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  1. l'ingénieur

    India Asks China to Cease Infra Projects in Pakistan

    #REKT its what ever you want it to be broseph
  2. l'ingénieur

    India Asks China to Cease Infra Projects in Pakistan

    do u know what a meme is
  3. l'ingénieur

    India Asks China to Cease Infra Projects in Pakistan

    Azad Kashmir part of india What delusion world do you live in why not, are you that closed minded? Still living in the past about being anti-pakistan and too afraid to get out of your bubble?
  4. l'ingénieur

    Russia has Western enemies, not partners

    Rest in peace, fallen comrade
  5. l'ingénieur

    Do you think Ukraine will ever dare to fight Russia for Crimea?

    Very important thread dead serious
  6. l'ingénieur

    Ignore Pakistan till it starts behaving like a neighbor

    please do ignore us, indian's obsession with us in unhealthy
  7. l'ingénieur

    A well Taught Lesson :lol:

    Where do u live in canada
  8. l'ingénieur

    Two coal power plants of 660 megawatts in Sahiwal

    I cringe every time someone talks about something they don't know about. There are multiple new hydro power plant productions in and around KPK.
  9. l'ingénieur

    JA Solar Holdings (JASO) Ships 100-MW of Modules to Pakistani Solar Farm

    We don't know but next time we meet nawaz shariff I will ask him personally.
  10. l'ingénieur

    US donates $11m to Karachi police

    Waste of money. Should instead increase the salary of policemen by at least double to cut down corruption and taking bribes. This 11m won't help at all.
  11. l'ingénieur

    Qatar prince ready to invest Rs 1 lakh crore in 10 smart cities

    God damn you Indians are obsessed to no extinct. Everytime something good happens for you, you bring in Pakistan and basically post "haha this isn't happening to!@!%!!" Pathetic LOL
  12. l'ingénieur

    Infrastructure Development in Pakistan

    This thread is so satisfying
  13. l'ingénieur

    Germans take to the streets to protest against 'Islamisation'

    A declining population for some European countries are a real threat to them.
  14. l'ingénieur

    Germans take to the streets to protest against 'Islamisation'

    You are clearly delusional. My post isn't based on opinion, it is based on calculations.
  15. l'ingénieur

    If you were Nawaz Sharif, top 3 things you'd do today

    1) Open thousands of schools with tuition fees set at a price which gives no profit. ( Basically really really cheap education, free education is not possible yet) 2) Accelerate development at Gwadar. Get more heavy investments and projects to start up in Gwadar. High speed bullet/cargo trains...
  16. l'ingénieur

    Why the Chinese military is only a paper dragon.

    This is an opinion of someone who nobody on earth cares about. /endtopic
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