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  1. islamrules2020

    TURKEY break dependence on Foreign Military Technology ( all projects with details )

    very strong military indeed, Turkey will play a major role in the next great war, but still I can't tell weather Turkey will be on the side of Islam or on the other side, all depends on the Turkish people
  2. islamrules2020

    Muslim leaders visit Auschwitz prior to liberation anniversary

    the Jews are lying about the holocaust, nevertheless, the recent events of the previous decade have shown the reality of things, the Jews are the number two enemy of Islam far behind the number one enemy who is the Muslims themselves .I m not worried about the Jews, but the evil Munafiquines...
  3. islamrules2020

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    I was referring to the hadith about the siege of sham from the Romans after the siege of Iraq by the Ajam(the UN) which has already occurred, I taught u knew it,anyways Syrians and Palestinians will not suffer forever.
  4. islamrules2020

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    "The EU will keep the sanctions against the Assad regime (Sham) under review as long as these brutal attacks continue," it added. u know what this means, everything is going according to Allah's plan :pop:
  5. islamrules2020

    Yet another nation destroyed by Western powers in the ME

    I belong to islam first, Morocco second. some turks, some egyptians, some Moroccans .. are hardcore Zionists, that's how it is, I am not saying Egypt as a country is Zionist but the pharaoh of Egypt is, as for Turkey it can not deny it has relations, but its fighting over gas routes with...
  6. islamrules2020

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    yes, they think putin has won, little that they know, this war ends with the greatest geopolitical event the world will face since the WW2.
  7. islamrules2020

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    what do u mean ? didn't Putin won the war ?
  8. islamrules2020

    UAE's Barakah nuclear plant said to be operational in Q1 2020

    how about a stupid employee, if not a cyber attack, it's doable without military strength
  9. islamrules2020

    Yet another nation destroyed by Western powers in the ME

    well, u r a typical Egyptian under a typical Egypt which is the castle of Zulm, a prison for the righteous, a political system that keeps repeating itself since +4000 bc, a Pharaoh + Haman + their armies + their magicians + and finally their people, I believe Sisi is the pharaoh, a treacherous...
  10. islamrules2020

    Yet another nation destroyed by Western powers in the ME

    I am a Moroccan, we are neutral about Libya, Haftar or Qaddafi or Sarraj doesn't change in our situation a single thing, but I am speaking from an Islamic point of view, haftar is a coward dictator supported by Qaddafis loyalists, I know for sure Turks want oil and gas but also does Sisi, he...
  11. islamrules2020

    UAE's Barakah nuclear plant said to be operational in Q1 2020

    What if the reactor goes BOOOM for some reason ? like some technical failure or some Houthi UAV attack ? or a Daesh attack ? that is very dangerous I think
  12. islamrules2020

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    I am not an idiot, I am a University AP, I do mathematics which is the closest u can get to science and logical thinking. I dont care if Tomorrow Turkey becomes like Japan or S korea (what ever that means),I just dont accept for radical seculars to accuse Islam of something untrue, I know that...
  13. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    the Greeks are not worth it, the whole of Europe is not worth it, Turkey can deal with them easily without firing a bullet, but the main problem is in the Muslim people, we are divided as a nation, Libyans are not united, and the Zionist UAE Saudi Sisi Alliance is very strong and has infinite...
  14. islamrules2020

    Yet another nation destroyed by Western powers in the ME

    I don't blame anyone but the Libyans themselves, they only answer to dictatorship, they can't unite under a free democratic country. we (Morocco) tried to help them unite peacefully but they wouldn't . the weird thing, is that zionist wannabe superpower arab state UAE, this country has nothing...
  15. islamrules2020

    60 killed in a Houthi missile and drone attack on Saudi-led coalition forces in Marib, Yemen

    Yemen Iraq and Syria, the 3 countries are mentioned in the Hadith, all are suffering from wars simultaneously, but to be fair, we have not reached the mass killing phase just yet, the frightening is that the generations of kids in these countries especially don't know how to read the name of...
  16. islamrules2020

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    this accusation is frequently repeated against Islam and backed up with nationalistic feelings,but in fact geopolitically, the best thing for Turkey is to go on full Islamic mode, to fill up the hole the Ottomans left (imagine a strong nuclear Turkey forcing decisions on the UNSC, and covering...
  17. islamrules2020

    Turkish SPAAG in Libya

    hopefully peace prevails in Libya at least until regime change in Egypt or Saudi Arabia
  18. islamrules2020

    In first, Turkey included as threat in IDF’s annual intel assessment

    the Jews are behind the Kurdish separatists and also behind the hardcore Turkish secular fundamentalists, I hope Turkey can resist the Zionist control but I doubt it, especially with Arab dictators siding strongly (behind the curtains) with Israel, I feel Turkey might go back to an anti Islamic...
  19. islamrules2020

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Islam is indeed the future of the entire world, not speculations, not delusions, it's going to be, my point is actually being enforced by my studies in the University, I did a prediction on a chronological series with an ARMA model, it shows that Islamic population will be the majority by 2050...
  20. islamrules2020

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Arabism and Turkism has never existed until it was manifactured around the 1900's by the zionist mouvement, they planted the seeds of filthy nationalism in the young "Turks movement" and also in the main universities of the Arab world Damascus and Baghdad ... guess what happened after few years...
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