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  1. Type59

    Pakistan returns $1 billion of Saudi Arabia's soft loan, officials say

    Never trust the children of millionaires. MBS has had life of luxury, hence not experienced failure. With his clouded outlook he made rash decisions, thinking money can solve everything. Tried to drag Pakistan into conflict, but got mad when said no. Yemen conflict is in stalemate, Qatar is...
  2. Type59

    China avoids ICC prosecution over Xinjiang for now, but pressure is growing

    China under Xi have done some serious damage to its international reputation. Previous leaders were mindful of international opinion. Xinjiang, Hong Kong and perception Covid started in China due to wildlife trade has cast china in a negative light. Alot of countries wont openly criticise...
  3. Type59

    Pakistan returns $1 billion of Saudi Arabia's soft loan, officials say

    MBS is the one worried. Yemen war will soon end after Biden assume presidency.
  4. Type59

    First Glitches Emerge In COVID-Vax Rollout; Alaska Health Worker Suffers ‘Serious Allergic Reaction’

    We living in a crisis. So usual development path for new vaccines have been sped up. Are the risks greater then the reward, thats the key question?
  5. Type59

    First Glitches Emerge In COVID-Vax Rollout; Alaska Health Worker Suffers ‘Serious Allergic Reaction’

    All medicines can cause unwanted side effects. No medicine is a 100 percent safe.
  6. Type59

    Elon Musk Has Played Cyberpunk 2077

    Playing on base PS4? There's where he went wrong. Not played it myself, I wait till the ps5 version is out. Well you can do that with GTA. If realistic then your unlikely to lose cops.
  7. Type59

    Maryam Nawaz accidently exposed Nawaz Sharifs pro Israel lobbying

    Reality is eventually these thieves will gain power, PTI cant rule forever. Not knocking democratic process, just an observation that all of the opposition parties are led by criminals.
  8. Type59

    Pak using heavier artillery for LoC violations: Army vice chief

    Modi campaign on platform to silence Pakistani guns. December 2020, Modi is silent
  9. Type59

    PDM Lahore Jalsa | Frustration is all-time-high | Maryam | Fazal ur Rehman | Bilawal | Siddique Jaan

    Trump says hi. I take it you dont watch foreign news. I agree people should not gather on mass.
  10. Type59

    Trump announces Israel-Morocco to normalize relations

    Bigger issue is Trump selling out western Sahara people for Isreal. The rural idiots that voted for Trump should realise. Trump cares more about Israel then America. Israel First, America Second.
  11. Type59

    Trump announces Israel-Morocco to normalize relations

    Trump will be gone soon. Arab governments might have agreed terms with Israel, but citizens had no say.
  12. Type59

    Trump announces Israel-Morocco to normalize relations

    AU has recognised western Sahara government as true representatives of the people. Algeria biggest backer.
  13. Type59

    Trump announces Israel-Morocco to normalize relations

    Morocco got a good deal because of Western Sahara recognition. However WS is a disputed territory under UN definition. Trump will annoy regional players like Algeria. However since Trump is leaving, so we have to see USA response under Biden.
  14. Type59

    Hezbollah chief to move to Iran for security concerns: report

    B. S He is not going anywhere.
  15. Type59

    Chinease playing catch up with Artic Gear in Ladakh

    No one is immune to the cold. Worse is the high altitude.
  16. Type59

    Arecibo Observatory Telescope Collapses, Ending An Era Of World-Class Research

    Build a new one. I be surprised if they dont.
  17. Type59

    BSF officer killed in firing by Pakistani troops along LoC in J&K's Poonch

    When Modi came to power he promised to silence Pakistani guns. In 6 years constant firing has killed hundreds. Indian population is gullible.
  18. Type59

    Indian Army digs out old sleeping bags for troop acclimatization in Ladakh

    Water is a non issue, Indian soldiers dont need to bath.
  19. Type59

    Thanks to DRDO, Indian fabric to replace Chinese, foreign clothing used for making military uniforms

    DRDO "jack of all trades master of none". Amazes me that DRDO are designing fabrics. Good for opposing forces that India's premier defence industry is wasting resources on low value products.
  20. Type59

    ‘India most corrupt country in Asia’ : Transparency International report

    Well not suprised. Bjp talks about Hindu supremacy, great way to convince the majority of Indians to support them. Hindus will turn a blind eye to corruption in government, in turn government will pretend to care about the Hindus. Great system.
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