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Poverty in Pakistan up from 4.4pc to 5.4pc: WB

Asad umar nami makhlooq yad hai? Aik bhai n league doosra pti m bharti hai. Did i.k ever asked him for any explanation about the unwarranted devaluation of pkr? In Riyasat madina such mental gymnastic with the national economy could get him the -------.
why was the rupee kept at false value by dalla dollar dar? dalla dollar dar spent billions artificially keeping the rupee at feku rate.

can you explain this chawal?
why was the rupee kept at false value by dalla dollar dar? dalla dollar dar spent billions artificially keeping the rupee at feku rate.

can you explain this chawal?

I believe sideaffects of the deal made between the avenglicals and 5 lakh jurmana?
why was the rupee kept at false value by dalla dollar dar? dalla dollar dar spent billions artificially keeping the rupee at feku rate.

can you explain this chawal?

The gain was much more than the value spent on keeping the PKR value safe from $$ hoarders. Pakistan was importing huge amount of machinery and other raw material for upgrading the infrastructure plus huge amount of arms and ammunition as Pakistan fought two major wars at that time.
Less international arrivals and domestic tourists, avoiding unnecessary travel, due to COVID-19 has had an impact. The lack of trade has hit service sector hard. Hopefully the situation will improve going forward.
The gain was much more than the value spent on keeping the PKR value safe from $$ hoarders. Pakistan was importing huge amount of machinery and other raw material for upgrading the infrastructure plus huge amount of arms and ammunition as Pakistan fought two major wars at that time.

There was no gain, the more the imports the more the dollar subsidization at the other end. (Its a zero sum phenomenon)

Besides the rheotoric of increase in machinery imports is not true as pointed out many times before (they account for a small % of our overall imports)

Care to share the figures of huge amount of arms and ammunition from the import data shared by SBP or PBS from 2018 😂. Stop embarassing yourself.
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There was no gain, the more the imports the more the dollar subsidization at the other end.

Besides the rheotoric of increase in machinery imports is not true as pointed out many times before (they account for a small % of our overall imports)

Care to share the figures of huge amount of arms and ammunition from the import data shared by SBP or PBS from 2018 😂. Stop embarassing yourself.

We fought the major wars in north and south Wazirastan with swords and arrows??
This is statistics of Extreme Poverty (Global Poverty Line).

When you consider WB 2nd Poverty Line and/or Multidimensional Poverty, statistics is on another level entirely.
We fought the major wars in north and south Wazirastan with swords and arrows??

Show me in sbp data or pbs, any data point? How many billions of dollars was it?

TTP also imported right, since they used guns aswell not swords and arrows. They must have accounted for a considerable portion too 😂

We do produce bullets mortars and tank shells on our own. No need to go back to arrows and bows.

What about the intense exchanges across the border with India post feb 2019. Or the feb 2019 incident in itself.

I am sorry bro but is the lamest excuse i have seen from your side.
never witnessed such an unprecedented rise in the number of beggars before. Its like people are now occupying specific places on roads and in the market places and the spots are increasing rapidly

you do realize those are professionals

just look at their health . hatte kattey hotey hain sab
you do realize those are professionals

just look at their health . hatte kattey hotey hain sab

I can confirm for sure those in Mirpur AJK are professionals and are organised, each has a designated zone.

Outside the pharmacy near chowk shaheedan there is an aunty who needs money for a prescription which hasn't been given to her in years. Every trip she is there at the same spot.

There are two girls working in collaboration with each other outside the masjid in puraniya hattiyan. They'll signal each other if someone gives them money and tell how much they got.

Same is true in Chakswari in Raja bazaar. they have designated zones, they will only follow you so far and then they have to back off as it's the next ones turf. There is also a man there, must be 6 foot plus, 80-90kg, well dressed, mid to late 20's, early 30's at the latest. He'll give you a sob story about his father being ill.

Also at Nottingham train station in the UK there is a scouse girl who's needed an extra £10 to get a ticket home since 2004.
The gain was much more than the value spent on keeping the PKR value safe from $$ hoarders. Pakistan was importing huge amount of machinery and other raw material for upgrading the infrastructure plus huge amount of arms and ammunition as Pakistan fought two major wars at that time.
in another words a load of s#it. there is 0 excuses for dalla dollar dars crimes.
I believe sideaffects of the deal made between the avenglicals and 5 lakh jurmana?
well one cant expect more than a chawal from a tooi wal.
I can confirm for sure those in Mirpur AJK are professionals and are organised, each has a designated zone.

Outside the pharmacy near chowk shaheedan there is an aunty who needs money for a prescription which hasn't been given to her in years. Every trip she is there at the same spot.

There are two girls working in collaboration with each other outside the masjid in puraniya hattiyan. They'll signal each other if someone gives them money and tell how much they got.

Same is true in Chakswari in Raja bazaar. they have designated zones, they will only follow you so far and then they have to back off as it's the next ones turf. There is also a man there, must be 6 foot plus, 80-90kg, well dressed, mid to late 20's, early 30's at the latest. He'll give you a sob story about his father being ill.

Also at Nottingham train station in the UK there is a scouse girl who's needed an extra £10 to get a ticket home since 2004.

Your Mirpur AJK rocks. Bro . Entirely built by you hard working loyal group of peoples who lifted your entire region families & peoples out of poverty. A lesson to rest of us who doubt and talk s hit! They literally built a modern city and villages there lol . with out any nickel help from the corrupt government the roads government built in the 90s then were 1cm thick of tarmac useless corrupt. If I’m not wrong most of Islamabad is owned by you guys haha.
Your Mirpur AJK rocks. Bro . Entirely built by you hard working loyal group of peoples who lifted your entire region families & peoples out of poverty. A lesson to rest of us who doubt and talk s hit! They literally built a modern city and villages there lol . with out any nickel help from the corrupt government the roads government built in the 90s then were 1cm thick of tarmac useless corrupt. If I’m not wrong most of Islamabad is owned by you guys haha.

I'm not sure about most of Islamabad but lots of British Pakistani from Mirpur/AJK want to buy property in Islamabad. It's home away from home for us. Most people understand our language, the Punjabi isn't too specialised, plenty of people speak English, it's clean, modern, spacious, got all the brands. It's a great city to live in.

If i ever move back to Pakistan it will be to Islamabad, not AJK.

Mirpur the city and the wider region, including Dadyal/Kotli/Bhimber etc has some positives and some negatives. Our government is a total fail. State education is poor, roads are poor quality, industry is non existent, healthcare is poor. We have god private healthcare facilities for small illnesses, lots of GP's, but if anyone has serious health problems we have to drive to Islamabad. Serious heart attacks require treatment outside of AJK. A heart attack is a common ailment. Cancer treatment requires travel to Islamabad.

The awam is very hard working, when taken out of the environment of AJK. Most of us are village people, there is no culture of business or industry, a lot of young people chill doing nothing but the bare basics relying on income from expat relatives. However when given opportunity outside of AJK (or in some cases even in AJK where people get funds for businesses) people work very hard. Those same lazy guys in the UK are working 6-7 days a week, 12 hour days, even longer - covering costs here and at home. The immigrants work really hard, they build back home, buy land etc.

Like you said our elders have built up that region by hand. We were refugees from IOK and settled in AJK post partition. We were forced out of our homes with nothing. My father came to the UK in 1963. Since then he has bought farmland for his family, then for his brothers. He sent money home to build our first homes in the 70's, then again in the 90's, he then had the old mud homes knocked down and built into a Villa in the 2000's. He paid for his brothers and sisters to be bought up, he paid for their weddings, he even paid for some of their childrens weddings. He helped his brothers setup businesses too. All this whilst buying his own home in the UK, running a business, working long hours and sending all his children to university.

His story is not unique. In his generation, everyone has that story. The guys who came later in the 80's and 90's do the same. Even the guys who come today. People even get together and give money for weddings, treatment, even immigration costs of poor people in their villages and mohallas who don't have any source of income.

People laugh at our empty villas, but they don't realise the spirit behind them. My father didn't come to the UK to become an Englishmen. He came because we were dirt poor refugees. He thought he'd make some money and eventually go home again. Even when building the villas he hoped to retire there. Unfortunately the socio-economic conditions of our region has never improved - it's supported by expat money. Our elders never had the opportunity to go back. Now he is old, in the summer it is too hot, in the winter too cold. He goes to visit during the good weather.
never witnessed such an unprecedented rise in the number of beggars before. Its like people are now occupying specific places on roads and in the market places and the spots are increasing rapidly
Beggars arent poor they are just habitual offenders
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