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  1. Commander T

    "Hindustani language" : Indian propoganda on Wikipedia

    exactly, this was my point, they have just changed the manuscript and taken some words of hindi....but now they call it hindi so that there can give oxygen to hindi ...sad.. :)
  2. Commander T

    Pakistan's gonna explode

    when pakistan will explode we should make sure it explode facing east.....:devil:
  3. Commander T

    Pakistanis in Karachi supporting Indian team but no sedition Charges!

    and if i need to read history of balochistan then you need to read history of india after 1947.... and please i don't have time to read it....come to point.
  4. Commander T

    Pakistanis in Karachi supporting Indian team but no sedition Charges!

    blochistan has not been captured by pakistan, but kashmir has been captured by india...there is difference......baluchistan is not dispted but kashmir is....
  5. Commander T

    Russia remembered with gratitude as India joins elite space club

    o i am afraid, now i will surely get a visa before entering india.:lol:
  6. Commander T

    shocking: a taliban newspaper claims a contingent 4000 talibans have reached syria

    Pay my dear, greater Pay.....here they get their pay from Americans and relatively poor Indians but there, they will get oil money and HOORAIN, although not 72 .... :lol:
  7. Commander T

    With no bullet proof helmets,jawans falling prey to maoists

    no, we don't have any contract.... but it,s lovely too see indians, like when they are watching horror movie :devil::lol: ...our brothers too have families...:(
  8. Commander T

    With no bullet proof helmets,jawans falling prey to maoists

    :chilli:where is ISI... please provide some helmets to Moists too...
  9. Commander T

    Report: NSA targeted Chinese tech giant Huawei

    lolx......NSA messed at wrong place..... now chinese hacker will be active.. and the game will start
  10. Commander T

    "Hindustani language" : Indian propoganda on Wikipedia

    really?....i mean if you want to combine 2 languages for political purposes and present it as a proof of the existance of that LANGUAGE whcih harldy anybody speak , then really....... logic should fly out of this world.....and if the language lost it,s favour then WHO is so desperate to prove...
  11. Commander T

    "Hindustani language" : Indian propoganda on Wikipedia

    there have been several manuscripts of urdu...but all are vanished and now there is only one manuscript of urdu from past 300-400 years and that is what used in pakistan....but if you still say that there is manuscript used in sanskrit , then there is no language called HINDI because you cannot...
  12. Commander T

    "Hindustani language" : Indian propoganda on Wikipedia

    o come on man.....it,s just an example....i can post a 1000 articals and video like this....i am talking about propoganda.....how it,s been done...and how irresponsible we are regarding this......drops or water creats a flood that destroys the existance of greatest structures ever build..that,s...
  13. Commander T

    "Hindustani language" : Indian propoganda on Wikipedia

    yeah, exactly.....this is what i am talking about ......check the old names or urdu language and the names of HINDUSTANI LANGUAGE.....they are same except the artical heading....... urdu is urdu but still SOMEBODY is trying to merge it in HINDUSTANi language....how can i new language just emerge...
  14. Commander T

    "Hindustani language" : Indian propoganda on Wikipedia

    historically there was no language called hindustani.....never existed....but even if we looks at this point of view then not just hindi and urdu but all the languages should be included in "HINDUSTANI LANGUAGE" but it,s not.....
  15. Commander T

    "Hindustani language" : Indian propoganda on Wikipedia

    it,s not about wikipedia or youtube...it,s about distorting facts and doing propoganda online....and moreover it,s about how pakistanis should respond......but reading articals are commenting on forums or by writing and editing articals and video... and the above wikipedia artical is merely an...
  16. Commander T

    "Hindustani language" : Indian propoganda on Wikipedia

    yeah, but writingg fro propoganda is bad thing, and writing or making video for writing for propoganda with distorting the facts is simply unacceptable. yeah, even i editied articals on wikipedia....but it,s not about editing articals.....it,s about how indians are doing propoganda online and...
  17. Commander T

    "Hindustani language" : Indian propoganda on Wikipedia

    "Hindustani (Hindustani: हिन्दुस्तानी, ہندوستانی[a][6]), historically also known as Hindavi, Dehlvi, Urdu, and Rekhta, is thelingua franca of North India and most of Pakistan." Everybody knows that the above names are old names of URdu , but what are indians trying to achieve by writing...
  18. Commander T

    Is Afghani culture same as Pakistani culture?

    and this is what a call ultra stupidity.........:hitwall: we need to change our behaviour:mad: they have been there for 13 years man....karzai may have told them:lol:
  19. Commander T

    Is Afghani culture same as Pakistani culture?

    ok. it was a very deep philosophical answer, please make it simple.....:P......i didn't understood
  20. Commander T

    After Saudis bahraini king in Pakistan!!!Whats cooking?

    i can't understand , what wrong with it....i mean it will give us not just financial benifits but also huge diplomatic and political benifits at international level.....but no...we want to be alone..:hitwall:
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