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Russia’s Natural Population Declines for 4th Straight Year

You must be stupid if you think it's okay that if a leader makes such a poor taste joke.

But it's okay if you wanna continue worshiping Mao. Fine by me.
This is a joke and a misinterpretation about Mao's comments by some ignorant translator ... one of the fluent Chinese members specifically mentioned Mao did not actually say this. Please quote his exact phrase in Chinese characters and then we can discuss from there.
This is what happens when women work outside the house.
Will your comments ever stop becoming stupider?
With due respect USSR was lagging technologically behind the West. Nothing done by Gorbachev changes that. USSR was providing huge subsidies to the East Bloc and client states in the developing world.
The USSR could never catch up technologically simply due to their economic constraints ... how are you going to fund new technologies if you do not have the money? An economy geared towards wartime barely making any consumer products was destined for failure from the start. Gorbachev correctly sensed this but his actions were too little, too late, and the decision to loosen human rights restrictions simultaneously only made the collapse inevitable. The US also gave massive subsidies and aid to its allies and the anti-Communist world, most notable of which was 1980s Japan, whose economy came very close to rivaling that of the US. Why did the US not collapse?
Take people from pakistan .
What is all this land for .

Are you like real ? Or are you even sane ?
Are you breeding animals or are you taking about human race reproducing .
What is a difference between you and a sick Hinduvadi dreaming of breeding as you a say with white girls to change their race.
Or what is the difference between you and nazi Germany who have special hospitals /centers where blond blue eyed girls are kept for the leaders of nazi Germany to be bread and raised because they think and consider it a pure race .
How can it be better for humanity how people look ?
So you mean that all the ugly and poor people don't even have right to have children ?
Yiu guys made me sick .

The person making the comment wants to posit that everyone in India is ugly and all Pakistanis are beautiful.

Not only is this statement untrue, but the notion itself is also un-Islamic. :lol:

Taking pride in one's own supposedly good looks is foolish, it was given by Allah. Allah can also take it away within a microsecond....

You have exceptions everywhere, and nothing can be taken for granted or generalized.

I see this foolishness resurface again and again....
Germany, a highly developed country with just 80m people, can't attract enough quality immigrants to make up for their demographic shortfall. They had to compromise quality to admit a larger quantity of immigrants to reverse the population decline.

And even the 1m refugees admitted to Germany did little to reverse the situation.

Most of the Turks that immigrated to Germany went back when Turkey's economy got better.
This is a joke and a misinterpretation about Mao's comments by some ignorant translator ... one of the fluent Chinese members specifically mentioned Mao did not actually say this. Please quote his exact phrase in Chinese characters and then we can discuss from there.






In 1990s a small generation of Russians was born who are now in their 20s and 30s. This small generation (due to urban lifestyles and cultural reasons) will produce even smaller generation and Russian population will continue aging and declining

According to UN, Russia's population will be 135mln in 2050 but this scenario assumes increase in migration.

In zero migration scenario Russia's population will decline to 122mln by 2050, with ethnic Russians being 90mln people

So you do the math...By 2050 Russia expects 13mln migrants and these will be mostly people from Central Asia.

Muslims in Russia will be around 25 percent of the population by 2050.

Labor force---People aged 15-64---- are 96mln today, and by 2050 it will be 81mln, indicating decline of working age population by 0,5 mln people per year on average

Decline in workforce even despite migration means prolonged stagnation of economy and military weakness due to lack of conscripts and mobilizing potential.

Also, hardly Central Asia will be able to supply 13mln migrants because demographic potential of Central Asia is already exhausted and economies of CA republics are growing faster than stagnating economy of Russia-----so real population of Russia by 2050 will be much smaller and older compared to UN projections
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This is a joke and a misinterpretation about Mao's comments by some ignorant translator ... one of the fluent Chinese members specifically mentioned Mao did not actually say this. Please quote his exact phrase in Chinese characters and then we can discuss from there.

That guy @Mista is not what he made out to be, just a douchebag pretending to be respectable and intellectual. He intentionally recycled the article that was started by some Indian troll. When I debunked his smear with proper source, he side stepped and played dumb just like an IQ troll.

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That guy @Mista is not what he made out to be, just a douchebag pretending to be respectable and intellectual. He intentionally recycled the article that was started by some Indian troll. When I debunked his smear with proper source, he side stepped and played dumb just like an IQ troll.

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In 1990s a small generation of Russians was born who are now in their 20s and 30s. This small generation (due to urban lifestyles and cultural reasons) will produce even smaller generation and Russian population will continue aging and declining

According to UN, Russia's population will be 135mln in 2050 but this scenario assumes increase in migration.

In zero migration scenario Russia's population will decline to 122mln by 2050, with ethnic Russians being 90mln people

So you do the math...By 2050 Russia expects 13mln migrants and these will be mostly people from Central Asia.

Muslims in Russia will be around 25 percent of the population by 2050.

Labor force---People aged 15-64---- are 96mln today, and by 2050 it will be 81mln, indicating decline of working age population by 0,5 mln people per year on average

Decline in workforce even despite migration means prolonged stagnation of economy and military weakness due to lack of conscripts and mobilizing potential.

Also, hardly Central Asia will be able to supply 13mln migrants because demographic potential of Central Asia is already exhausted and economies of CA republics are growing faster than stagnating economy of Russia-----so real population of Russia by 2050 will be much smaller and older compared to UN projections
Don't forget there was a time Rus's population was less than City of London. Then it exploded. Rus females pumped out 8 kids on average. That harvest was than planted east, west, south unitl it even reached gates of Japan 3,000 miles away at Vladivostock. Even then additional population migrated to Americas and Europe. There are over 3 million Russians in USA. Maybe they could entice them back?
I want to dissapoint all local Russophobes. By 2035 (and certainly by 2050), Russia will restore territorial unity of Russian lands in one form or another. This means that the country's population will be about 200 million people, of which up to 90% will be Russians (including Ukrainians and Belarussians). This is a pessimistic scenario that does not take into account the massive immigration of Europeans to Russia due to the climate and migrant crises in Europe.
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