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Russia on alert after second suicide bombing kills 14 in Volgograd


Dec 21, 2013
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A bomb blast ripped a trolleybus apart in Volgograd on Monday, killing 14 people in the second deadly attack in the southern city in two days and raising fears of further violence as Russia prepares to host the Winter Olympics. Investigators said the explosion on the bus a Volgograd wascarried out by a male suicide bomber. They also said that the blasts in Volgograd station and the trolleybus bombings may have been planned together.

The morning rush-hour bombing, which left mangled bodies in the street, underscored Russia's vulnerability to militant attacks less than six weeks before the Sochi 2014 Games, a prestige project for President Vladimir Putin.

The blast came less than 24 hours after a suicide bomb blast killed at least 17 people in the main railway station in the same city, a major transport hub in southern Russia.

A Reuters journalist saw the blue-and-white trolleybus reduced to a twisted, gutted carcass, its roof blown off and bodies and debris strewn across the street. Federal investigators called the blast a "terrorist act".

Read: Male suicide bomber believed behind trolleybus blast

Read: Female suicide bomber kills 16 at Russian station

"For the second day, we are dying. It's a nightmare," a woman near the scene said, her voice trembling as she choked back tears. "What are we supposed to do, just walk now?"


A bomb blast tore through the trolleybus in the city of Volgograd killing at least 14 people. (AP photo)

The consecutive attacks will raise fears of a concerted campaign of violence before the Olympics, which start on February 7 in Sochi, about 430 miles (690 km) southwest of Volgograd.

In a video posted on the web in July, the leader of insurgents who want to carve an Islamic state out of the North Caucasus, a string of Muslim provinces south of Volgograd, urged militants to use "maximum force" to prevent the games from being held.

"Terrorists in Volgograd aim to terrorise others around the world, making them stay away from the Sochi Olympics," said Dmitry Trenin, an analyst with the Moscow Carnegie Centre.

A female suicide bomber from the North Caucasus killed seven people on a bus in Volgograd in October.


Members of the emergency services work at the site of a blast on a trolleybus in Volgograd. (Reuters photo)

A spokeswoman for the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, said: "Our condolences go to all those affected by today's bombing in Volgograd. Unfortunately, terrorism is a global phenomenon and no region is exempt, which is why security at the Games is a top priority for the IOC. At the Olympics, security is the responsibility of the local authorities, and we have no doubt that the Russian authorities will be up to the task."

Putin orders increased security nationwide after bombingsRussian President Vladimir Putin on Monday ordered law enforcement agencies to increase security in the southern city of Volgograd and nationwide after two deadly bombings in Volgograd, the Kremlin said.

Putin issued several instructions to a committee that coordinates counterterrorism efforts "to strengthen security Russia-wide and specifically in the Volgograd region," the Kremlin said. It did not describe the instructions.

Biggest security challengeIn power since 2000, Putin secured the Games for Russia and has staked his reputation on a safe and successful Olympics, even freeing jailed opponents including oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky and the Pussy Riot punk band to remove a cause for international criticism at the event.

Putin was first elected after winning popularity for a war against Chechen rebels, but attacks by Islamist militants whose insurgency is rooted in the war have clouded his 14 years in power and now confront him with his biggest security challenge.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for either of the Volgograd attacks, which left dozens wounded in addition to the deaths. Health Ministry spokesman Oleg Salagai told Rossiya-24 TV that 14 people were killed in the attack and 28 wounded.

Putin ordered law enforcement agencies to take measures to enhance security after Sunday's attack when a bomber detonated explosives in front of a metal detector at Volgograd station.

Police said additional officers were being deployed to railway stations and airports nationwide, but the attacks raised questions about the effectiveness of security measures.


A resident walks crying in Volgograd after a bomb blast tore through a trolleybus killing at least 14 people. (AP photo)

The police force in Volgograd has been depleted in recent months as some 600 officers were redeployed to Sochi to tighten security around Olympic sites, a local police officer told Reuters.

More attacks can be expected before the Olympics and cities in southern Russia where the Games are not being held are easier targets than Sochi, said Alexei Filatov, deputy head of the veterans' association of the elite Alfa anti-terrorism unit.

"The threat is greatest now because it is when terrorists can make the biggest impression," he said. "The security measures were beefed up long ago around Sochi, so terrorists will strike instead in these nearby cities like Volgograd."

Monday's blast was so powerful it blew out the third-storey windows of a nearby apartment building, and witnesses said passengers were flung from the bus by the blast.

"We ran outside. There was smoke and people were lying in the street. The driver was thrown far. She was alive and moaning ... Her hands and clothes were bloody," said Olga, a clerk in a shop near the scene of the blast.


Victims' bodies lie outside a wreckage of a trolleybus in Volgograd after a bomb blast killed at least 14 people. (AP photo)

A city of about 1 million, Volgograd is one of the venues for the 2018 soccer World Cup, another high-profile sports event Putin has helped Russia win the right to stage, and which will bring thousands of foreign fans to cities around Russia.

Sunday's attack was the deadliest to strike Russia's heartland since January 2011, when a male suicide bomber from the North Caucasus killed 37 people in the arrivals hall of a busy Moscow airport.

Investigators initially said a woman set off the bomb that filled the front of the railway station building with a massive orange fireball on Sunday, but later said the bomber could have been a man.

- See more at: Second suicide bombing in Russia's Volgograd kills 14 on trolleybus - Hindustan Times
what's the point in killing innocent people? I don't really think any country would bow down to terrorist's demands over these suicide bombings.. But still they choose suicide bombing as a weapon,why? RIP
This is why the so called "DREAMS" of freedom of most islamist fighters (Palestine, Kashmir, Chechniya) will remain..... DREAM!

Killing innocent people who had nothing to do with politics/ oppression of so called freedom fighters is no way justified. Hope Russia kills these scumbags before they do any further damage.
what's the point in killing innocent people? I don't really think any country would bow down to terrorist's demands over these suicide bombings.. But still they choose suicide bombing as a weapon,why? RIP
What point is ? Russia supporting syria :D thats your answer that what Badur Told Putin when they met
what's the point in killing innocent people? I don't really think any country would bow down to terrorist's demands over these suicide bombings.. But still they choose suicide bombing as a weapon,why? RIP
Because they were deceived by the Devil. They sure they are at holy war and will go to heaven. And actually Satan prepare for them the darkest, the gloomiest depths of hell. At the same time their victims will go to heaven.
wat do these people get by killing innocent civilians??!!
wat do these people get by killing innocent civilians??!!

ask your government first that what they are doing somewhere same like that.......

on topic.....They are brain washed on the bases of religion but planned for proxy by anyone wants to spread terror.
This is why the so called "DREAMS" of freedom of most islamist fighters (Palestine, Kashmir, Chechniya) will remain..... DREAM!

Killing innocent people who had nothing to do with politics/ oppression of so called freedom fighters is no way justified. Hope Russia kills these scumbags before they do any further damage.

What does Palestine have anything to do with this? It's unlike both conflicts you've mentioned and is not at a stalemate like the other two are.

By the day Israel gets what it wants without impunity.

Unless Kerry can be serious and pull of a fair deal.
What point is ? Russia supporting syria :D thats your answer that what Badur Told Putin when they met

so whats the point? do you meqn to say russia will back down from syria because of this bomb blast and killing of innocent people?
ask your government first that what they are doing somewhere same like that.......

on topic.....They are brain washed on the bases of religion but planned for proxy by anyone wants to spread terror.
such a shameless human u are....more people are getting killed in the name of religion in ur country than ours..there is peace here....there is a reason why minority growth rate is so high in india......now dun reply back to me........disgusting
such a shameless human u are....more people are getting killed in the name of religion in ur country than ours..there is peace here....there is a reason why minority growth rate is so high in india......now dun reply back to me........disgusting

Yes shameless human from shameless barbaric government killing thousands in Kashmir and still your human morals hanged on top level.....disgusting, and what is going on with minorities in India.....face palm on closed eye innocent Indians. Better discuss in another thread.
Yes shameless human from shameless barbaric government killing thousands in Kashmir and still your human morals hanged on top level.....disgusting, and what is going on with minorities in India.....face palm on closed eye innocent Indians. Better discuss in another thread.
still no shame...bringing it up anywhere u want......post this somewhere else u shameless human...this is not the right thread....either post something related to this topic or else dun reply back to me

@Zakii plzz delete posts not relevant to this thread...including mine too

thank u
so an Indian dimwit brought Palestine and Kashmir in discussion as well .

Oh well .
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