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Qatar prince ready to invest Rs 1 lakh crore in 10 smart cities

How much is this in USD?

around $18 billion depending on exchange rate.
But of course this is total amount he is willing to invest, he will surely loose some of the contracts.
Will lower rupee help us in this situation, I dunno
Qatar and Oman have long been India's besties in the Middle East.You should not be so ignorant about these things, you being admin and all :D


India, Qatar Ink Key Defence Pact.” Financial Express, 11 November 2008.
India, Qatar ink key defence pact - Financial Express
India’s closest partners in the maritime Middle East are Oman and Qatar. Immediately on the heels of the Look West policy, in December 2005, India and Oman signed a defence MOU primarily aimed at improving maritime security cooperation. This MOU was followed by upgraded joint naval exercises such as Tamar-al-Tahir (Benign Fruit), which was renamed Naseem-al-Bahar (Sea Breeze). Oman has also offered the Indian Navy access to berthing facilities for its ships conducting antipiracy operations in the Gulf of Aden. India similarly concluded a defence cooperation pact with Qatar in November 2008 that included maritime security, counter-piracy and intelligence sharing on terrorism. It also established a structure for joint maritime security and training as well as an exchange of visits. In response, an Indian official was quoted as saying that the accord “is just short of stationing troops”.
If spineless Congress would have used this opportunity to develop a naval base in Qatar, it would had a tremendous effect on the geopolitics of IOR.But stupid bootlickers of Sonia didn't disappoint us in that spectrum too.
Does he really have that much money set aside to invest in a single country? Either there's something very fishy about it, or that Qatari guy has no sense of business. But he is a successful businessman, so...

Not sure whether it's the same guy who sounded so enthusiastic about Modi's "Make in India" campaign in his twitter message to Fareed Zakaria. But if he is the one, there's certainly something fishy going on.

One can only hope it turns out to be another Worldcomm, and not Enron.
He seems to be wise man. He has smelled an opportunity and seems to have idea where to invest for better return.

So 'Wahabis' are all sweet now once they start showing a bit of 'Lakhsmi'?

If Wahabis invest than they are sweet. If they kill, they are bad.
God damn you Indians are obsessed to no extinct. Everytime something good happens for you, you bring in Pakistan and basically post "haha this isn't happening to!@!%!!" Pathetic LOL
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