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  1. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    Stu. We all know Iran n hizbshitan n syrian regime have NO INVOLEVEMENT in this war room. But they only want to claim this victory for their own bc they are cowards and have no balls to do what HAMAS has done
  2. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

  3. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    We want Abu Ubaida for presedent of the muslim world
  4. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    Im serious. Taliban and hamas are observing the rulings of the Sharia conserning the matters of war. What's your problem. Do you thing that israel is of use to ur country more than say Turkey or Egypt is? Israel is meaningless. I promise u again no more refugee waves on ur shores is that...
  5. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    Only Taliban and Hamas represent islam in this world
  6. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    Qardawi said thati n the end of the omar pact he told the christians not to accept a jew to live amongst them.
  7. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    A rat doesnt attack in the morning day light. A rat strickes from behind armoured vehicules and from fighter jets.
  8. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    I know israel was founded by prophet solomon AS and rules by the prophets of banu israel for 800 years.. I dont reject that they have historical rights but OMAR RA said the jews were not allowed in ilia إلياء . That is jerusalem. He knew that from the prophet saw no doubt bc the prophet said...
  9. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    Only on I havent seen a violation of the rules of war under sharia done by hamas so far except one minor incident involving a young ticktocking nineteen yo female soldier whos been draged a lil bit violently by a fighter from hamas. Other than that no violation registred. I ve seen hamas...
  10. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    No one can save the jews. No the US nor Russia nor Europe nor China... Allah is with the mujahedeen. This is Taliban 2.0
  11. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    Breaking news STATEMENT FROM TALIBAN: We will “Conquer Jerusalem” if the Countries of the Middle East grant us passage to Israel
  12. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    R u kidding me. The al 3ohda al omaria states clearly the jews r forbidden into Jerusalem. Do u challege sayiduna Omar RA? He was the second right hand man. The jews have no claim in palestine or israel call it whatever. If we make it about the ideology of straight vs non straight its even...
  13. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    I never knew destroying jeep is this easy
  14. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    Na7no no7ibo yahud walakin yahud maghareba. Do you get it? We love the moroccan jews the r our neighbours we protect them just like any other muslims. But we dont support jews who kill palestinians in israel. Is that hard to understand? Our king will tell you the same thing
  15. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    Hamas mujaheden protect israeli hostage woman Palestinians send Israeli woman and child to safety:“Humanity is with us, not with them. Cover up, cover up, she has a baby. Don't worry, no one will touch you." Humanity Above
  16. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    We dont hate wallahi i dont hate them. I just want them to leave. Palestine belongs to muslims the prophet saw said it. Allah swt does not hate the jews . Allah swt defends the palestinian believers against the opression of the jews. We dont hate the world. We just want the world to conveet to...
  17. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    Listen greec guy i respect ur country n history. The jews are bad for u as well as they r bad for us and for all humanity. Step aside and let the mujaheden handel dis ok. I promise u the world will be a better place without them.
  18. islamrules2020

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    There is no arrogance we r advancing slowly and peacefuly. They r the ones getting mad about it and not wanting to play fair. The far right isnt going to do a thing its too late for them. Before they konw it islam will take over without a fight n dat goes along with the ahadit of the prophet...
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