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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

Other South Asian countries are lucky that they can see the devastation and learn something. If even after that we don't learn, may Allah help us all.

Absolutely, in many many ways Pakistan was probably heading in the same direction

Idiots everywhere, jalsas, marches, Ramadan and Eid coming with big congregations

India screwed up first, hence we got a heads up warning before the shit hit the fan

Now we either on a emergency basis try to control the situation or we have no one blame

in fact if things go real bad in Pakistan (I don't think they will) we deserve the pain more then the Indians, they were atleast idiotically ignoring the situation but we have seen the devastation and if we still can't control ourselves and our behaviour then we truly deserve the death and misery
I reckon realistically 2 to 4 weeks of tragedy before things take a dip and a slow gradual fall if they can suppress the curb

For Pakistan it's essential we remain vigilant and wear masks, wash hands, keep our distance

Ensure army and police crack down hard on any jahil not able to understand

Get the message out the mullahs and mosques,
No congregation
Pray at home
Eid at home amongst family

Keep vaccinations going

If we are lucky we can suppress the curve before it gets high and vaccinations over summer can do the rest of the job

Eid at home will be the real test for our people. The Prime minister should make an appeal for this in the days leading up to Eid. People need to be reminded in no uncertain words not to let their guard down. A few weeks of sacrifice will inshallah pay off. Realistically, it will probably take till mid-June (hopefully not past August) for India to subside, but even then we should maintain masks, until we can get the most vulnerable people vaccinated.

In the spirit of the month of Ramadan, people should understand this.
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Ensure army and police crack down hard on any jahil not able to understand

Imran Khan should have gotten the army to do this much earlier. but at least its happened now. let the danda rule these jahils.
Eid at home will be the real test for our people. The Prime minister should make an appeal for this in the days leading up to Eid. People need to be reminded in no uncertain words not to let their guard down. A few weeks of sacrifice will inshallah pay off. Realistically, it will probably take till mid-June for India to subside, but even then we should maintain masks, until we can get the most vulnerable people vaccinated.

In the spirit of the month of Ramadan, people should understand this.

these people wont listen. even if the plague was upon us they would still visit relatives and have big parties.
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Only reason why there’s still hope in peoples minds is because of constant brainwashing by western media to make india look good vs its neighbors.

It‘s the opposite Indians on social media claim Western media are exaggerating the crisis with fake news using paid actors and CGI green screens. Apparently Biden wants regime change in India and it Is claimed that he has unleashed a media blitz against India and much beloved Modi.
It‘s the opposite Indians on social media claim Western media are exaggerating the crisis with fake news using paid actors and CGI green screens. Apparently Biden wants regime change in India and it Is claimed that he has unleashed a media blitz against India and much beloved Modi.
Come on, guy. Don't forget you're supposed to be tag teaming with India against China. Don't start mocking your bhakt allies just yet! :omghaha:

A doctor on the frontline of India’s COVID-19 emergency has described it as a “humanitarian crisis”, speaking out about a “completely calamitous situation”.

Dr Ambarish Satwik, a vascular surgeon in a New Delhi hospital, says he’s worried facilities will run out of resources.
What annoys me that there are people across the world who refuse to take precautions. The Spanish flu, according to my mum, killed 6 out of 7 brothers in her ancestral village.
For Pakistan it's essential we remain vigilant and wear masks, wash hands, keep our distance

Ensure army and police crack down hard on any jahil not able to understand

Get the message out the mullahs and mosques,
No congregation
Pray at home
Eid at home amongst family

Keep vaccinations going
Just repeating the above important message.
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India festival.jpg
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