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  1. Ozturk10

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    I Hope Alan gets that sweet revenge on these dogs. I don't doubt it for one minute. Guy is one tough SOB.
  2. Ozturk10

    "Iran is the most friendly country in the world"

    So for a nation to be 'better' then another is dependant on that nation's oil and gas reserves... seems legit
  3. Ozturk10

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    Lol Kul is mad. @TuAFFalcon Better not be false flagging buddy. There was an initial agreement I think but the deal was cancelled. a while back. No deliveries made.
  4. Ozturk10

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    I'm sure the predators at incirlik aren't ours. Doesn't the US operate those from Creech? They then pass the info over to us. Or I could be wrong
  5. Ozturk10

    Turkish Tea House

    Dayı got mad skills.
  6. Ozturk10

    Turkish Tea House

    koptum amk:rofl:
  7. Ozturk10

    Armenians’ future looks bleak

    I know bro. I'm just saying it's sad. I agree with your post. But I believe, as Turks, if there is ever a humanitarian crisis, we should rise above past issues and help all those who need it.
  8. Ozturk10

    Armenians’ future looks bleak

    Sad. I don't like to see normal people suffering. Doesn't matter what country they live in.
  9. Ozturk10

    Turkic - Anatolian Cuisines

    Yep Nazilli is good. Best Pide in my though opinion is in Söke. If you're ever in those parts check it out.
  10. Ozturk10

    Turkic - Anatolian Cuisines

    @Targon If you want the best pide you should hit my home town bro. in Aydin.
  11. Ozturk10

    Turkic - Anatolian Cuisines

    Had a few of these bad boys last night after watching El Classico - Tantuni
  12. Ozturk10

    Turkey blocks Twitter, after Erdoğan vowed 'eradication'

    Damn this forum has gone down the drain.
  13. Ozturk10

    Turkish Naval Programs

    Top pic isnt Buyukada bro. Edit: Pic removed. Cheers Kul :tup:
  14. Ozturk10

    Israel Watches Warily as Hezbollah Gains Battle Skills in Syria

    The IDF had less losses in that conflict. And it's silly to think the IDF haven't also improved since then. I'm not taking anything away from Hezbollah here, as a Turk I know how much trouble determined guerrilla forces can cause.
  15. Ozturk10

    Israel Watches Warily as Hezbollah Gains Battle Skills in Syria

    I think i would back the Israelis in a possible Hez - Isreal conflict. People on this forum seriously underestimate the IDF for some reason. Sure Hezbollah got some good guerrilla tactics but in an all out fight? No chance.
  16. Ozturk10

    Aleppo Clashes Threaten to Spill into Turkish Territory

    I would've thought they would have an S200 battery covering the area at the very least.
  17. Ozturk10

    Aleppo Clashes Threaten to Spill into Turkish Territory

    I'm pretty sure specops have got a couple of units on standby in case of an attack. Wouldn't be difficult for those guys to do an exfil. SAT team maybe?
  18. Ozturk10

    Iraq reacts to U.S. Objection to buy weapons from Iran

    I was talking about the TOT. I know quite a few countires operate the Apache but which one of those countries has received full Transfer of Technology? Doritos11 said Iraq would be getting full TOT
  19. Ozturk10

    Iraq reacts to U.S. Objection to buy weapons from Iran

    You sure? I never thought the US would give AH-64E tot to anyone let alone Iraq. No offence bro but i'm just a bit skeptical. And i didn't notice anything about tot when the DSCA reported the news.
  20. Ozturk10

    Military Operation against TTP in N.Waziristan | Updates & Discussions.

    Wouldn't mind if you guys took a couple of these along for combat testing. ;) On topic, kill the bastards! :pakistan:
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