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  1. Ragnarok connection

    Pakistan military is true to its word : Gen Campbell

    Well we have the same views on p0k as you have on iok, and just like bangladesh, you will imo lose kashmir from your clutches. You may support kashmiris in their struggle by sponsoring them, but your dirty methods wont work against moodi (the terrorist/ muslim murderer), as luckily for us he...
  2. Ragnarok connection

    How Bias in Text books fuels division in Pakistani society

    Completely agree with this; whatever be the portion of the textbooks, the ones to gain or lose is the country itself as the children will be the future generation of leaders, doctors, scientists, etc of that country. If one feels that their 'enemy' state is teaching bias through textbooks...
  3. Ragnarok connection

    How Bias in Text books fuels division in Pakistani society

    If anyone comes up with a solution to point no.2 and implements it; that would be the end of all wars, conflicts, and major acts of violence. If not in the whole world, at least in that particular society. A solution could be probably be found by studying countries like Denmark and Iceland, and...
  4. Ragnarok connection

    How Bias in Text books fuels division in Pakistani society

    A few points 1) Most of the textbooks filled with 'bias' in any society do not have such a deep impact as to cause division in that society, mainly because of the ineptitude of the teacher or disinterest of the students. This is particularly true for countries like India and Pakistan. 2) The...
  5. Ragnarok connection

    All out effort to carry out first flight of Rustom-2 this month

    Sorry sir, I meant Pakistan has already deployed a UCAV, and we haven't yet....I used the wrong language there (has been edited). And, no doubt India is far ahead of Pakistan in UAV development. I criticized their management functioning and general work methodology, because I have a first...
  6. Ragnarok connection

    Fear Of Losing Match From South Africa Indian Crowd Gone Mad

    Why should you guys have all the fun? Lets all make fun of the drama that occurred after India was losing to SA. Stupid illiterate cricket loving Indians are always fun to watch; burning effigies of their players, attacking players houses, disrupting a lost match, etc. :-)
  7. Ragnarok connection

    Fear Of Losing Match From South Africa Indian Crowd Gone Mad

    I'm glad you guys are enjoying this, we atleast provide your country some entertainment/time pass to get through with the depressing conditions you guys face in your country. :welcome:
  8. Ragnarok connection

    How Bias in Text books fuels division in Pakistani society

    I think we shouldn't concern ourselves with what they teach their kids, the consequences of the teachings (whether right or wrong) are also none of our business. Many of the points/ideas you mentioned are also ingrained through religious study of the Quran, and not only school text books.
  9. Ragnarok connection

    Fear Of Losing Match From South Africa Indian Crowd Gone Mad

    Fun and criticism is always welcome especially from our friendly neighbors:pakistan: :-). It would have been even more fun to be in the crowd and experience them shouting abuses and throwing stuff on them for losing so badly...lol.
  10. Ragnarok connection

    Fear Of Losing Match From South Africa Indian Crowd Gone Mad

    I don't understand why everyone is getting so excited by this incident; India and Pakistan are both third world countries in which a large percentage of the population is uncivilized and rowdy. This kind of behavior is expected from countries like ours, so lets stop behaving like the crowds in...
  11. Ragnarok connection

    Islamic State Takes Responsibility for Killing of Japanese Man in Bangladesh

    However much you try, it is impossible to reason with religious people! So, the best thing to do is letting them believe whatever they please and try reducing the damage caused by religious violence and dogma.
  12. Ragnarok connection

    All out effort to carry out first flight of Rustom-2 this month

    Do I become unpatriotic if I criticize a organization like DRDO? If you don't criticize them, how can you expect them to improve? All I am saying is that DRDO cause delays in most of their projects and the end product is also not up to to the mark of the Armed forces requirement. In complex...
  13. Ragnarok connection

    Possible Solution of Kashmir issue...Your Opinion

    The video should be renamed as 'countries with highest murder count', the deadliness of a country can be explained in a better way by murder rate. And the murder rate of latin american countries is the highest in the world and they are the deadliest places in the world to live in. Btw Pakistans...
  14. Ragnarok connection

    All out effort to carry out first flight of Rustom-2 this month

    DRDO and their dream projects... A few points of interest imo 1) first flight will probably get delayed by a few months or a year 2) this system if ever inducted will take atleast 15-20 years or more to get ioc 3) DRDO is an incompetent organisation and need major changes in their organisation...
  15. Ragnarok connection

    Could Alien Life Spread 'Like a Virus' to the Stars?

    Evolution does not work on cravings, it works on necessities to survive, these necessities cause minor changes in the organism. The change will not be in all species of that organism, but only in organisms facing the same environmental condition. For example- There are 1000 lions in Africa, 500...
  16. Ragnarok connection

    Islamic State Takes Responsibility for Killing of Japanese Man in Bangladesh

    How do you conspiracy theorists even get these crazy ideas?...Let me guess, the US and Israel are the real terrorist organisation out to defame Islam and Muslim majority countries?
  17. Ragnarok connection

    Could Alien Life Spread 'Like a Virus' to the Stars?

    It does not work Yet. Whether we can do that ,depends on our science technology level. And right now its not good enough to change a cat dna into human.
  18. Ragnarok connection

    Could Alien Life Spread 'Like a Virus' to the Stars?

    We can at the moment change the genes of animals and plants to get GM crops and products like featherless chicken, glow in the dark cat, etc. Of course we are just implanting required gene into the DNA of the test organism to get desired result. Cloning hasn't been perfected yet, but with future...
  19. Ragnarok connection

    Indian terror war against Pakistan (By an Indian)

    Completely agree with this Its a constant war that's going on between India and Pakistan, and at the moment it seems like India has the upper hand even if you guys think otherwise. Imo this guy is no Indian, if he were, he wouldn't spout nonsense like in his other articles and the one above...
  20. Ragnarok connection

    MODI operation prism against Pakistan...... HAHA HILARIOUS

    This post/discussion on the Zee news video doesn't intend to start any serious discussion imo, but just entertain members on silly issues. A few points I ll like to state- 1) Zee news is a 'drama' news show, if you enjoyed this video by them, you will love the shows on 'India TV', but please...
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