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Heart touching words of Musharraf in Special court

and those who declared martial law?

If you are here to defend mushy, then defend his case, how he is not a traitor acc to artcile 6, you cannot reply a question with a question and go for a general thara debate...the one caught by the long hands of law is to be discussed with parameters of law, not with respect to what any tom dick or harry say..

read article 6 of the constitution. its specifically about military coup without mentioning it, cause I dont see clerks taking over the govt any day.
If you are here to defend mushy, then defend his case, how he is not a traitor acc to artcile 6, you cannot reply a question with a question and go for a general thara debate...the one caught by the long hands of law is to be discussed with parameters of law, not with respect to what any tom dick or harry say..

read article 6 of the constitution. its specifically about military coup without mentioning it, cause I dont see clerks taking over the govt any day.

Its about defending the constitution NOT Musharraf.

Anyone who went against constitution is a traitor
And those politicians who acted against constitution ?
Here you would have to define what do you mean by "acting against" (which I am assuming to be violating) and to what extent it approaches the meaning of subverting.
Its about defending the constitution NOT Musharraf.

Anyone who went against constitution is a traitor

this is absurd.. clearly you have no defence for mushy.. as article 6 clearly defines who is a traitor.

talk of making new definition/law for treason, if you wish, but as per now, high treason is defined in article 6 of the constitution !
Shakeel Afridi is a patriot and true hero of Pakistan. He brought the killer of 50,000 Pakistanis to justice. This joke of a nation elects traitors like Nawaz Sharif and Zardari, while abusing their saviour such as Shakeel afridi and Pervez Musharraf. Confused actions of a confused nation.
dont compare PM to shakeel afridi. Afridi is a pathetic traitor. But musharraf has served for nation.
The Constitution very clearly defines what is treason and what falls other other types of crimes. What Gen Musharraf did is clearly treason as defined by the Constitution and he needs to answer for it after due process.
And hijacking a jet and messing up in kargil wasn't treason? A deal to save his *** n fly to Saudia .. What was that?
dont compare PM to shakeel afridi. Afridi is a pathetic traitor. But musharraf has served for nation.
How can one be a traitor and other being a hero when one sold his soul for tracking AQ leader for US while other sold AQ detainees for $$$$. So either they are both heroes or traitors since the act done by both is similar in design.
Musharraf accepted Saudis word and released Nawaz and now he is paying for his mistake.
He made a mistake coming back. Pakistanis dont deserve him, let them enjoy their lives under Nawaz.
If you are here to defend mushy, then defend his case, how he is not a traitor acc to artcile 6, you cannot reply a question with a question and go for a general thara debate...the one caught by the long hands of law is to be discussed with parameters of law, not with respect to what any tom dick or harry say..

read article 6 of the constitution. its specifically about military coup without mentioning it, cause I dont see clerks taking over the govt any day.
Where is abetters & collaborators. Why did government leave 1999 coup. if PM is guilty of treason and then why did government didnt initiate treason case from 99. Isn't this pick n choose policy just for personal vendetta.

See what your constitution says.

6High treason
(1)Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or holds in abeyance, or attempts or conspires to abrogate or subvert or suspend or hold in abeyance, the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by any other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.
] 8
(2)Any person aiding or abetting 9[or collaborating] 9the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.
(2A)An act of high treason mentioned in clause (1) or clause (2) shall not be validated by any court including the Supreme Court and a High Court.
] 10
(3) 11[Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] 11shall by law provide for the punishment of persons found guilty of high treason.
Part I: "Introductory"
And why your beloved Mr. chaudhry validated 99 coup?

How can one be a traitor and other being a hero when one sold his soul for tracking AQ leader for US while other sold AQ detainees for $$$$. So either they are both heroes or traitors since the act done by both is similar in design.
If you claim that he sold detainees and I could accept it then a question raises over here that did he fill his pockets with $$$$. I'm sure your answer will be NO if you are a sensible man.
If you claim that he sold detainees and I could accept it then a question raises over here that did he fill his pockets with $$$$. I'm sure your answer will be NO if you are a sensible man.
Okey if he didn't fill his own pockets then where did that money go? Why did US kept asking us to do more because they thought they paid us for our "unconditional" support? What was "unconditional" in support to WoT when $$$ were the main consideration?
Okey if he didn't fill his own pockets then where did that money go? Why did US kept asking us to do more because they thought they paid us for our "unconditional" support? What was "unconditional" in support to WoT when $$$ were the main consideration?
PM left 17 billion reserves but after his departure ppp & pmln looters filled their pocket. or khazana khali :woot:
he did some great blunders like Kargil operation, there was absolutely no need for that , as India & Pakistan ties were improving & there was a chance of a possible Kashmir settlement, his Kargil operation ruined all efforts !

his other blunders included the assignation of Bugti sahib, which resulted in alienating the Baloch people

his other blunders were the lal Masjid operation, there was absolutely no need for the type of brute force , it could have been handled in a much better way
How can one be a traitor and other being a hero when one sold his soul for tracking AQ leader for US while other sold AQ detainees for $$$$. So either they are both heroes or traitors since the act done by both is similar in design.
those same americans says that musharraf decieved us to highest levels and due to him we have lost war in afghanistan...
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