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  1. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan Air Force Transport

    and how many would that be
  2. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan Air Force Transport

    are those same people gonna pay for it?
  3. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan Air Force Transport

    AP-AUT is still active as 4144. Most recently was seen sporting the Zarb-e-Azb paint scheme in RIAT '16.
  4. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    FT-7 with LIFT Squadron markings in the back tho
  5. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    http://web.archive.org/web/20180223193442/http://pafwallpapers.com/blog/page/5/ Here's a good article on it even tho it's from 2011.
  6. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    I meant Wikipedia's source, at least for the PAF inventory is from Flight Global's World Air Forces 2020
  7. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    "their's" you mean Flight Globals? If you have free time on your hands you can make a somewhat accurate estimate using serial numbers and online database/transfer information etc.
  8. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    no way to externally differentiate the 5PA2 and 5PA3 unless you know the serial numbers
  9. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan Air Force Transport

    when was the squadron the raised? if it is a real squadron that is
  10. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    COAS attends Al Khalid-1 handing over ceromony as CG at HIT - ISPR

    if we produce something at home, it doesn't necessarily mean we will press it into active service
  11. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    COAS attends Al Khalid-1 handing over ceromony as CG at HIT - ISPR

    Can anyone clear out if it's AK-1 or AK-I (improved) you can find that out from the flags and insignia
  12. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan Army Aviation Corps - Updated

    How viable would it be to get a non-US company to supply the engines off the shelf as a stopgap measure until Turkey sorts out the problem on their end?
  13. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Featured 33rd war course graduates from Air War College,along with thirteen allied countries officers

    there are no allies and enemies there are only common interests. If you declare someone an enemy permanently then you've failed at diplomacy
  14. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Featured 33rd war course graduates from Air War College,along with thirteen allied countries officers

    Why are we training Bahrainis and Saudis? Arabs are terrible at modern warfare. Why are we training the Iraqis? They've supported India on Kashmir multiple times. Why are we training Sri Lanka? Last I checked they were still in the Indian camp. Why are we training the Zimbabweans? Not like they...
  15. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    and why, in your opinion, do we need to replace the F-16?
  16. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    Exactly what I did. Might post it here some time or in some fantasy aircraft thread.
  17. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Option for new PAF BVR

    and how can anyone be certain of that if it hasn't seen any combat. The aim-9x was also supposed to have improved tracking and performance against countermeasures but got decoyed by cold war-era flares.
  18. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    shame this website went down, had some great content
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