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    Featured Mach 8! Russian warship makes history by launching HYPERSONIC Zircon missile at mock target in far northern seas (VIDEO)

    Missiles like Zirkon or Kinzhal are nearly impossible to intercept. The main problem is hitting a moving target like aircraft carrier or destroyer, but this problem can be solved with new precise technologies that will be developed in the near future-----more advanced assets in space/ uavs/...
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    Featured Mach 8! Russian warship makes history by launching HYPERSONIC Zircon missile at mock target in far northern seas (VIDEO)

    It seems like slowly slowly aircraft carriers, destroyers and other naval platforms become obsolete and impossible to defend which means the end of power projection capabilities of the superpower (USA and in the future China)
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh showed increased utility of drones. We can see how these small cheap drones slowly take the role of attack helicopters and destroy enemy tanks/APC/trucks etc. Probably TANK as a weapon has no future--too many challenges for tank---ATGMs, mines, UAVs. Tank...
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    Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

    Bombing of Stepanakert
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    Iranian Chill Thread

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    “This war against our republic is also a war against Iran’

    First they will take Nagorno-Karabakh, then they will take southern Armenia and link Turkey with Azerbaijan. Then Turkey and Azerbaijan will unite and Turkey will become a dominant power in the Caucasus, using Azerbaijani territory to destabilize Azeri parts of Iran and influence Muslims...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Video of Iranian Azeris attacking military truck that was transporting weapons from Iran to Armenia Also there are news about Iran moving tanks to the border with Azerbaijan
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    If Azerbaijan will occupy Nagorno-Karabakh region -next step will be to occupy southern Armenia with Turkish support, and this will create a continious land bridge between Turkey and Azerbaijan allowing these two countries to link with each other.---this will turn Turkey into a dominant power in...
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    Saudi Royal Palace reportedly divided over normalizing ties with Israel

    By improving relations with Israel MBS hopes to: 1) get a strong ally which can be very useful against Iran 2) establish good ties with powerful Israeli Lobby in USA, which can force American superpower to conduct pro-Saudi and anti-Iranian policies BUT Improving relations with Israel can...
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    Russia’s Natural Population Declines for 4th Straight Year

    In 1990s a small generation of Russians was born who are now in their 20s and 30s. This small generation (due to urban lifestyles and cultural reasons) will produce even smaller generation and Russian population will continue aging and declining According to UN, Russia's population will be...
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    Thirlwall Law: Why Hasn't Pakistan's GDP Grown Faster Than 5% Average Since 1960s?

    First reason: low savings rate means low investment rate and low GDP growth rate Second reason: lack of domestic energy sources forces Pakistan to spend its limited hard currency reserves to import oil and gas and no dollars are left for import of capital equipment----this dependence on...
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    Trump reportedly said no country run by Black people is any good, and that Nelson Mandela left South Africa a 's---hole country'

    Why Africa is poor---reason is geography. In order to be successful, a country must have several geographical characteristics: 1) temperate climate which is good for agriculture and prevents spread of diseases 2) navigable rivers, which were used as natural transport highways in 19th century...
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    Seeing life in India, Chinese girl exclaims "I m so lucky I am Chinese".

    I have been in 45 countries and 150 cities around the world. I've been in both India and CHina. In India I've been in Delhi, Agra, Varanasi, Kolkata and Mumbai. Fair to be, infrastructure and houses are in very poor condition and streets are not clean...To give you the sense, after Delhi I...
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    Featured Imam e Kaaba Advises Muslims To Have Better Relations With Jews (Israel) in Friday Sermon

    Seems like Persian Gulf monarchies are so much afraid of Iran that they are ready to befriend the Jews, in order to recieve Israel's support and establish better ties with Israel's Lobby in Washington. However this move can discredit and destablize these monarchies as most of their people and...
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    Featured Iran has rejected Russia's proposal to negotiate with the United States

    It was in times when Russian Empire had a population of 120mln compared to 12mln in Iran and Soviets had 293mln compared to 38mln in Iran. Today Russia has 143mln people compared to 83mln in Iran and in the future Russian population will continue declining and aging while Iran becomes a bigger...
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    Saudi Arabia to open its airspace to Israel in nod to Middle East peace

    Shame on Al-Saud family...In order to preserve their throne they are ready to align even with the Jews...someday this alliance can destabilize them
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    Featured Riot in Sweden amidst Quran-burning rally

    Sweden will have the highest percentage of Muslim population by 2050 according to US think tank Pew
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    Why do more Jews than Muslims win Nobel Prizes? Education

    Why were Ashkenazi Jews considered smart? Because in Medieval Europe they were denied the right to own land and work on it and thus had no other choice but to become merchants. As many of them were engaged in merchant activities they developed skills in mathematics and a culture of education...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    You should remember that Assad regime consists of Alawites..... Sunni Arabs and Turks will never treat Alawites as equals and will always conspire to topple minority Alawite regime by energizing majority Sunnis like how they tried in this Civil War. Alawites can never trust Sunnis and can only...
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Probably on 22 September---40th anniversary of Iran-Iraq war---Sacred Defence Week
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