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  1. silverox

    What happens to Laos?

    cleanse the earth,do you mean kill everyone? I have never understood God or God as explained in the Abrahamic religion, he was always going to kill everyone and make everyone afraid of him. For East Asian civilization, this kind of god, I won't talk about it,
  2. silverox

    Bangladesh tries to secure wheat from Russia as India stops exports-sources

    What Indian businessmen do best is hoarding and selling at high prices
  3. silverox

    China may be spying on you through your coffee maker, expert says

    Matthew Pottinger ,When him as the Wall Street Journal reporter was working in China, it coincided with a period of great development of social media in China, and anti-establishment people in China made full use of social media to spread the idea of to overthrow the CCP. Matthew Pottinger is...
  4. silverox

    U.S. Government Now Goads India to Invade China

    Indians are a speculative people, and speculation is an important factor in understanding Indian foreign policy. India sees hostile policy towards China as a way to show its importance to the US Therefore, I personally believe that India's hostile policy towards China is to harass China on the...
  5. silverox

    Opinion: China's strategy to cause a regime change in Taiwan

    I think it is possible to choose a city in Taiwan ruled by a Taiwan independence party, destroy it with massive bombing, and then ask the Taiwan government to surrender. If Taiwan does not surrender, it will blow up two more cities ruled by Taiwan independence elements. I recommend using...
  6. silverox

    The China Navy Third Fleet Carrier Battle Group Named PLANS FUJIAN 福建舰 (CVBG-18) Officially Launched !

    After ten years, 001 and 002 can be sold to other countries, and 003 should be modified to replace conventional power with nuclear power
  7. silverox

    Hong Kong was not British colony as China did not recognise unequal treaties ceding city to Britain, new textbooks reveal

    If Hong Kong people don't want to be Chinese, they can immigrate back to their motherland, the United Kingdom. China doesn't owe them anything.
  8. silverox

    India will respond with all might if China hurts our self respect, says Rajnath Singh

    Indian politician's mouth gun,always make yourself ride a tiger and find it hard to get off
  9. silverox

    India struggles but Bangladesh's GDP rides high on manufacturing, export boom

    I bought a black puma T shirt online for 59 yuan, made in Bangladesh. The quality is very poor, there are a lot of thread ends, and the sewing thread is not straight and crooked. To make matters worse, don't know if the bengal used a bad black dye, I washed it a few times and the water turned...
  10. silverox

    China will attack Taiwan anytime in preparations of war drills

    Stupid fake news, if China wants to retake Taiwan and overthrow the separatist regime in Taiwan, as a member of the Chinese system, from the central government to the grassroots party organizations of the Communist Party in the countryside, we will be sent documents by our superiors, mobilized...
  11. silverox

    War between mainland China and Taiwan will bring catastrophy to the global the semiconductor industry

    You're right, Taiwan's monopoly on semiconductor manufacturing is bad for everyone.
  12. silverox

    Xinjiang leak sheds new light on China's 're-education' camps

    This fake Chinese document contains many words that are not used in Chinese documents at all, such as 未尽事宜 (unfinished matters). As soon as I saw this word, I thought, isn't this a commonly used word in the Taiwanese context?,There are many subtle differences between the Chinese words used by...
  13. silverox

    Xinjiang Police Files

    Pakistan should severely suppress the terrorists of the Balochistan independence movement. I suggest that Pakistan should prohibit the teaching of Iranian characters, the cultural infiltration of Iran, and the literature, art, poetry and movies and TV dramas from Iran in school education in the...
  14. silverox

    Xinjiang Police Files

    Calling non-Islamic people as kaffir is racial hatred and racism, this site should block this terrorist ideologue who promotes racial and religious hatred
  15. silverox

    China Again Claims Developing World’s ‘Biggest, Fastest, Greatest’ Project That Can Revolutionize World Order

    Computers and chips were invented because of war. China should immediately carry out the militarization of space and establish a lunar military base within 30-50 years, which can promote various new technological inventions.
  16. silverox

    Alibaba quits from Indian Paytm Mall. Will more Chinese companies leave India?

    Chinese people do not understand the psychology of Indians. In the eyes of Indians, making Indian money in India is colonialism. If India reaches the economic and military scale of China today, the US will find out what a weak imaginary enemy China is. Indians are a speculative nation with...
  17. silverox

    Apple display supplier BOE may lose all iPhone 14 orders after trying to cheat

    China could imitate the despicable tactics commonly used by Indians by banning the sale of iPhones unless products from Chinese companies are used. If Apple doesn't do this, of course, it will send Apple's stock price down
  18. silverox

    China builds 'xiaokang border defence village' in Arunachal: Implications for India's security

    I really hate wasting money in these places, these people can cross the border and go to India to be Indians if they don't want to be Chinese.
  19. silverox

    China manufacturing output drops to lowest level in 2 years

    India's economic performance is still very strong in developing countries, but this needs to be observed in ten years. As far as I guess, India will reach a per capita GDP of $5,000
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