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  1. Möbius Curve

    Hovering over IAF Airbases

    Cratering Bombs can effectively paralyze ENDIAN Air force.
  2. Möbius Curve

    70% of Torture Victims in Indian Occupied Kashmir are Civilians, confirms HRG Report

    ENDIA is the curse in South Asia, mother of Terroriusm and ENDIA should be ENDED once & for all! Btw IF I ever happened to captured an ENDIAN Soldier, only wild imagination can show you, what I will do to him! @Horus
  3. Möbius Curve

    Turkish Islamic Party (TIP) in northeast Latakia make big rockets to fight Russia

    They are ALL terrorists emanating from their filthy IsraHELLI mother ISIS/Daesh! Nuke all of them!
  4. Möbius Curve

    US to Countries: We’ll Pay You to Ditch Russian, Chinese Arms

    What they did to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria? And Pakistan too, because we suffered too! Even ISIS/Daesh leader Baghdadi guy was trained in Camp Bucca Iraq! From what he did in Camp Bucca, and conglomeration of top nine (09) prominent leaders of ISIS/Daesh in camp Bucca bears testimony...
  5. Möbius Curve

    US to Countries: We’ll Pay You to Ditch Russian, Chinese Arms

    This deal will do NO GOOD to these SIX countries other than making their economy totally dependent on United States of Terrorism. Haven't you studied "Confessions of Economic Hitman", on how U.S destroys economies of host countries?????? @Horus
  6. Möbius Curve

    Rupee hits all-time low of 148.5 against US dollar in inter-bank market

    Interestingly, the anticipation about the exchange rate of 1 USD = 200 Pakistani Rupees to the end of December 2019, seems very plausible then. Very catastrophic & devastating for us! Make no mistake, it's happening and it is escalating!
  7. Möbius Curve

    Exports decline despite subsidies, devaluation

    Count us, Electrical, Electronic, Civil, Mechanical, Computer Hardware, Computer Software, and ........many many others too! And YOU DO NOT have only Graduates but Ph.D's too, unemployed & sacked everywhere! Please come out of Utopia! Say farewell to your little utopian imagination!
  8. Möbius Curve

    Army raises alarm over rising accidents due to faulty ammunition

    Bhot Zeada Corruption hay yar Bharti Military mein. Jahan Corruption haad say guzar jayee, wahan yehi hotaa hay. and Modi Sarkar ko kya parwaa? Ghareeb Bharti Fouji hi mara jayee ga!
  9. Möbius Curve

    Jews Are Speaking Out Against China’s Ethnic Cleansing Of Muslims. Will It Help?

    These videos are more active on Social Media, like Facebook which is a glaring example. Keep in mind that Facebook was used to wreck havoc inside Syria & Libya. Mind Control & Psychological Warfare effectively works on Social Media, because majority of peoples are illiterate or literate...
  10. Möbius Curve

    What's in your Gun Locker?

    That's Daudson's Trushot. Can you elaborate the performance of Trushot and specially about the Barrel Quality. Are their barrels Chrome Lined, Cold Hammer Forged, Stainless Steel, or simply milled & machined? I have tried to ask, but looks like they cannot understand me. Also, please just...
  11. Möbius Curve

    Idea no.4: Business, supply chain, management and finance

    This is a very old documentary, and let me tell you something, that in this video Gun Markets of were portrayed in a very negative manner. Unfortunate events after 2002, and along with negative propaganda against Pakistani Gun Markets led to the closure of these magnificent centers of handmade...
  12. Möbius Curve

    US ‘plans to deploy 120,000 troops to Middle East

    So Mother of All Terrorisms & Evil: United States of Terrorism is coming to Middle East, to remove last remaining bit of resistance to IsraHELL!
  13. Möbius Curve

    The country has been handed over to IMF Dr Kaisar Bengali

    Zardari & FDA by Möbius Curve posted May 13, 2019 at 3:44 PM Wo Jo Hum Mein Tum Mein Qarar Tha Look at that! Poli TIKS is the art of Grand Deception! Make Peoples believe, that you will change their life, in fact you won't! @Khafee @Enigma SIG
  14. Möbius Curve

    The country has been handed over to IMF Dr Kaisar Bengali

    Neither I support NS nor I support Zardari! It is your same darling lady Firdous Ashiq Awan who used to say "Leader to aik he hay Zardari"! And now she says "Leader to aik he hay Imran Khan". Don't try to fool the whole nation!
  15. Möbius Curve

    The country has been handed over to IMF Dr Kaisar Bengali

    In those times, we will seek external help willingly or unwillingly, because desperate times calls for desperate measures. Crimes will flourish at an exponential rate! Poverty will grow many many folds! Families will be reduced, population will decrease! Prostitution will become rampant...
  16. Möbius Curve

    The country has been handed over to IMF Dr Kaisar Bengali

    It's time for Pakistan to suffer & witness Great Economic Depression, which can last for a decade! @Khafee @Retired Troll @Enigma SIG
  17. Möbius Curve

    Asia Bibi arrives in Canada after leaving Pakistan

    Just look at the timing of her departure news: Now who will, and who can protest in the Month of Ramadhan? #Smart_Move
  18. Möbius Curve

    Karachi: 19 Target killers involved in Sectarian Killings are arrested - reportedly trained in Iran.

    Call Geo News Group or Dawn News group. Only these two channels can give coverage to you. They gave coverage to our strike too, in front of Peshawar Press Club.
  19. Möbius Curve

    Karachi: 19 Target killers involved in Sectarian Killings are arrested - reportedly trained in Iran.

    Sipah e Sihaba, Jaish e Muhammad, Lashkar e Jhangvi, Ahle e Sunnat wal Jumaat etc, are deep rooted in the Establishment of Pakistan. YOU know clearly what I mean to say. Even A Sipah e Sahaba Fanatic works with me in my office. Be Careful, and be discreet! I always advocated awareness...
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