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Why Germans Love Russia


Jan 4, 2009
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United States

Clemens Wergin

BERLIN — Like most foreign-policy experts, I was shocked by Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its continuing “soft invasion” of eastern Ukraine. Can such a naked land grab really be happening now, in 21st-century Europe?

But Russia’s actions were not the only surprise. If you have followed the German debate about the Ukraine crisis, you have witnessed another strange phenomenon: a parade of former politicians and public figures going on TV to make the case for Russia.

According to these august figures — including former Chancellors Gerhard Schröder and Helmut Schmidt — NATO and the European Union were the real aggressors, because they dared to expand into territory that belonged to Moscow’s legitimate sphere of interest. And it seems part of the German public agrees.

You thought that Germans were the champions of international law and a rules-based world order? Think again.

There is a blatant hypocrisy here. At times the same people who had relied on international law to attack the American invasion of Iraq are now, as newborn realists, excusing Russia’s need to infringe on the sovereignty of other nations.

In point of fact, despite its trumped-up charges against Iraq, the Bush administration had at least 16 United Nations Security Council resolutions to support its case. Vladimir V. Putin, Russia’s president, had zero. The only common denominator of both positions seems to be an underlying anti-Americanism.

Some of this pro-Moscow sentiment is the work of Russia-sponsored propaganda: A recent investigative report by the newspaper Welt am Sonntag revealed how a shady network of Russia supporters has shaped public discourse in Germany. Even dialogue forums with Russia, co-sponsored by the German government, are full of friends of Mr. Putin, even on the German side.

But there is also a disturbing undercurrent among ordinary Germans that harks back to old and unfortunate German traditions. We have come to think of Germany as a Western European country, but that is largely a product of Cold War alliances. Before then it occupied a precarious middle between east and west.

Twenty-five years after the end of the Cold War, German society may well be drifting away from the West again. In a poll last month by Infratest/dimap, 49 percent of Germans said they wanted their country to take a middle position between the West and Russia in the Ukraine crisis, and only 45 percent wanted to be firmly in the Western camp.

This anti-Westernism is coming from both sides of the political spectrum. There is the part of the left that is instinctively anti-American and takes the side of whatever international actor happens to challenge the status quo and the leading Western power.

Then there is Europe’s populist right, which agrees with Russia’s propaganda that Europe has become too gay, too tolerant, too permissive in its morals and too un-Christian, and which welcomes an authoritarian leader challenging Europe’s fuzzy multilateralism.

In Germany, you can find this current best represented by the new anti-euro Alternative für Deutschland Party. They take up a conservative strain of German thinking dating back to the 19th century, which harbors a resentment toward Western civilization and romanticizes a Russia seemingly uncorrupted by Western values and free-market capitalism.

Both versions of anti-Westernism have been around for decades; until now, though, they have been confined to the political fringes. These days they are accepted by parts of the elite and sections of the political center. That, combined with the enormous investment by German companies in Russia, is placing constraints on how aggressively the government of Angela Merkel, Germany’s strongly pro-Western chancellor, can act against Russia.

For anyone who has grappled with Germany’s Nazi past, it should have been easy to call right from wrong in this case, instead of finding excuses for Russia’s actions. It’s a test that too many of my compatriots have failed.

To be fair, in a recent poll 60 percent of Germans said that their country should stand with the West in the Ukraine crisis. So Russia’s ongoing aggression is having some effect on public opinion. But that still means that nearly half of all Germans do not feel a deep connection with the West and its values — which is precisely what Mr. Putin wants.

Clemens Wergin is the foreign editor of the German newspaper group Die Welt and the author of the blog Flatworld.
Good! Germans maybe finally remember that their ancestors did not bow to ancient Rome and fought fearlessly for freedom of their land. Time to throw off the yoke of American occupation and carry out independent policy. Time for them to turn away from godless, wicked West. Otherwise in 1-2 century will be no German people at all.
Germans are not stupid people. They know when the US and NATO agitate against Russia, it will be Germany on the frontline, not any of the real culprits further to the west. They don't want to be dragged into a war that has nothing to do with them.
Good! Germans maybe finally remember that their ancestors did not bow to ancient Rome and fought fearlessly for freedom of their land. Time to throw off the yoke of American occupation and carry out independent policy. Time for them to turn away from godless, wicked West. Otherwise in 1-2 century will be no German people at all.

Good on them for realizing the game that America is playing, and supporting Russia on this issue. :tup:
The german citizen and goverment know that the recent ukraine crisis is dcreated by US goverment to ruin German-Russia economic relationship. The german nation is still viewed as a possible threat if they are not under the US hegemony. A german nation allied with Russia and China (economically) is a nightmare for both US and european nations.

I think Merkel did go to the US primarily because of the Ukraine crisis; but more importantly because of the crisis in the Western alliance. Merkel has now become more than an ally. She is now Obama's rival. You can sense the subtle shift.

Germany has many key weaknesses, among them the lack of hard power. But it has the great advantage of being more competently led and that perception is really the basis of Angela Merkel's legitimacy as "almost leader of the Western world".

I think Merkel wants to take control of the process of confrontation with Russia because she does not want to leave it in US's hands, fearing he will screw it up. The result I fear, is that we're going to get a German-centric solution to the Ukraine crisis, one in which Moscow and Berlin will have the biggest say.

The situation is now ripe for a switch. If China or Russia could con Japan or Germany out of the Western alliance the situation can change overnight. I think the situation is less likely in the Pacific. But I wonder sometimes about whether Merkel is playing a deeper game.
Except that they don't.

Leaving aside news papers infested "comment section"(since the Ukr crisis the Kremlin pays alot of trolls) go in every forum where you have to have a verifiable account or even meet a real German then talk......no love there......absolutely no love ! They haven't forgotten the "Eastern rapist" and for good reasons.

Good! Germans maybe finally remember that their ancestors did not bow to ancient Rome and fought fearlessly for freedom of their land. Time to throw off the yoke of American occupation and carry out independent policy. Time for them to turn away from godless, wicked West. Otherwise in 1-2 century will be no German people at all.

Ehh...no need to go back to Rome in history,1600 years ago-be more fresh-......the Germans should not forget 70 years ago...they say that with all of Europe behind this time,2nd time it will be a charm.
Sadly most commenter from EU/US are blind to the fact that US is pushing their diminishing hegemony to EU and trying to drive a wedge in the German-Russian economic relationship.

fast forward 15-30 years, if german and russian and china are allowed to do business as usual, they will dethrone US as defacto leader of western world. This is what the US trying to prevent in order to stay at the top of the world.

the current US goverment is in fast decline and like a dying lion it roars loudly trying to make other scared , but everyone know that its time is close. Just like the british empire decline that culminated in the 2 world wars, this American decline will result in a manufactured world war III.

If America can create another world war in European soil, the european economy will be destroyed and again US will be the one taking advantage of it, just like in the previous 2 world wars.

only this time i foresee a nuclear strike on US soil by russia thus erasing US from world politics and economics and usher the rise of the european empire lead by german
absolutely true, and its also true what hes saying that germany wasnt a western country, it was partly eastern european. Many germans lived in eastern europe along slavs, romanians and hungarians before they were driven out partly forced or fleeing from the red army.

And its not true whats hes saying that conservatives and leftist are anti western for lefties something like a western spectrum doesnt exist for them in general. They think international tough the left party is obviously former communists and more russophile while the greens are equally russophobic like merkels party since they see it as nationalist heaven and they were always more maoist and therefor anti soviet.
And the right wing parties are not anti western, they stand for a different west without the liberal side effects the author called.

The economy also supports russia, its only the stupid media which is controlled by america who is responsible for the russophobia. The Bild magazine has even a rule for its authors to support the atlantic connection to america.

Except that they don't.

Leaving aside news papers infested "comment section"(since the Ukr crisis the Kremlin pays alot of trolls) go in every forum where you have to have a verifiable account or even meet a real German then talk......no love there......absolutely no love ! They haven't forgotten the "Eastern rapist" and for good reasons.

Ehh...no need to go back to Rome in history,1600 years ago-be more fresh-......the Germans should not forget 70 years ago...they say that with all of Europe behind this time,2nd time it will be a charm.

am i not the living proof?
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its so sad to hear the uneducated / brainwashed american filling the internet with their ignorance.. they still think US is the 'good' guys and 'russia/china/iran' is bad guys.. then they repeat their goverment meme 'putin is hitler' and thus demonizing the person putin while ignoring the massive amount of civilian deaths from all US misadventures , in which they potray themselves as the defender of the world...

there is no good or bad , there's only countries with diferent strategic goal... The american people have been living for too long in luxury and complacence.. they dont care about ukraine disaster, they dont care about US Goverment funding coups all over the world.. but they will scream if their mobile is taken away..
whats all the focus on hitler as if hitler act alone ? everyone now using hitler as if that name is scary..

people forget that hitler do not act alone.. the whole german goverment was behind him.. the whole country was behind him.. so the blame is not just hitler but everyone involved in the goverment..

the same situation with today's people blaming obama for US's mistakes when it is crystal clear that obama was just a puppet / an actor who just played 'president' and it is whole set of people behind obama controlling him.. obama is not clever enough to be anything..
This is laughable. Nobody in germany has a positive image about russia and russians in general. Would i want to be associated withr russia? Nope. I want germany leading the EU and i want a powerful EU. And i see no values in russia that i would see positive.
Well, all i am really sure of is that most Germans don't dislike Russia like most people in my country of birth, Poland, do.

But i think many Germans would like to see their country as a mediator between West & East, holding a neutral position & not being forced to choose a side/position in such conflicts.

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