military analyst, its speculated that we will atleast see a Mock-up at the next IDEF 13... But thats only speculation.

100% tech transfer! That would be amazing. Cant wait until IDEF now thanks Bordo.

Only a handful of countries can develop high altitude SAMs at present and we have no where near the amount of expertise to join this club. We have started on the low/medium altitude SAM development but it will take yeras before these systems are fully mature and we can start on high altitude. I know what you mean with some points. Thats the reason i'm not sure about AEGIS, we wouldn't have full control or gain any tech transfer.

But as Bordo pointed out MBDA offers full tech transfer. Bu nasil rezillik oluyor?
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Külliminati kafayı mi yedin?
Dünyadaki her ulke savastigi ulkeyle düşman olsaydı dost ülke kalmaz.

Mate you got problems? Always off topic and no relevance.
I say we get whatever one gives more technology transfer so our next one will be made ourselves.
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