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  1. G

    Four Ahmadis booked for ‘preaching’

    They got a Mandir here in Jamaica ,totally empty not even one person uses it .closed on there pooja times . elsewhere here the masjids are full of activity for ramadan no muslims trust them they call them 'babylon' agents
  2. G

    Four Ahmadis booked for ‘preaching’

    Ha Ha Ha you muppet
  3. G

    The Pakistani slaves of modern Greece

    Carribean is easier than south american countries what with the high number of ex slaves from the subcontinent who live here . I've seen many that come here and get citizenship and get work and become very very successful
  4. G

    The Pakistani slaves of modern Greece

    Pakistanis Bengali & Indian illegals are stupid going to greece . The clever ones catch a flight to Dubai onto Brazil onto the Carribean then into America Easy
  5. G

    Boycotting Israeli products………not Jewish.

    Dont get involved there Nasty people these they have two fathers and do dirty things i think he means after he takes his handout shamba licks or something like that there nasty people everywhere they go they take two thing WAR and DISEASE nasty dirty people
  6. G

    Boycotting Israeli products………not Jewish.

    Noooooooo thats not in my culture sorry your thing that . True about the Divers the nose gets in the way prefer italian birds for that check out shamba lol you got a fanBOY yank Hello shamba
  7. G

    Boycotting Israeli products………not Jewish.

    I cant boycott israel either Tomorrow when i go to the Beach ,i'll be looking for some Isreali tourists who come on sex tourism here in Jamaica I F*** Isreal :pakistan:
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    Boycotting Israeli products………not Jewish.

    if it werent for the chinese poor people would still be bent over by these companies 14000 indians to one toilet
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    Boycotting Israeli products………not Jewish.

    Good idea you need them (pampers) having no toilet to shit in
  10. G

    Shrine Of Hazart Younus blown/destroyed

    we dont worship graves or man dead or alive
  11. G

    Why Do Some Separatist Kashmiris Want Independence? Are They Aware Of The Consequences?

    well its what the people want so let democracy win
  12. G

    Three Jewish Israelis admit kidnapping and killing Palestinian boy

    no way wheres them white crackers who said it was a honour killing ,dirty european sunburnt pale batty diggers
  13. G

    Remove Pakistan Completely: Bharat Verma

    Im Dead HaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaa hes killed me with the pic wtf LOL :woot::woot::D:cheesy::crazy_pilot:seriously HaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaa
  14. G

    Japan Economy Forum

    :yahoo::chilli:Yes . Nice sound sammy t & his brother simon with Ninja .Barrier free also are Nice .
  15. G

    Christian Missionary insulting Hinduism in a temple

    Shouldnt go outside the temple and make fun of there God though that wrong
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