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  1. l'ingénieur

    Eyeing Pakistan and China, Modi bolsters security team

    Totally unnecessary no one in both nations want to go to war or have any sort of problem. Its just a minority who are brainwashed. What the leaders of both nations don't realize how much we can help each other if we work together.
  2. l'ingénieur

    Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance

    China has around 500 naval ships because china is a super power. Its the unofficially the 2nd or 3rd strongest country in the world. Vietnam is no where near that. Don't get me wrong I am not taking sides but I am only telling you the facts. Regarding what happened with the fishing boat...
  3. l'ingénieur

    Pan-Islamic rally urges Pakistan to liberate Jerusalem

    I will give a little history lesson. The USSR wanted access to the Arabian sea. There were only 2 options: invade Afghanistan then Iran or Invade Afghanistan then Pakistan. Since Pakistan was much weaker than Iran USSR would have targeted us. Now comes the role of ISI; They carried out covert...
  4. l'ingénieur

    Bangladesh hatred is going rampage in India

    So much hostility towards the Bangladeshis :undecided:. Why not just mark them as Refugees and let them stay, maybe they will help in the future.
  5. l'ingénieur

    Iranian Inventions

    Iranians are pretty cool and chill people :smitten: Only thing I dislike is that you guys changed your name from Persia. It was much cooler in my opinion.
  6. l'ingénieur

    Pan-Islamic rally urges Pakistan to liberate Jerusalem

    Pakistan can't help with the Israel - Palestine issue because we need to help ourselves first. Charity begins at home. Also, getting involved would mean a full scale nuclear war with Israel who will be funded by the US maybe even NATO. However, Pakistan will always defend Makkah and Madina.
  7. l'ingénieur

    Obama says the U.S. will lead the world for the next 100 years. China disagrees.

    Its true if you look at history. Both world wars were ended when the US stepped in against the invading alliances.
  8. l'ingénieur

    Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance

    Woah so many cocky people on this thread Im not taking sides but just so its out there.. Vietnam has around 60 naval ships. China has around 500. Something to keep it mind when saying "we are going to kick *country name here* out of the waters".
  9. l'ingénieur

    Favorite Assault Rifles

    p90 because they used it in my favorite show stargate atlantis
  10. l'ingénieur

    Solving Pakistan Navy's Ship Problem

    Domestic products also = jobs (lots of it)
  11. l'ingénieur

    Israel’s Air Force Capabilities to Increase 400%

    Pakistan has the best pilots in my opinion
  12. l'ingénieur

    Kashmir not integral part of India: Grand Mufti

    i want a biryani milkshake
  13. l'ingénieur

    Russian Language to Become Compulsory in Syrian Schools

    Why do some people on here care what language the other country speaks get over yourself
  14. l'ingénieur

    what is your Dream Country to visit and why ?

    Germany, France, China, Sweden, Netherlands shaban
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