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INDONESIA BUILT A TANK BOAT || 2021|| Fielding tanks inside the ocean

well this is quite interesting.... I can't seem to think of any use cases for that turret though, usually with littoral combat platforms, they usually use machine guns and guided missiles. Wonder why they chose a turret design over conventional missile boats.
well this is quite interesting.... I can't seem to think of any use cases for that turret though, usually with littoral combat platforms, they usually use machine guns and guided missiles. Wonder why they chose a turret design over conventional missile boats.

The boat is not for naval combat but more for patrol. That turret will make pirates ships easy target as this turret look like can penetrate steel.

For naval warfare we already have KCR 40 meter and KCR 60 meter that we keep building.

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Could turn this baby into a nice amphibious landing platform.

Yup, that is also another reason they make this, inside the ship they can put 20 soldiers and with that empty deck they can carry another 40 soldiers, so total 60 soldiers. While the gun can be used for fire support.
What is the developer company name?

PT Lundin and PT Pindad
wouldn't a naval gun be for effective?
wouldn't a naval gun be for effective?

Naval gun will be too heavy

We have KCR 40 meter and KCR 60 meter with Naval gun and Cruise Missiles


We dont use previous plan to use big turret like in OP video, but now we pick smaller one as seen video posted by me.

Tank boat is also intended for river and swam operation where we plan to move capital city to Kalimantan. The boats is more intended to use by Army. In Kalimantan, most are still jungle and many rivers, big, small, medium and many swam as well.

Kalimantan, biggest land mass Indonesia has but only populated by 6% of Indonesian

I believe Pakistan Navy should conduct exercise on coastal defence with Indonesian Navy. I believe we could learn quite a bit from them vis a vis drug (and may be human) smugglers in our coastal regions.
I believe Pakistan Navy should conduct exercise on coastal defence with Indonesian Navy. I believe we could learn quite a bit from them vis a vis drug (and may be human) smugglers in our coastal regions.

It is a good idea and as Indonesia is putting alot of effort into ocean warfare.. They have unmanned small subs in development that can launch torpedo's at low-cost.. They can render any Navy pointless in the future imagine if you put 10.000 - 20.000 of these inside the ocean waters it will become a complete no go zone for everyone nobody will be able to misadventure into these waters. Everyone will be like ''Nah not worth the hassle pass''
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Naval gun will be too heavy

We have KCR 40 meter and KCR 60 meter with Naval gun and Cruise Missiles

View attachment 752004

We dont use previous plan to use big turret like in OP video, but now we pick smaller one as seen video posted by me.

Tank boat is also intended for river and swam operation where we plan to move capital city to Kalimantan. The boats is more intended to use by Army. In Kalimantan, most are still jungle and many rivers, big, small, medium and many swam as well.

Kalimantan, biggest land mass Indonesia has but only populated by 6% of Indonesian

Is kalimantan the rain forest in Borneo?
Is kalimantan the rain forest in Borneo?

Kalimantan is the way Indonesian call Borneo island. Similar like Westerners call Sulawesi island as Celebes. Different name, but same thing
Great to deal with illegal fishing trawlers.
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