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  1. Type59

    Hindu lawmaker in Bangalore gets 17 Muslim hospital staff fired

    Exactly. Then these people that discriminate will show everyone how successful they are.
  2. Type59

    Breaking: Starship SN15 has performed FIRST successful soft landing

    50 percent of Spacex staff are Indian origin. So you can say its an Indian company, just like NASA.
  3. Type59

    Patients Turning Serious in 3-4 Days, Havoc in Vizag: New AP Strain Might be 15 Times More Virulent

    Reminds of reading reports of widespread antibiotic resistance. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/superbugs-kill-more-in-india-than-globally-mortality-rate-is-13/articleshow/66674259.cms
  4. Type59

    France to sell Egypt 30 fighter jets in $4.5 bln deal -report

    Alot of people have voiced same criticism. For some reason you cant see that.
  5. Type59

    Al-Khalid tank (Type 90-IIM / MBT-2000) Information Pool

    o_O Seriously unbelievableo_O:woot::smitten:
  6. Type59

    France to sell Egypt 30 fighter jets in $4.5 bln deal -report

    Would be a stupid decision, whats Egypt going for a United Nations airforce. This is a criticism of Egyptian planners. The army has same problem.in regards to tanks, they have huge numbers of M1 tanks equipped with 120mm guns, now buying T90s with 125mm guns. Why?
  7. Type59

    What PMIK has done for KP is beyond our imagination

    The positives of pti is that IK is not enriching himself, ofcourse there is corruption in pti, but not at level in pmln and ppp. We all can see evidence of their expensive properties in UK. Pti will lose power (happens in a democracy), but ppp and pmln will find it harder to loot country...
  8. Type59

    Long queues, expensive sugar and government mismanagement !!!!!

    Artificial crisis? I wont be surprised if opposition are deliberately hoarding food items to increase inflation.
  9. Type59

    Huge cache of Arms & ammunition seized incl Indian in 2 IBO's in Balochistan - May 2021

    Rpg 2 warheads. Over the years, I have seen many pictures of them being seized in Balochistan.
  10. Type59

    China continues to fuel Pangolin trade

    Chinese are gullible to think these animal products will cure their illnesses. Erectile dysfunction, take Viagra. Rhino horn powder wont cure cancer.
  11. Type59

    FBR surpasses revenue collection target by Rs34bn in April

    When pti gets voted out, people will be looking back at these statistics.
  12. Type59

    PTI Comprehensively Humiliated in Karachi

    People always gonna be disappointed whoever gains power. No easy fixes when running a country. No elected government has served two terms. People will vote for pmln then after 5 years will vote for someone else.
  13. Type59

    PTI Comprehensively Humiliated in Karachi

    Pti is a democratic party, so if lose general election they can come back to power. In comparison to military leaders, once out their out. Inflation is due to government attempts to reduce trade deficit through devaluation of rupee. Pakistan can increase rupee value, but at cost of Industry...
  14. Type59

    Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

    What annoys me that there are people across the world who refuse to take precautions. The Spanish flu, according to my mum, killed 6 out of 7 brothers in her ancestral village.
  15. Type59

    Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

    If china released it, why has India allowed it to thrive? Trump, Bolsonaro and Modi have same mindset, money over human life.
  16. Type59

    Jack Ma re-emerges on the digital yuan vanguard

    Modern currencies are both physical and digital.
  17. Type59

    China’s state rocket company unveils rendering of a [SpaceX] Starship look-alike

    Many examples of "copies" in china, but this is not one of them. Not even similar looking, despite all rockets share basic design.
  18. Type59

    Pakistan assists India - offers Oxygen, ventilors and equipments

    https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/apr/26/doctors-sound-warning-over-oxygen-hoarding-as-india-reports-record-covid-cases-and-deaths Heres an article on hoarding. BBC has something too. I bet big time black marketeers are connected to RSS and BJP.
  19. Type59

    Nasal spray which ‘kills coronavirus’ developed by Bangladesh

    Halo Oral Antiseptic developed around 2012. Apparently that might be effective against coronavirus.
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