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  1. Americandissident

    Royal Navy gets first female submariners

    Id let the one of the left man my sub :tup:
  2. Americandissident

    The Kleptocracy of Vladimir Putin

    Haha you guys are so funny. Is it so hard to believe not every American supports the government? And if they don't they must be someone pretending to be American? I mean really... lol
  3. Americandissident

    The Kleptocracy of Vladimir Putin

    Okay Mr. Conspiracy Theorist haha. And as hard as it might be to believe not every American approves of everything the goverment does lol.
  4. Americandissident

    The Kleptocracy of Vladimir Putin

    Well then you should know im not lying about being from TN. Its probably less corrupt then ours lol. And I do like Putin for turning his country around and not bending over like most politicians do.
  5. Americandissident

    The Kleptocracy of Vladimir Putin

    I have doubts we made it there. One of the things i never understood was if space is a vacuum and there's no wind, why was the flag waving? Whats blowing it around? You can ask the mods for my ip address to confirm what I'm saying if you don't believe me lol. What state are you from? New York? lol
  6. Americandissident

    The Kleptocracy of Vladimir Putin

    Sorry to break it to ya, but i am in fact American, from Tennessee to be exact. I just disapprove of our corrupt goverment and don't blindly support anything they do unlike some of the other American members here.
  7. Americandissident

    The Kleptocracy of Vladimir Putin

    Seems like some of my fellow Americans are still drinking our governments koolaid. its pretty funny sitting back and watching them try to defend our retarded foreign policy but kind of sad at the same time. As Jesse Ventura says, i love my country but not my goverment.
  8. Americandissident

    Swedish Defence Minister wants More Gripens to Counter Russia

    What makes you think Putin is going to keep all that shit? And if Putin was going to be dictator for life why did he give up the position when his time ran out? Wouldn't he have changed the constitution if he intended on doing that? After somebody else took over and did a term, he ran again and...
  9. Americandissident

    Russian Rebels did it again, its now 4 Ukrainian Helicopters shot in Total

    Two different groups and that was after the mob went into parliament with guns and forced them to vote if im not mistaken. Not very democratic if you ask me lol.
  10. Americandissident

    Swedish Defence Minister wants More Gripens to Counter Russia

    Our president also has a lot of amenities. One of which i think he uses a bit too much (air force one).
  11. Americandissident

    New U.S. Stealth Jet Can’t Hide From Russian Radar

    Afraid not. This is the only website in which i used this alias.
  12. Americandissident

    New U.S. Stealth Jet Can’t Hide From Russian Radar

    Now that's a kick in the balls. Maybe we can spend another trillion of taxpayer money on a new jet that can overcome this problem, Because that would be way more important then things like deteriorating infrastructure, shitty healthcare, ect, :hitwall:
  13. Americandissident

    Swedish Defence Minister wants More Gripens to Counter Russia

    What makes people scared of him is the fact that Russia and its future is whats most important to him and he cant be bought and turned into a puppet like our corrupt goverment wants. Wish we could get a president like him. :hitwall:
  14. Americandissident

    Russian bombers over Crimea part of post-Cold War military strategy

    Love it. When we do drills right off the borders of countries we're hostile towards its okay but if Russia even patrols its borders or builds up forces near borders we call foul. Gotta love our stupid warmongering media :crazy:
  15. Americandissident

    Who really controls the world? A fascinating read

    Really interesting, worth reading if you have the time. :cheers: Watch Bill Stills 1996 The Money Masters. Folks have simply got to watch this highly researched and precisely dated +historically accurate documentary to take in the staggering evil+size of the big picture -or we're all gonna end...
  16. Americandissident

    People demand labor rights in US

    While I'm with them on labor rights, I'm against letting illegals stay in the country.. I mean wtf is with that?? if you cant come in through the proper channels you shouldn't be here, and if you are here illegally your *** is getting deported. There should be no discussion about it.
  17. Americandissident

    China claims successful attack on Japanese military satellite; destroyed control chip with “secret w

    If true that's pretty cool and way to go china for stepping up their game when it comes to space.
  18. Americandissident

    Why Germans Love Russia

    Seems like the German people are well informed. Wish people in my country were the same :rolleyes:
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