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  1. Shak

    3 killed in blast in southwest Pakistan

    RIP shia muslims and may you follow courage of Imam Ali....
  2. Shak

    Mass Poverty and Delhi’s Embrace of Corporate Neoliberalism Fuels Social Uprising | Global Research

    i dont follow any religion but its hard for belivers like you.....fucking shit faith you have pitty on your faith.......
  3. Shak

    Mass Poverty and Delhi’s Embrace of Corporate Neoliberalism Fuels Social Uprising | Global Research

    Pakistanis cant even hold own country under central law ... 85% pakistani land belongs to 10-15% people....shitty economy .... trpand like minded groups screwig local people day and night...shia getting killed everday and few pakistanis are barking like dog for kashmir....what a funny national...
  4. Shak

    2014 Happy New Year - Defence.pk

    happy new year pdf
  5. Shak

    Zaid Hamid fully loaded

    Pakistani Rambo.....
  6. Shak

    Lost Islamic History

    ok then dont show mercy by saying none of the worship places should be detroied..... stick to your fith ...
  7. Shak

    Lost Islamic History

    how can you say that because as per Islam their is only one god and tjat is Allah ..... remember even prophet destroied kabba idoles post take over of mekka
  8. Shak

    Madrassas in India attract Hindu students.

    i love my skin and iam proud of that... belivers arr busy in screwing own people *** on rhe name of ahitty faith...loosers....grow up
  9. Shak

    Madrassas in India attract Hindu students.

    keep your faith with you....your faith is showing true colours to your own people.....enjoy yoyr faith and spare us from showing light...we are better in dark..
  10. Shak

    Madrassas in India attract Hindu students.

    you mean to say how to lie...how to grb power how to kill other faith people....how to blow innocent in name of Allah.....shhia sunni shit...and many more?
  11. Shak

    Russia on alert after second suicide bombing kills 14 in Volgograd

    so whats the point? do you meqn to say russia will back down from syria because of this bomb blast and killing of innocent people?
  12. Shak

    Taliban will take over Afghanistan in 2017: All 16 US Intelligence agencies predict

    ttp have direct blessing from afgan taliban ...moreover its fact that panjabi muslims and people belongs to tribal area till afganistan never had more friendly environment in history ..... its bettwer for pak to kill them all...now or mever
  13. Shak

    Taliban will take over Afghanistan in 2017: All 16 US Intelligence agencies predict

    i n my view both the talibans are same.....nothing is good for pakistan or pak army
  14. Shak

    Taliban will take over Afghanistan in 2017: All 16 US Intelligence agencies predict

    pakistan should be worried.....less US presence means more load on Pak Army.....taliban is not friend of Pak any more....ex ISI sr. people and respected pak army personals are killed by taliban...
  15. Shak

    Drone attacks blessing of God: PMLN leader

    just remember attached pic before showing any soft corner to ttp or like minded groups....
  16. Shak

    Lebanon : Bombing 'kills enemy of Assad'

    RIP.... god help middle east...
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