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    Alleged "Terror boat" Sunk by Indian Coast Guard | Fact or Fiction?

    bogus items brought from Gwadar - diesel - does gwadar have refinery / depots why would a boat originating in gwadar and with end point as karachi be found in open seas in indian waters which are way south west of karachi ?
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    Pak boat 4 persons on boat blew themselves up! After hot pursuit by Coast Guard in Arabian Sea

    most of the time in mefia there is shortage of person who can understnd what is being sai thru press release etc
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    wishes of many memebrs here granted - Indo-Pak border tensions escalates - Pak army moving forward

    Pakistan Army moving forward after India's strong retaliation along the border in J&K: Sources Shreya Dhoundial, CNN-IBN@ibnlive 0 0 0 How to Convert to Islam How to Convert and Become a Muslim With Live Help by 1-to-1 Chat ! www.islamreligion.com Ads by Google Jammu: Pakistan Army is...
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    wishes of many memebrs here granted - Indo-Pak border tensions escalates - Pak army moving forward

    Many members here expressed wishes to the effect of escalation in India - Pakistan border tensions thier wishes have been granted Pakistan army moving forward on the India pakistan border rangers being pulled back
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    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    then that honour will again be returned on rangers with interest compounded
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    Rafale in storm clouds, Parrikar says IAF can make do with Sukhoi-30s

    no cancellation is a better option buy Super Su30MKI invest in LCA AMCA PAKFA
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    Rafale in storm clouds, Parrikar says IAF can make do with Sukhoi-30s

    rafale is heading for cancellations seriously
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    Breaking news: AirAsia plane missing with 162 passengers!

    OK now what about the actual plane wreck and black box ?
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    MIRV: game changing weapons system held by India and China

    oh so you have doubts about plastic surgery ? read this
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    MIRV: game changing weapons system held by India and China

    of course they had in ancient times ................ i am talking about 2004 onwards what was in ancient times let it remain in ancient times
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    MIRV: game changing weapons system held by India and China

    there is no need to show & display everything to the public most intelligence agencies and govts have pretty good iidea
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    MIRV: game changing weapons system held by India and China

    what is an MIRV system can you tell me ? we have the capability covertly tested just use logic and go thru the below What is MIRV launching different / multiple payloads in different orbits at some time interval ? right it involves mounting BUS and seperation of multiple payload technology...
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    MIRV: game changing weapons system held by India and China

    dont be so sure you may be in for a real big surprise
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    Was Jinnah Killed??

    indian origin pakistani how about that ?
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    DRDO working with MBDA for Akash Mk2 SAM

    maitri not happening there is no contract yet
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    Grandmaster Putin’s Trap

    yes but with 18% of the uranium used in nuke reactors in US coming from Russia can US stop this despite of sanctions ?
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    Grandmaster Putin’s Trap

    the points to undeerstand is 1. The oil prices are depressed artifically 2. The Dollar is being kept inflated 3. The prices of Gold is ebing depressed what russia is doing is selling Oil & Gas which the europe cant do without Selling Uranium to US which the US cant do without earning...
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    Grandmaster Putin’s Trap

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    Grandmaster Putin’s Trap

    Grandmaster Putin’s Trap Thu, Dec 25, 2014 Russia, United States By Dmitry KALINICHENKO (Russia) Accusations of the West towards Putin are traditionally based on the fact that he worked in the KGB. And therefore he is a cruel and immoral person. Putin is blamed for everything. But nobody...
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    Breaking news: AirAsia plane missing with 162 passengers!

    no i guess he is pakistani
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