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  1. opinion786

    The Arabazation of Islam

    I have lived in Dubai, Saudi Arabia and other ME places for long. This is totally wrong that Arabs consider themselves to be superior. Yes, we Pakistani (infact all Asians) have proved ourselves to be just plain ignorant, illiterate and garbage multipliers where ever we reside. Go to any area...
  2. opinion786

    Osama speaks before Obama does

    I condemn OBL's speech and consider it as an intention to sabotage the peace process. I appreciate President Obama for trying to reach out to Muslims. We must never lose hope nor optimism. While it remains evident that policies are unlikely to change in near future.
  3. opinion786

    In Riyadh, Obama to open Muslim dialogue

    Things may or may not change.... peace must always be given a chance! USA will never back off its support for Israel, but if someone is reaching out to us Muslims, don't back off. Islamic history details, how many times the Jews and pagans deceived us, yet beloved Prophet (pbuh) never refused a...
  4. opinion786

    Dr. Afia: Atomic Bomb Informations About Dr. Afia, Dr. Amjad(Afia's Husband) reveals

    Her former husband's narration is proof enough that she was always eager to go on jihad. She wanted him to go with her to Bosnia and later Afghanistan. Her second marriage to Sheikh Khalid Mohammad's nephew, who's a cousin of Ramzi Yusuf, is second proof indicating her ideals. Its pretty evident...
  5. opinion786

    As Fears Grow Over Pakistani President, U.S. Woos Rival

    I also dislike it immensely when I see USA poking around our figureheads and exerting pressure here & there - rethinking their strategy and applying it on PAK as an experiment. Now maybe they realise, with Nawaz little more Pro-Taliban, they'll be able to destabilize PAK faster than this...
  6. opinion786

    Is the economy recovering?

    The economy was resilient and that's exactly why it was able to sustain pressures to an extend, and did not collapse completely. Had our Foreign Reserves of $16.4 billion (Oct 2007) and KSE market capitalization of $75 billion (April 2008) been protected in the first place, we would never have...
  7. opinion786

    Musharraf's interview with David Frost

    Musharraf's interview with Frost (full transcript to read for those that were not able to hear him on YouTube due to slow download etc) Musharraf with ‘Frost over the World’ Our leader - Musharraf
  8. opinion786

    Ode To Karachi

    Great pictures and great work!
  9. opinion786

    Pakistan Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    Excellent website for Economic facts & figures: Economic Pakistan 1- Economic way forward for Pakistan - written by ex- PM Shaukat Aziz 2- Textile Industry 3- Pakistan’s Financial Services Sector (updated) 4- Pakistan’s Hydroelectric Power Development 5-...
  10. opinion786

    Once again, MQM shows Courage

    Personally I dislike Altaf Hussein, but I also appreciate their performance in the last 4 years they have supervised under Mustafa Kamal. I dislike it where there is pure bias. I am more than happy if Shahbaz Sharif delivers for Punjab. I am more than happy if ANP delivers for NWFP. I am happy...
  11. opinion786

    Supreme court of Pakistan and role of agencies

    Pak IB chief submits details of 70 undercover agents to SC In a major embarrassment for the Pakistani security establishment, the chief of the country’s domestic spy agency has blown the covers of over 70 senior operatives in documents presented in the Supreme Court. Details of about 70...
  12. opinion786

    Supreme court of Pakistan and role of agencies

    In countries where the Supeme Court consist of men of high integrity and are not influenced by politicians or bureacracy can think of summoning intelligence agencies INDIRECTLY quietly. The work of intelligence agencies is primarily top-secret concerning national interest. Their...
  13. opinion786

    Once again, MQM shows Courage

    We also remember when fatima bhutto alleged in front of media in 2008 elections, with proves showing empty registers, fake votes being cast in favor of Nisar Khuro. Pictures of Defense Minister (whatever that businessman) stuffing votes in his favor against Chaudhry Shujaat emerged. Voting...
  14. opinion786

    Once again, MQM shows Courage

    Dear bane blade, This is open histor that PML-N was groomed for provincial level by Zia-ul-Haq and for national level after 1988. Nawaz Sharif who now talks a good democratic game, but he too began his career as a protégée of a military dictator. General Zia made him finance minister and then...
  15. opinion786

    Pakistan Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    This is a wonderful page and I really thank NEO for maintaining it! Best Wishes!
  16. opinion786

    Pakistan Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    One more Economic website with facts: Economic Pakistan Pls give suggestions how to improve it. Regards!
  17. opinion786

    Vote: How many people here support US aid? and Why?

    And what is equally great about this IMF loan is that we have to repay them/IMF in 2011 - and I wonder how we'll do that? Also visit: Economic Pakistan to judge the difference.
  18. opinion786

    Vote: How many people here support US aid? and Why?

    Give them 'Qaroon ka Khazana' and they'll wipe it off in 2 months! 4 months was pretty long - considering our army is there to protect us! :pop: The major halt was - in the initial 4 months of PPP around $22 billion ran away to Dubai etc out of fear. DAWN News talked about this several times...
  19. opinion786

    Vote: How many people here support US aid? and Why?

    There are few misperceptions about Aid; At a Washington think tank, a senior expert Flynt Leverett acknowledged Pakistan’s key efforts in the fight against terrorism and came down on critics who in their discussions keep harping on US extending 10 billion dollars in assistance to the...
  20. opinion786

    Vote: How many people here support US aid? and Why?

    Personally, I don't prefer any kind of aid from anyone. We should stand up using our own backbone. But if we are able to extract aid from anyone and also protect our national interest - I don't mind. With the RIGHT leaders we can actaully benefit from this aid - while a dishonest leader (like...
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