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  1. Commander T


    well, if we carefully observe then anything that goes below or above normal level is mental disorder.....it may include from "too much laughing" to "no laughing at all"......it is very difficult to say what "Normal level" really is.......but IMO finding what is abnormal in human behaviour is...
  2. Commander T

    Need to send back illegal Bangladeshi immigrants - Narendra Modi

    haha your nationality chances are gone.....so sad..:enjoy:
  3. Commander T

    Meet the odisha candidate with 28 Criminal cases

    somebody introduce them to MQM guys please :lol:
  4. Commander T

    Pakistan to fish in troubled water, if China launches offensive: IAF

    sorry, to be more precise....BJP+RSS and company which has official regestration of almost 70-80 million...just regestred members...and offcourse Babri mosque was a tower of tolerence...:frown:
  5. Commander T

    Pakistan to fish in troubled water, if China launches offensive: IAF

    What is our "personal" differentiate you from other...because "personal " is something very indside you and that "personal" is what defines your personality.........and please don'T say that hindus and muslims tolerate eachother.....even bollywood movies don't tolerate muslims....you can say...
  6. Commander T

    Pakistan can offer '30% less' price on warships to Qatar

    no, it should be likw "Raiwind class " or "Larkana class" or smaller ones like "90 class" or "Chahudry class" :P
  7. Commander T

    Pakistan to fish in troubled water, if China launches offensive: IAF

    give me a single reason why should they leave their land.....if they choose not to leave their land then its completly fine....and about "What does a Malayali Muslim have in common with a Pakistani Muslim?".......ideology,customs,instituitions and a sence of homogenetry.....this is what converts...
  8. Commander T

    Pakistan to fish in troubled water, if China launches offensive: IAF

    i am not talking about indiviual cases but majority at large....and i am not talking about living alone, i meant with family......you may like tovisit or live near a night club but will you like the same for your family......i just mean to say for family prefrences changes dramatically....
  9. Commander T

    10 reasons why you should NOT marry a Pakistani man

    A new BJP campaign for BHARATI LADIES, after BJP got power..:rofl:...and one point left and that is "You will be "Bahu of pakistan" and "Bhabhi of all pakistanis" specially if you are indian":rofl::rofl::rofl:
  10. Commander T

    Nepal to be Hindu state after BJP wins India polls'

    or first step towards intigration of bharat..:lol: TTPK+AQAH-----Welcome to India :lol:
  11. Commander T

    Heart touching words of Musharraf in Special court

    those same americans says that musharraf decieved us to highest levels and due to him we have lost war in afghanistan...
  12. Commander T

    Pakistan to fish in troubled water, if China launches offensive: IAF

    this is human nature that a human even an animal loves the place where he lives....no matter hard it is for him to live on that place.......a person living in kerala will like to live with a local person not because he is part of that "NATION" but because he can understand and communicate with...
  13. Commander T

    Pakistan to fish in troubled water, if China launches offensive: IAF

    "Muslims from Kerala would have more in common with Hindus in Kerala"...please clarify what common goals do a muslims in kerala have with hindus in kerala......and does having a same goal makes a bunch of people a Nation..? please exlain...then i will qoute some definations from international...
  14. Commander T

    Pakistan to fish in troubled water, if China launches offensive: IAF

    bY YOUR DEFINATION................All terrorist of the world are one nation......Bush, Alexander the great and all conqurer belongs to one nation........all the worker class belongs to one nation.....all businessmen belongs to one nation.......even India and china belongs to one...
  15. Commander T

    Suicide attack kills 16 senior Taliban leaders in Ghazni

    these must be those who opposed ISI:devil:
  16. Commander T

    Heart touching words of Musharraf in Special court

    if he is a "traitor" then a "partiot" never took birth in the country.......if you want to hang a traitor then why 1, hang all those bastards who are sitting in Assembly, who repeatedly commited trision and repeatedly came back to power......
  17. Commander T

    Siraj ul Haq become new Ameer of Jamat Islami

    you sure:what:..well, that,s a quite big news if it,s true
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