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  1. V

    Pakistan thrash India in kabaddi semi

    Ya as always like...hmm. May..be world cup oo ya as always.
  2. V

    Pakistan needs an Anna Hazare

    are u serious don't tell me u have eye sight problem and i respect edhi for his work but doing charity and raising voice against corruption isttotally different
  3. V

    10 Most Corrupt Indian Politicians

    the whole gandhi family should be included as well
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    Breaking India

    Well its much better than being a minority in holyland .
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    Stuart Broad's hattrick against India!!

    And considering pakistan cant even win.
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    Stuart Broad's hattrick against India!!

    And the less said about pakistan batting the better.
  7. V

    If India becomes another Israel...

    Blow india like 48,65,71,99 ahhaha haha ha u really made my day.
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    Indians going abroad pack kilos of ghar ka khana

    i took local chat masala , falsey ,jamun , kandhari anaar,haldiram snacks , aam papad and sweets for my didi in u.s. She is very fond of falsey and aam papad.
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    Pakistan will not accept hegemony of any country in the region

    China is itself busy bullying other countries.
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    Peace-loving India, the world's largest arms importer

    see until and unless china doesnt get hit by a shocker similar to u.s. They won't understand that how big a threat terrorism has become .i hope that day never come, but when u r near fire u r bound to catch it
  11. V

    Is it time for Pakistan to seriously start considering an ICBM ?

    agni 6 icbm/slbm in case u forgot http://www.defence.pk/forums/india-defence/109355-india-developing-6000-km-range-agni-6-slbm-mirv-4.html
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    has anybody drank dudh ki bottle (milk bottle)

    mein to ab b pita hu do magar do thani ka lol.
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    Gambhir lashes out at Afridi

    Why wud i regret it , i am proud of my manhoood if u are having any problem,then i don't give a damn. And if u r having erection problem then lol..
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    Gambhir lashes out at Afridi

    So is sahibjadi nawabjadi khanjadi pirjadi in short sab kuch jyadi mohtarma mohd. Sherkhan afridi.
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    Total revenue of Chinese majon companies equal 1.89 times of India GDP.

    Oh really ,well in that case sweety i know a good docter , shall i fix ur meeting wd him o great one.
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    Two months that changed India-- A must read

    Don't worry inflation will come down by march 2012
  17. V

    Sukhoi PAK-FA / FGFA: Updates,News & Discussions

    I don't think so few months ago i read on internet that india wants fgfa to be stealthear plane, it is a different platfrom.anyway we have to wait till 20!2 to no the exact picture.
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    Sukhoi PAK-FA / FGFA: Updates,News & Discussions

    mods kindly merge my thread with this thread
  19. V

    Sukhoi PAKFA/Sukhoi /Hal FGFA News & Discussion

    Guys created a thread for u, discuss and webmaster make it a sticky thread.
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