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  1. Type59

    Indian launch attempt of earth observation satellite fails

    Indian space industry has slowed down considerably. First launch of 2021, I think spacex is winning commercial contracts at expense of Indian space program.
  2. Type59

    Taliban Capture Herat After Taking All the Govt Buildings

    If ANA rapidly collapses. The Taliban will inherit a nation that is more developed compared to the 90s. Despite wasted billions the major urban areas have largely been rebuilt.
  3. Type59

    Afghan Taliban capture an Indian🇮🇳 Mi-35 gunship donated to the Afghan airforce back in 2019. Left for Taliban on the tarmac by AAF. (serial # 123)

    Give credit to the Afghan military, the captured airfields infrastructure is in good condition.
  4. Type59

    Taliban heading towards Kandahar in captured ANA vehicles

    Makes the possibility of hitting friendly forces, very real. Afghanistan airforce and US will lose some of its potency.
  5. Type59

    Are Taliban Using Iranian Made Sniper Rifle Sayyad!

    Iran has been accused of supporting taliban. Apart from India, Russia and Iran have abandoned northern alliance.
  6. Type59

    Afganistan civil war updates; 8 provinical capitals fallen

    Its only when Soviets or Russians were forced to cut aid did kabul collapse. If usa provides more airpower then Kabul will likely survive. I expect USA to increase aid.
  7. Type59

    Afganistan civil war updates; 8 provinical capitals fallen

    Afghanistan military is more concentrated in South then North. That's why situation is bad in North, the ANA is overstretched.
  8. Type59

    British MPs blast UK govt for retaining Pakistan on 'red list' but promoting India to amber

    The pre flight coronavirus test and coronavirus vaccine certificate are easily faked in India. Tories get major donations from Hindustanis, deaths on your hands government. I am not advocating Pakistan should be on amber list, but government should follow the science amd not base decisions on...
  9. Type59

    Another Elite Lady Manhandles a Policeman.

    Police bodycams are legal in Pakistan and in other nations. Did she get beat up? Nope. Plates getting confiscated is legal.
  10. Type59

    Hunger Crisis Forces Middle-Class Indians to Line Up for Rations

    Sad. Since 2016 soo many missteps by Modi government.
  11. Type59

    Despite 50+ Deaths in Around 45 Days, No Operation is being Conducted Against BLA/BLF

    Large scale operations like seen in FATA and Swat were against thousands of entrenched militants that controlled territory. My understanding is the BLA operates in smaller numbers and dont overtly control population centres. Therefore small targeted operations are more appropriate. "IBO" are...
  12. Type59

    Indian presence in Afghanistan starts to unravel. Consulates in Jalalabad and Herat are no more.

    I expect Indian intel to continue terrorism campaign in Pakistan, even with fall of kabul. Indians have plenty of money to undermine Pakistan, but less soo for its people.
  13. Type59

    Poverty in Pakistan up from 4.4pc to 5.4pc: WB

    Less international arrivals and domestic tourists, avoiding unnecessary travel, due to COVID-19 has had an impact. The lack of trade has hit service sector hard. Hopefully the situation will improve going forward.
  14. Type59

    Modi history revision - edit Nehru out of textbooks

    Gandhi and to a lesser extent Nehru have had their image destroyed in India.
  15. Type59

    Locust attack used as excuse to cover up Ten Billion Tree Tsunami scam

    Cases of corruption would not be surprising. That's how things work in Pakistan. No project will be clean, unless robots do the work. I, for one welcome our future robot overlords.
  16. Type59

    28 Taiwanese die after receiving AstraZeneca vaccine over past 4 days

    From your post and from other members that share your sentiment, I can tell your no scientists. The people who died had pre existing conditions hence impossible to speculate on cause of death this early on. AZ and other organisations will investigate deaths more transparently then vaccines...
  17. Type59

    28 Taiwanese die after receiving AstraZeneca vaccine over past 4 days

    Impossible to know. Astrazeneca does give you a mild fever, so if already fragile then severe reactions are expected 😢 Like I said before, it's sad that people are happy for vaccines to fail. They want mass deaths because it will suit their narrative.
  18. Type59

    Featured National emergency helpline 911 likely to ring in on July 25

    999 would have been better. Anyway, once established they can merge fire, ambulance and police in one emergency number.
  19. Type59

    INDONESIA BUILT A TANK BOAT || 2021|| Fielding tanks inside the ocean

    Great to deal with illegal fishing trawlers.
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