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  1. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Stfu soon u evangelical mtfkers will have more muslim neighbours than mexicans n chinese. N most of them r from middle eastern descent.
  2. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Relax we r terriioorrrisst and savages. They can keep international reputation and simpathy. And we can celebrate victory on the ground
  3. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Non state actors. Just like isis. Millions of volounteers in need of only one opening 5 meters in the fortified jewish wall then they will flood the borders Ww3 isnt going to be between states. Is like guerilla war and a civil war mixed toghether
  4. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Thats what im talking about. They r submessive and they love the jews.
  5. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    80 per cent of Iran and Turkey are drunk secular kuffars who do not know where they come from. Thats their reality on the ground and their gvts know that they just want credit from the muslims and fear the backclash from the other kuffars at the same time. For them its a game. Meanwhile 90 per...
  6. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Wa sa7bi nobody caaaaares about it. kuffars will never be pleased with a muslim and UNCALL him a terrorist until he turns his back on islam. That pressure worked on kuffars like / arab leaders / erdogan / aliev / qadirov... But the Mujahedeen dont care about it. They smash that pressure like...
  7. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    https://x.com/AbuGhaith85/status/1711166508464750936?s=20 Palestinian fighter says they kill military jews and they spare elders and handicaped people following the will of the prophet saw They cant go in. Egyptians wont accept it. I know Allah swt will send help from Egypt
  8. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    We dont negociate with terrorists sorry. Im not gonna negociate something non negociable with someone who negociated about a cow with the Almighty swt. Please understand islam is peace and love and justice but we have to fight n kill them evil jews. They r evil very bad and evil.
  9. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Egypt is the only hope for Gaza. I believe Egyptians are tge true muslims. They will save Gaza but not in a conventional manner
  10. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Curse anyone who is gonna try to persue Hamas to negociate a deal for the jewish hostages. And im thinking of one particular individual.
  11. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    D Dont say stupid shit bro . Ur on our side. Israel is weaaak no mosad no shit. They r weak repeat after me
  12. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Hhhh ur trying to paste ur first consperacy theory with some logical argument like miscalculation hhhh Miscalculation is more idiotic than mooosads inside jooob hhh
  13. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Could a brother be more kuffar
  14. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    He hates Arabs because Arabs are muslims and clean. All kuffars hate Arabs because kuffars ENVY Arabs and Muslims for they still keep their HONOR MANHOOD AND DIGNITY in a world full of colors and shittinest not to say more. Thats why they hate Muslims and Arabs.
  15. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    We clean up five times a day. We like woman. Like real men do. U dont know what that is!
  16. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    They lived like shit and died like shit. This is the story of the shittiest life of the Jews.
  17. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Arabs r good generous people. At least they r not fags nor racists nor do they worship a dead drunk pig.
  18. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Hamas represents me as a muslim. So I suppose I am too a Terrioriiisssst. We all Muzlim terrioriiisssts. Long live terrioriiisssmm.
  19. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Prepare them some 5 star hotels cause they r coming to Turkey and Azerbaijan by the thousands lol Turkey is a jew loving place.
  20. islamrules2020

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    **** evil china and evil Russia. We dont need them. We only need one legion of a thousand of TALIBAN to drop off in Sinai and cross the borders like Egyptian soldier ibrahim salah.
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